Chapter 15

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I swing open my closet and look around for my BatOwl suit. "Where is it!" I was only able to find the mask, but not the rest. "Fucking shit...don't tell me he also it." I mumble as I kept looking.

Fuck it! I'm wearing my old, red, Canadian jacket.

Now I just need a weapon, but that fucking asshole took them. Then my eyes gazed down at his bag. I immediately went up to it and dig in. I found a weird dildo, some handcuffs. What the fuck?! A teddy bear!

I felt something cold brush against my fingers so I pull it out, my eyes widened when I saw it. A fucking pistol.

Once I was ready for the unexpected, I head out of my room quietly, looking at every inch of the house but I saw no nobody here. It was only me.

"Fucking shit...they all left. Wait! Jonathan it's still here!" I ran up to the window of my bedroom and peak out. There he stood smoking by his motorcycle like always.

I head towards the front the door while hiding the pistol in the back of my pants and jacket while I take the mask off and put it in my backpack. That's when it hit me. I didn't see the two bags of money in my closet.

I ran back to my room and swung open the closet doors. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" I yelled out as I look everywhere, almost destroying my hair.

My nose scrunched up as the smell of smoke hit my nose. Then a grunting noise was heard. "Are you looking for the money?" His deep voice made me tense up and freeze in place.

"Who are you guys?" I asked him, ignoring his question. His chuckle sent chills down my spine as I stood up slowly and glare into his eyes. "Well we are the Banana Bus Squad, also known as BBS." He told me as he stood straight and walked up to me slowly.

His finger touch his ear and said, "Shoot."

My eyes widened as a stinging pain started to grow in my leg, making me fall to the floor and grip it. Blood came out of it as I wince and held in my scream.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at him as I grip my bleeding leg. I try my best to get back up and limp up towards the open window, gripping onto the windowsill.

"Pathetic, you're so weak." He told me as he walked up to me and grabbed my hair, feeling it pull my skin as he made me look at him.

"You might of had been the one that killed my sister this whole time. I have a theory that you seduced her and made her like you and then in that night, you killed every single person that night with her and then crashed the motorcycle on purpose onto a parked car. You shot her head while she was in pain and then tried to kill yourself." He said as my eyes widened.

"For your information, I did love her! I would never hurt her! I didn't kill her. A masked man with a weird rainbow hat and expensive shoes was the one that hit us with the car and kill her. She was the first person that made me feel loved and complete." I said as my eyes started to get watery.

"I was planning to try track that guy down all by myself, but then you guys came..." I tell him as I look out the open window then up at him. A small tear slid down my face.

He just looked down at me with a blank expression and then let go of my hair. His hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight, warm hug. His soft heartbeat could be heard which helped me calm down. "If you really did love her then prove it to me by finding this man that you speak of." He said as I felt something sting in my back.

I started to feel a bit drowsy as my leg just gave up on themselves. His arms were still wrapped around me, making sure I don't fall.

I fucking hate you guys.


"Tyler brought the truck." Craig told me as I carried Evan in my arms with a bag filled of clothes and his owl mask. "Good." That's all I said as I walked up to the truck that Tyler brought. It had two big cages in there so I place the sleeping beauty in one of them and get out of the truck.

"Take him Ty!" I yell out at the front as I slam the vehicle's side to let him know. Craig then hopped in the truck in the passenger seat, next to Tyler. The engine of the vehicle roared and then it drove off into the city.

I walk up towards my motorcycle while the rest of the guys went to the car. I get on it and start the engine, driving off into the city too. Following the rest of the guys from behind.

An hour went by once we arrived to our hideout. Which was camouflaged with rest of the buildings. "Where do we put him Jon?" I heard David ask me through the earpiece. "My room." That's all I said while I parked the bike in the garage.

I head inside, seeing everyone sitting down and staring straight at me. "He said that he didn't kill her, that some masked dude with expensive shoes and colorful hat did it." I tell them as I walk up to them and lean against the couch they were all sitting on.

"Does that ring any bells to you?" I asked them all while they think. "He must be one of the rich people from the far east part of the city. That's where rich people live." David said feeling sure about his answer. "Bitch this is the far east of the city." Tyler said with full on seriousness.

I roll my eyes as they all start to argue. I tap Brock's shoulder and told him to come with me, leaving the guys there.

"What do you need Jon?" He asked me as we walked towards my room which is upstairs. "I need you take a bullet out of Evan's leg." I tell him as I open the door.

His sleeping body just laid there peacefully in pain. His leg was wrapped tightly with a towel so that it could absorb his blood. His arms were tied up behind his back really tight.

"Let me just bring me tools and head to work. This will be painful for him." Brock said as he went to his room to get his supplies.

I look over at Evan while he just slept. His skin looks so soft and his lips look a bit glossy even though I know it's chapstick. Who are you in reality? A dead or alive boy?

"I don't want to see the broken and fake you. I want to see the complete and real you. I know that you've been fake smiling the whole time ever since we appeared in your life and you still are. Let me try to make you smile for real at least once, I know I can do it."

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