Chapter 16

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His rough hands caress my bare body while I wore a soft, smooth, and silky lingerie. My breath hitch up as his hot breath hit against my neck, giving me goosebumps.

"Such beauty. Such grace. Like the delicate red rose trapped inside the jar." He said with such a deep and low tone that can make me feel a bit shy and shameful about myself. He was like beast and me the beauty. did I get in this kind of situation? I don't even remember how I got under him. My clothes just disappeared and replaced my boxers with this weird lingerie that felt smooth against my ass.

I look up at his blue eyes which were making me feel calm and relaxed, he was also staring down at me. Suddenly his eyes changed color to a dark brown and his body also started changing into a much thinner and less muscular man. He seemed quite tall, but not as tall than David. Then a outstanding beard grew from his chin.

"Is my little owlet enjoying his treat?" He purred, catching me off guard. His voice was totally different too!

I tried to speak but couldn't. I tried to touch my neck but I felt something tighten my wrists. My eyes look down at my hands and saw ropes tied up around my wrists. Fear slowly started to consume not knowing what's happening. I was bondage in these tight ropes.

I started to pant as something started to vibrate in my ass making me feel a bit uneasy about all of this. This man just chuckled and watched me squirm and whimper.

I tried to scream and tell him to stop but I couldn't.

I'm helpless!

Some ropes slighter their way towards my body, making my legs spread and wrap themselves around my body and legs. They were tightening my skin until his hands wrap around my neck and tighten his grip.

I tried to breathe, but couldn't. I tried to set myself free, but couldn't. I tried to scream, but I also couldn't.

Tears slid down my face while he choked me. Darkness slowly consumed my vision. The last thing that I saw was the horrifying grin on his face.

My eyes immediately opened and gasped for air, thinking I was still in the dream. I tried to move my arms, but they were tied up behind my back.

I start to panic as I look around my surroundings. It was plain dark in here. My anxiety started to rise so I try to wiggle around, but then winced when I moved my leg.

I look down at it and saw half of my pants being ripped open, seeing some bandages so I just sighed and laid there on the soft mattress, staring up at the ceiling.

"Ow..." I winced as I moved my injured leg a bit. An idea appeared in my head so I look over at my right and tried to roll that way. I just rolled like two times and then my body fell off the mattress and hit the floor hard with a loud thud.

"Shit!" I cursed out because I landed on the injured leg. I curled up and and bit my tongue in pain. It was really painful!

a glimpse of light hit face and then lighten up the whole room. I was in a bedroom the whole time?!

"Fucking shit..." Someone cursed out and then felt my body get lifted up and then placed back down on the soft bed again, checking my wound. "You are lucky that the wound didn't open up." He said as I slowly opened my eyes, getting blinded by the light.

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked him as I look over at him. His blue eyes stared down at me with full on emptiness with no expression.

"In our little hideout." He said as he walked over to the closet, taking out something. A pistol. He put it behind his pants and then walked up to me, helping sit up. "I'll take those ropes off, but if you try something funny. I will shoot that other leg of yours." He told me dead serious.

"Do you understand?" He asked me serious. I slowly nodded my head, but he said, "I need a response." "Y-Yes..." "In a complete sentence!" "Yes sir!" I yell out as I look up at him with glaring eyes. "Good." That's all he said as he started to untie my wrists that were hurting as hell.

Once I was free, I rubbed my red marked wrists. "Now get up." He ordered so I slowly try my best to stand and regain my balance so that I wouldn't fall. I cursed silently for accidentally leaning against my dead leg.

He grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me out of the room, leading me down some stairs. My eyes widened not feeling sure about all of this. "Wait!" I yelped as I held the railing tightly, not letting go. He rolled his eyes and stopped.

I limp down the stairs step by step in a slow pace as he just watched from the bottom of the stairs. "Hurry up, I don't have much time to deal with your pain." He said as I finally reach the last step. His hand immediately grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards what it seems to be a living room.

"Finally your ass is up!" I heard that irritating voice which made me groan and look up at this asshole. "Missed me buddy? I know you did miss this handsomely good looking ma-" I cut Tyler off by punching his face.

Jonathan immediately grabbed both of my worst and placed them behind my back harshly with such a strong force. "What did I say about this..." He whispered against my ear while the guys laughed at Tyler. "Sorry...I just wasn't in the mood today." I say with a slight of anger in my tone.

"Hmm I'm letting this one slide." He told me as we both sit down on the soft couch. It wasn't hard, it was comfortable.

"Tyler sit your ass down or else I'll punch that face of yours too." Jon threatened him. "Fine!" Tyler talked back as sat back down on a different couch.

"So Evan, how is your leg?" Brock asked slightly worried as he just stared down at it. I could see a bit of sorrow in his eyes. Maybe because I trusted him so much that I even told him all of my problems, but I then realize that he wasn't even a PCT just like rest. He was just a person trying to befriend me...I'm so disgusted about all of this.

"It's alright." I say in a serious tone as I glare up at him. "Just kill him already! He even has nothing to live for! He has to be the one that obviously killed Jazmine. Even Brock told me that he even feels empty towards people around him!" Brian said as he paced back and forth.

I glare up at him as they all start to argue by disagreeing and agreeing with him. My eyes started to get watery as they mentioned her name.

I did love her...

I did fell for her...

She was the only girl that really did love me by who I am...

Who am I now?

A piece of trash that won't ever find love!

"Shut the hell up!!" Everyone got silent and looked over at Jon who just yelled out. Then their stares landed on me, seeing I was crying silently with all the tears landing on the floor. I even had to cover my face with my hands to stop them from falling.

"J-Just shoot me..." I cried out.

(A/N: DELIRIOUS IS ALMOST THERE!!! He is going to hit 10 million subscribers more later on this day!!)

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