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"Kerr! Kerr! They are here!" Colette exclaimed. The black limos were coming up the tall hill and she clapped her hands in excitement. Her cousin did not seem to be anywhere in sight and with only a few seconds would the five contestants be standing here... without him. "Stay here. Focusing on the limo," she instructed the cameraman. 

Within just a few seconds, Colette dragged Kerr out into the front lawn half-dressed (he had his pants and shirt on of course... this is family-friendly).

"Colette!" Kerr glared at her as he held a hairbrush and toothbrush. "You could have stalled for me."

"You should have gotten up early like me," she informed him as she used her vamp-ability to comb his hair. 

He glanced at his bare feet then back at her. She raised an eyebrow before turning away, nearly smacking her hair in his face. "Just stay out of the background then. As for your toothbrush just throw it into the lawn, you can pick it up after we welcome our winners."

Kerr let out a sigh and threw his toothbrush into the lawn. "I should have became a engineer like father said." 

The black limos abruptly stopped and five young adults came tumbling out at their feet. The limos quickly drove off leaving them to the two hosts. 

"Why such the rough handling? I was practically adult-napped from my house," A female with green eyes, one showing a little blue, asked. She stumbled up and offered her hand to another contestant. 

He accepted it and said, "To be honest, I don't mind. I'd rather be snatched from Wendy's anytime..." they glanced at their phone, "and they are still paying me... sweet." 

"Bro... you work at Wendy's! If I order a salad right now, will you make it and give it to me for free?" the girl asked. 

He slowly backed up and glanced around. "I... uh... sure?"

A short girl with floral print and pizza print socks looked at a guy with a battle helmet and an ax, "Did they snatch you while you were at a cosplay event?"

The guy raised an eyebrow and looked down at her before giving her a friendly punch on her shoulder. His laugh carried throughout the area as he said, "You're funny! That's great! You really think I go to those fake things." 

She squeaked as she stumbled from the punch and hit another girl that was taking in the house. "But I wasn't joking," she mumbled.

 The group composed themselves, realizing the cameras were already rolling for their entrance. Colette looked like she was not trying to laugh and break down at the same time, (What a great way to start the premiere off!). Kerr unfazed stepped up to the five lovely people, "Welcome! Can I get your names and maybe take a swing at the cameraman?"

"I, Bjorn Thorvald, will be the first victim, to protect the dudes and dudettes," the tall male stated as he stepped forward. His stance quickly change in defense and he started to swing at the poor cameraman. "YEEEEEEETTTT!!" The cameraman squeaked and dropped the broken camera. "Where is your inner man!? You heard the host! Fight!"

Colette choked and nearly fell over at the scene.

"Ahhhh no stop, Bjorn! I did not literally mean take a swing at the cameraman!" Kerr yelled as he tried to chase after the man. Bjorn stopped and turned to Kerr, the cameraman on the ground in literal tears. Seeing his chance he quickly stumbled up and into the house, away from Bjorn.

"Oh sorry. I thought we were like going to all fight or something. Kind of glad because I really did not want to hurt those four frail beings," he looked at the four other adults who seemed to be somewhere between shock and terrified. "Just look at them. They need protecting."

Colette who managed to finally composer herself, marched forward and held out her hand. "Give it to me."

Bjorn stared at his ax before gripping it tighter. "No. How will I protect people from the Norse monster that lurk this streets at night."

"I already have that covered. Now give me," Colette said. Her brown eyes challenged his blue eyes. Sighing, he dropped the ax into her hand, which caused her to stumble forward from the unexpected weight. 

He started to turn away but Kerr caught his arm. "All of it. No weapons allowed."

Giving in, Bjorn started to empty his bags, jacket, boots, beard, and socks until their was a large pile that was fit for an army. Only then did he turn away to the others that were gawking at the sight. 

"You," Kerr pointed at a random crew person. "Uh... find somewhere to put this."  

A new cameraman came forward and went to the next person. The poor punched girl was next and she still rubbed her sore arm. "Okay look, I really don't want to be here, do I have to say something- OH, you're rolling?! Now?!"

The cameraman nodded.

She smiled into the camera, "Uh, I mean, woo, adventure... axes... punches... I am Lydia and yay." 

The next was a woman with curly brown hair. Her hazel eyes seemed to be focusing on everything but the cameraman that had the camera almost right in her face. Her gaze slowly swept to the camera and she stopped humming her tone. "Oh uh! Why did I do this to myself again... oh shoot, we're starting, uh... What do I say... Hi, I am Sophia! I hope that is good."

The Wendy's guy glanced at the camera and give a small wave, "... sup. I'm that local Wendy's guy, Max, and I guess I give away free stuff. So boss if you're watching this, which I highly doubt, you can not fire me now because I am famous." 

The very last contestant stood munching on a salad (that she somehow got from Max). "Oh kurwa!"

"No swearing on my show, please! This is family-friendly show!" Colette yelled to her and she helped carried the last bit of weaponry of the set.

"I'm not allowed to swear here?" she frowned, "Oh kurwa, what do I do with all those swear words I put in my script?"

"Name, miss?" the cameraman said in a tired tone.

"Lyudmila but please just call me Lyu."

Kerr sighed loudly before putting on the fakest smile every seen to mankind. "Great now that introduction are finally over we can actually start the show!"


Man that was great. Ill post a connections page in a bit so you can decide stuff. so yeah, what did you think of this prologue? I really enjoyed that short battle scene of like Bjorn basically roasting everyone and showing his dominance (not that he meant to but yeah)

Bjorn: *t-pose*

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