Moderately Happy Birthday

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Brook's P.O.V.

"Well that could be interpreted in many different ways. Do you mean like if we slept in the same bed or..." I trailed off.

"I mean did he stick it in you!" She shouted.

"Yes!" I yelled running over to my closet, I don't know why exactly, but I was probably just gonna go die there or something.

"Who, What, When, Why, Where, How?" she ran towards me to get every single detail about it.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of questions, I had to take a moment just to answer one of them, "Ok um, Colin, sex, the day or night, I guess, before we saw the weird puppet guy, I was really really drunk, he was too I don't think he remembers, his apartment and I don't need to explain what sex is to you, you've already screwed 20 different guys."

"Wait so you're saying that you slept with our neighbour, who has no recollection of the events and you're just telling me now?!" she exclaimed sounding angry.

"Yes," I sighed plopping down onto the couch.

"Why?" she asked sitting down next to me.

"I don't know, I was drunk and I mean come on he's so hot. I guess I had forgotten he was a dick from all the alcohol," I grumbled as I rubbed my temple gently.

"Well congrats sis, you slept with your first playboy!" she cheered hugging me from behind.

I immediately pushed her off, "Ally this isn't funny! I mean God, I wanted to be a virgin when I met the one but now I'm on strike two! Two!"

"Calm down, things don't always turn out the way you want them to, especially when your goal is kinda unrealistic when your a hormone filled teenager," she sighed sitting next to me.

"Coming from the woman who's tracking down her exes so she doesn't sleep with more than 20 guys?" I slowly smiled turning to her.

"Oh well at least I have more chances to get the guy than you do," she sassed back giving me a serious look. I returned the same look but we couldn't hold it for long until we finally bursted out into a fit of laughter.


Today was the day. The inevitable date with mister Robert Blake. God I haven't been this nervous since my mom forced me to sing at that benefit.

Anyways I put on my dress, some light makeup and let my hair hang loose on my shoulders. I was ready and damn did I look good.

As I was about to grab my purse there was a knock on the door. I snatched it quickly and ran to the door opening it to find him standing on the other side.

"Uh hi," he sheepishly greeted me while rubbing the back of his neck. He was just as adorkable as he was online! He wore a tux that was complimented nicely with a bow tie. "You look beautiful," he smiled down at me, to be honest the immense height difference made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Thank you," I smiled up at him.

"Shall we?" he asked extending his arm out for me, what a gentleman.

"We shall," I giggled taking his hand as he lead me to the stairs, closing the door behind me. Just as we were about to go, a voice interrupted us.

"Hey Brook?" I was startled at first but quickly turned around to be faced by my neighbour. He looked between Rob and I.

"Hi, Colin this is Rob," I began introducing them to each other. I turned to Rob, "Rob this is my neighbour, Colin. He convinced me to join the online dating world where I met you."

"Nice to me you," he said extending his hand to the blue eyed man.

Colin looked him up and down then turned to me. Rob was forced to awkwardly retract his hand. "Can I hang out in your apartment?"

"Already, Shea? Jeez here," I said throwing him the keys so he could escape from girl number 12 192 338 269.

"Thank you, I owe you!" he smiled running into my apartment and slamming the door behind him.

"What was that about?" my date asked curiously.

"It's a long story."

Let's see I know you guys don't really care about the date cause you're here either cause you just wanna read a story where I have a happy ending with Colin or you wanna read about me having sex with Colin. I'm not judging, I like some good old smut every once in a while. Trust me you'll get both soon enough.

Ok let's see I guess I'll just sum up most of what happened so that you don't get bored.

The date started off pretty well, I mean he seemed like a really nice guy. Seemed. We talked about our interest and personal lives, I really though we were hitting it off. The problem was when he excused himself to the bathroom.

At first I didn't think anything of it, he probably just had to pee or something so I took the time to call Colin. He told me how he had gone through my playlist and found all my Lionel Richie songs. He then took a picture of himself and sent it to me. I wasn't really surprised to find him taking a bubble bath in my tub. I laughed it off and continued to wait for Rob but he just wouldn't come.

That was a poor choice of words for what's about to happen.

I decided to get up and head to the bathroom to see what was taking him so long. God I wish I hadn't. I slowly knocked on the door and called him, "Rob, you ok in there?"

"Ya just a sec!" he called out as I heard a lot of shuffling.

I became very suspicious and decided to open the door to the men's bathroom to find him leaving a stall while fixing his belt, another man following him.

My eyes widened causing him to do the same thing, "Brook it's not what it looks like!"

I rolled my eyes and left the restaurant leaving him and his boyfriend to deal with the check.

