Boom Boom almost Bang

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Brook's P.O.V.

"Where are we going?" I giggled/whispered as he pulled me through the halls of a dark building, "You're not gonna kill me, are you?"

"No and you know just because it's dark doesn't mean you have to whisper," he said going to a handle, turning the lights on.

I looked around and soon realized where we were. My eyes widened in shock, I really just couldn't even believe it.

"Are we..." I started unable to finish my sentence, my drunkeness made me break into a fit of giggles.

"Yes we are in The Garden," he laughed wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Isn't this like illegal," I laughed as we made our way to the court.

"Ya probably," he smiled down at me.

"How'd you get the keys to The Garden," asked twirling around the middle of the court.

"I worked here one summer, I passed out programs and I managed to swipe a pass key before I got fired," he explained while grabbing a basket ball.

"Why'd you get fired?" I questions placing my heals, that I had removed a long time ago, on a near seat.

"There was an incident with the mascot. I may or may not have pissed in his pot of gold," he answered throwing me the ball as I laughed. "You ever played H.O.R.S.E. in the Garden?"

"Nope, but I gotta say," I smiled throwing the ball into the hoop, "I'm pretty badass at H.O.R.S.E. I'm like the LeBron James of my family."

"Okay, okay," he mumbled as he threw the ball at the net, completely missing.

"Haha sucks to suck, you get an H," I laughed grabbing the ball. I started bouncing it, getting ready to throw again but I noticed that Colin had sat down. He was undoing his laces to take his shoes off, "What are you doing?"

"We're playing strip H.O.R.S.E. Is there another kind?" he asked slipping his shoes off.

"Well I mean there's the the version where clothes stay on," I explained standing in front of him.

"What's fun about that?" he smiled getting up to stand next to me, "Alright H."

This changes things a bit, Colin has many articles of clothing that he can slowly shed throughout the game but if I miss one basket I'm gonna be almost naked. This is gonna be interesting.

"Ok let's do this," I said bouncing the ball on the floor as hard as I could to make it bounce into the basket, which it did.

Colin laughed catching the ball as it fell through the hoop, "Okay, okay." He bounced the ball attempting to copy my trick but failed as the ball bounced off the ring of the hoop.

I laughed smirking as he removed his socks gaining an O. Once he was ready to get back in the game I placed myself looking away from the hoop and threw the ball behind me successfully getting it in.

"Oh my god!" Colin shouted as I handed him the ball.

"Try and beat that, amateur," I told him while patting his back.

He sighed taking my previous stance, looking back a few times before taking the shot and missing completely.

"Wow you really suck at this," I taunted pulling his sweater off for him. What? Although, like I said previously, there's nothing going on between us, it's nice to see him shirtless.

Or sometimes naked.

We kept on playing, me doing different trick shot to impress him and him failing to copy them until he was all the way down too his underwear.


I mean, oh who am I kidding.


The next round I let him go first. He threw the ball around his legs a few time before throwing it and for the first time ever, he actually got the shot. Something tells me he sucked on purpose so that he could tease me. Once he's in his underwear and just stays there, taunting me.

I sighed grabbing the ball to imitate him but it was a bit hard since the dress was quite constricting and once I finally threw the ball, I missed completely.

"Oh god," I sighed slumping my arms in defeat.

"That's an H," Colin smirked, "you know what that means."

I glared at him before slowly slipping off my dress to reveal my black laced bra and pantie set.

"Damn," he wolf whistled at my almost naked form, "wow, it's like you knew we were gonna strip together."

"God. If you must know I always like to look good under my clothes in case something turns up. And I kinda thought I was gonna maybe get laid," I told him blushing as I used the ball to cover up my body.

"Well the night is young," he retorted.

"This is so unfair," I mumbled ignoring his sexual comment.

"Well that's the game," he answered putting his hands on his hips.

"Well the game's changed, it's one on one now," I said throwing the ball at his chest. He caught it with an ounf and we continued the game.

He walked up to me with his best sexy runway look while holding the ball out for me. I grabbed it without hesitation, bouncing it around his flailing body and throwing it into the hoop.

This went on for a while, me shooting, then him shooting, then me shooting again until Colin went for the bold move of grabbing my ass to distract me. I just gave him a look before pushing him to the ground and shooting.

The next round I did the same from behind causing him to giggle as I smiled widely. He turned around to throw the ball but laughed when he faced me causing him to wrap his arms around my neck while still holding the ball. I laughed with him wrapping my arms around his biceps.

Things soon became serious as he stayed that way without moving. He looked down at me and I saw some sort of sincerity in his eyes. It was like time had stopped and we could just stay there forever looking into each other's eyes and to be honest I wouldn't mind if we did. I was falling hard for this playboy and I didn't know how to stop it.

He soon moved throwing the ball into the basket. He had successfully distracted me and as always I had fallen for something that wasn't real.

I just pretended to laughed pushing his shoulder as we continued to play. Although, we were soon interrupted by the sound of doors opening.

"Someone's coming," I whispered.

"Here put this on," he whispered back tossing me his button up shirt as he pulled his pants back on.

"What about the dress," I asked slipping on the shirt.

"I have an idea," he said placing his last article of clothing on before bending down, "get the dress and get on my back."

"What?" I questioned clearly confused as to what he was plotting, we need to hurry up if we don't want to get arrested.

"Just do it," he told me. I sighed complying. "Now hang the dress on the hoop. It'll be a souvenir for the guard."

I giggled doing as he said before he decided to run out of the court with me still on his back. I let out a small squeal quickly stoping him to get my shoes.

What? Just because I was loosing the dress today doesn't mean I have to loose the shoes too.

He then continued running until we were completely far away from the Garden, that's when he finally let me down.

