Chapter 17

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Tears kept flowing down his face like a fucking waterfall. This sight made my heart shatter and feel bad for him. I was so lost in his shiny brown eyes that didn't see Brock immediately walk up to him and embrace him in a hug.

"B-Brock?" His voice cracked when he said that, it made me feel even worse. "Don't you fucking dare say that! We are not going to shoot you because of this stupid theory that everyone came up with except me. You deserve so much more than death." Brock told him.

"No I-I don't..." Evan sobbed out

"Yes you do!"

"NO I FUCKING DON'T!! My whole entire life had been a lie! I wasn't even supposed to exist!" Evan yelled out, but then got slapped on the face by a furious looking Brock.

"Oh shit, I've never seen Brock so angry in my whole entire life." Tyler said in shock just like rest stared at them with wide eyes. "New rule, don't get Brock angry." Craig said.

"All of you in your rooms now." I ordered them so they all immediately ran off to their own bedroom except Brock.

I saw something shine on Evan's back so lift his jacket up a bit and saw a gun hidden there on the back of his pants. I take it and put on the coffee table.

"Brock, go to your room." I tell him all serious, but he didn't flinch a bit. Evan just rubbed his red cheek that had a huge hand mark on it. "I'm gonna take Evan to sleep. He has so much going on in his head." I tell him again and that's when he finally let out a huge sigh, walking off.

I get up, pulling Evan harshly. "I don't want to sleep..." He said as his eyes gave me a death stare. "You won't, we are gonna do something else. We're gonna play little game." I tell him serious.

I grab the pistol from the coffee table and place it on the back of my pants. I drag him towards the garage which made his eyes widened, probably from seeing all the nice looking cars.

I take him to a black Camaro and push him in the passenger seat, closing the door hard. I go to the driver seat and close the door hard again. I lean over to his side and open the glove compartment seeing my favorite mask and a cut off hand in there.

He tried his best back up while I grab the mask and close the compartment. I put it on and start the engine, driving out of the garage.


"Wh-Where are we going?" I asked him as we see trees everywhere. He just stayed silent as he kept driving, not leaving his sight off the road. He has been driving for almost an hour and without breaks and that mask is starting to creep me out.

I started to hear noise up ahead and then saw a gate with two guys on the side. "Put this on." He told me as he tossed me something on my lap. I look down and saw my owl mask resting on my lap ready to be put on. My hands immediately grab it and put it on, covering my identity.

He drove up to the gate and took out a small piece of green paper. He rolled down the window and gave the paper to one of the guys. "H2O Delirious! Nice to see yah man! Who is that other young fellow?" The man asked him. "Just a friend." Jonathan said.

"Oh shit! Is this his first time?" He asked him. "Yep." "Oh hell yah! Kiddo! Good luck out there! You'll need it." The last part gave me the chills because he said it dead serious.

The man push a button which made the gate open and let us pass. Jon drove in while I look around the huge are filled with expensive looking cars and hot chicks walking around. He then parked the car in a empty spot.

He open the glove compartment and took out the cut off hand, closing it again. "Out." He said as he got out. I slowly open the door making sure I don't hit the car next to us. Once I was finally out I see Jon walk up to a man that had multiple chicks surrounding him and that bright green car.

Jon handed him the cut off hand which made the man grin wide and take it. They started talk while I just stood there by the car not knowing what to do. A few people would stop and stare at the black Camaro and take pictures.

"Well, well, well, why hello mister owl boy. Ready for the hunt or are you just here with someone?" Asked me a guy with a serious weird and colorful hair. He wore some pink eye contacts too. "I'm here with someone." I tell him as I look over at Jonathan who was still talking to him

"Him? You're one lucky guy to be hanging out with him. He is a sex god to the ladies and submissive men. So famous on Timber too." He told me as he pat my shoulder.

"What is this place? He hasn't told me anything about this area." I ask him as I look around the area. "Well here is were killers, psychopaths, and other bad guys reunite. Are you a murderer?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Yea, I've killed people and robbed banks." I tell him. "Oh really? What's your name?" "Vanoss." I say. "I've heard of that name before. You have a bounty of 22 million." He told me with a slight chuckle.

"I could kill you by now, but since you're with him...I'm gonna get my ass whooped. He is beast." He chuckled as he stretched. "JP! Taserface is here!" Another guy called out which made the man in front of me turn and wave at them. "Heh! That name still cracks me up. Well good luck out here Vanoss, you'll need it." He told me as he walked off.

"Whats with the luck?" I asked myself as I lean against the car and looking around this place.

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