I couldn't believe it! Who asks a girl out on date then leaves to go fuck another dude?!  Was I that boring? Like wtf is wrong with him?! I'm so puzzled right now.

This really shouldn't of bothered me as much as it did but I couldn't help but cry as I walked down the street. I was headed back to my apartment but God knows how long it would take me to get back home, the restaurant was so far from my place. Half way through my walk I had take of my heels and hold them for the rest of my journey. I really should of called a cab or something but I was so depressed that the idea had slipped my mind.

Once I got back home I climbed up those dreaded while slumping my shoulders. I was completely ready to just fall asleep when I got to my apartment but I was greeted by Colin instead.

"Wait, wait, wait. Stay right there,"  he told me as he shuffled around the dark room.

"What are you doing here?" I sighed as I watched him run around, "I'm not depressed enough to sleep with you."

"Close your eyes," he simply replied.

"That not gonna help," I answered putting my hands on my waist. I gave in anyways and closed my eyes.

"And..." he started, "open them!"

I heard a clicking noise then did as he said. Opening my eyes I found my instruments in different parts of my apartment. They were all set up and ready to play with a stand and chair. But the best part of it all were the spotlights. Each section had a light that was shining on that specific area giving it an amazing look. I was surprised to say the least. It was all truly amazing.

"Happy Birthday!" Colin cheered as he got me out of my daze.

"How'd you know?" I questioned turning my full attention to him.

"Ally told me. She also said that you don't like to celebrate since you're birthdays are always crappy, so I decided to change that. What do you think? Did I do alright?" he smiled genuinely at me.

"This is one of the best birthday presents I've ever had," I smiled back, "So ya you did alright."

He chuckled in response to my joke, "My wiring is a little spotty ,every time these go on your bathroom light burns out but I think it's worth it," he said pointing to the sax and the guitar sections.

I walked over to the keyboard and took a closer look at everything, this was incredible, it was like I had my own stages in my home.

"Thank you, Colin," I said sitting in the spot behind the keyboard.

"No problem, once I saw the guy I knew he was gay so I wanted to make something special to cheer you up," he answered causing me to snap my head at him.

"Wait you knew and you didn't say anything about it?" I asked him.

"Would you of believed me?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Ok fine I get it," I surrendered slouching down in my seat.

He smiled walking over to the kitchen, "You hungry?"

"Starving," I replied getting up from my seat and following him.

I sat at the kitchen table eating my pizza as Colin came back with our third round of beer.

"Ok so good news, I found Julie from college, she is a man now and she's single," he suggested making me throw my pizza crust at him, "she's cute. Looks like Ralph Macchio."

"I don't think Ally's ready for that," I laughed, "Then again I don't think she'll ever be so..."

He laughed in response, then changed the subject, "So do you think that if the guy would of been straight that it might of worked out?"

"God no, he seemed like he was quite proper and stuff..." I started but was cut off.

"Cause he was gay," Colin interjected.

"Still I mean he seemed like the kind of guy who would date a lady and I'm definitely not a lady," I said while stuffing another slice of pizza in my mouth.

"You're a lady, "said as he watched me eat, "You're lots a lady. You're once, twice, twenty times a lady."

He quickly got up grabbing my guitar and sat on the couch.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as he set up the guitar.

"Well 20 is a big number, it's the amount of people Ally's slept with! So I got a second part to your gift. I am going to serenade you for your 20th," said as he started playing.

You're once
Three times a lady
I love you

As he continued to sing one of my favourite Lionel Richie songs, in his own way, I danced a long. A bit over exaggeratedly too. I mean I was kinda drunk.

Yeah you're once
Three times a lady
And I love you

Once he finished I clapped at his amazing little performance as he did a little bow, "Thank you, thank you."

"Wow," I breathed sitting down beside him, "Shit. I think I need to either lie down or throw up."

He laughed his adorable laugh as I slouched onto the couch. He did the same, "You okay?"

"Yeah," I replied but then thought a bit about it, "No. I have to go to my sister's wedding alone."

"I'll go with you," he replied catching me by surprise.

"You'd really do that?" I asked, still breathing heavily from all the dancing.

"Ya, why not?" he said as if it wasn't a big deal. For a second there I kinda had hope that he might of developed feeling for me. Kinda like I was for him, but I keep on forgetting that he was a lost cause.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that" I smiled. I then decided to lighten the mood with a joke, "I still think I'm gonna throw up."

He placed his hand on my knee, "Let's get some air." He got up and stood in front of me extending his hands out to help me up. I took them and followed him out of the apartment.

God where was he taking me?


Hope you like it! I can't wait to write the next chapter, STRIP HORSE WITH COLIN!

Next updates:
1. Changed
2. Chris Evans One-Shots
3. Forever Lost
4. Who Are You, Really?


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