"Oh my god I can't believe we just did that!" I laughed as we skipped around the docks.

"Oh I think that dress is gonna look good on him," Colin laughed back referring to the guard.

"It's a good thing you can play instruments cause you're a failure at basketball," I patted him on the back.

"Well you can't be good at everything it just wouldn't be fair," he smiled down at me, "yet you do a pretty good job at it."

"Oh please I was part of the basketball team at school. I was good at it but I never really loved it though. My mom always forced it on me though. She said I either pursue that or become a scientist," I smiled looking down.

"What do you love?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I chuckled unsure of myself.

"Come on yes you do. For example, I love to play music but only when it's my own stuff," he explained.

"Well that's not gonna pay the bills," I told him.

"Stop avoiding the question," he sighed putting his hands in his pockets.

"I guess I love to sing my own stuff too but I mean I'm not gonna make any money from it. I got a better career just modelling or marketing like Ally or just playing basketball like my mom wants me to," I said honestly. It's true I'm not gonna make money by singing it's too hard to get into that business.

"How do you know you've never tried," he suggested making me chuckle.

"Well I've never jumped into the Harbour either but that doesn't mean it's a good idea," I laughed sarcastically.

"I think it's a great idea," he responded stopping me in place.

"What?" I asked completely shocked by his response.

"I think it's the best idea you've ever had," he said looking at me seriously.




"Yesssss," he started singing while pulling the zipper of his sweater down, "We are gonna jump in the Harbour! Let's go!"

He ran towards the water stripping on the way. I almost left but something came over me and I followed him. Once we were completely naked we stopped right at the edge of the dock and turned to each other. We took a small moment to be pervs by checking each other out then Colin extended his hand for me. I took it, placing my small one in his big one and just like that we jumped.

At first it almost felt like something from a movie, it felt magical but once we hit the water...

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO FUCKING COLD!" I yelled as we both hit the surface.


We both laughed while swimming back to the surface before freezing to death.


Once we got back to my apartment we were still laughing. In all honesty this was the best birthday I've ever had. I had so much fun with Colin. I wouldn't change this day for the world.

"I can't believe you finally got me to get naked for you," chuckled as I went to my closet to find actual clothes.

"Well my shirt does look good on ya," he smiled getting a water bottle from the fridge.

"I'm glad that you agree cause I'm keeping it," I grinned, it was a really comfortable shirt and it may or may not smell like him. And he may or may not smell AMAZING.

"No you're not. I can't afford to loose anymore shirt, women are always stealing my shirts," he explained.

I rolled my eyes at his comment making my way to stand in front of my bed so I could actually see him. "Women are borrowing you're shirts Colin. They fully intend to give them back to you but then you never call."

He gave me a bit of a puzzled look, putting his (well my) water down, "So you're saying that if I have fewer one night stands I'll have more shirts?"

"Ya probably," I smiled placing my hands on my hips as he moved to stand in front of me.

"Well then that settles it," he started while unbuttoning a button on my (well his) shirt. My eyes widened, I was so distracted by the conversation that I didn't even notice the change in his eyes. They were a lot darker now a full of lust. Oh boy. "I'm changing my ways and I'm not gonna loose anymore shirts."

"Really?" I asked as barely a whisper. The fact that he kept on unbuttoning was making it hard for me to even make full sentences.

"Really," he assured opening the shirt to look at my almost completely exposed body. I was still wearing my underwear but I had lost my bra somewhere at the docks. "In fact I think I'm gonna take this one back right now."

His husky voice was turning me on in so many different ways and I didn't know what to do about it. A part of me wanted to pounce on him but the other part was holding back. He still had a reputation he still... He was still him.

My hormones had another idea since without thinking I stuttered out, "Good for you."

He slowly gave my body one more look before we both pounced on each other. My arms wrapped around his neck as one of his hands wrapped around my waist while the other one held my head. Our lips moved together in sync as we kissed each other passionately, yet rushed at the same time. Our arms kept moving too, my favourite moment was when his hands gripped my ass and mine ran over his deliciously incredible abs. Things became so heated that I actually got enough courage to undo his belt. I wasn't able to finish because he started pushing me back until we both fell onto the bed. He continued to kiss me feverishly as he hovered on top of me.

Although I was quite enjoying myself I had to stop him, I had to be the responsible adult, "Wait," I said pushing him off me a bit.

"It's ok I have one," he whispered putting his lips back on mine. Although I was surprised that he had brought a goddamn condom that didn't solve my conundrum.

"No," I mumbled on his lips, "we have to slow down I just wanna make sure it's right."

Colin seemed quite serious about wanting to sleep with me but I needed to be sure that he truly wanted to start a relationship with me as much as I did. That he was serious. I mean I did already sleep with him but in a way it didn't count, it wasn't real. I was drunk and he doesn't even remember it. It's best if he just doesn't know, at least for now.

"Okay, okay that fine," he replied settling himself to lie next me as he looked my body over a few more times for good measures. God I felt so exposed to him right now, I lied on my back with the shirt almost completely open, just barely covering my nipples. "What if I just put it in a little bit, it won't even count."

He pressed his lips before I giggled at his response. "My friend Eileen says it counts."

He sighed kissing me again, "What about like that much?" he asked showing me a length of about 15 centimetres with his hands, "That's nothing, you won't even feel it."

I gave him a playful glare as he pecked my lips again. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"I understand that's fine," he smiled down at me while closing up my shirt and placing his hand on my belly, "but I am gonna keep kissing you."

"Good," I smiled as he pressed his lips back onto mine for a night full of love.

And by love I don't mean making love.



I hope you guys liked it. I had so much fun writing this so I hope you guys enjoyed.



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