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Oh, how mysterious! Five of your original characters have been anonymously invited to a dinner party held by a host none of them have ever met, at some mansion none of them have ever heard of. Sounds like a fun time, right?

If your OCs have any powers or special abilities that would permit them to sense or avoid getting attacked and/or killed by our murderer, I'm afraid upon entering the mansion they have all been disabled. No avoiding this one, kids.

Ready to begin?

1. First, choose five of your OC's to be invited to the mansion and to partake in the horror!

[1] Iris
[2] Akio
[3] Atsuko
[4] Haru
[5] Kasumi

2. How fun! Alright, your OCs have finished getting all dressed up for the big event and are ready to go to the party. How is [2] feeling about all of this?
Akio: I have a really good feeling about this~
[Of course all the guys are wearing suits and the girls are wearing dresses]

3. Whoops, no time for that! Looks like we've already arrived! The mansion is a large, foreboding building set on top of a hill. As it so happens, it's near pitch black out and raining hard. Your characters hurry to get to the door. [3] gets there first and tries to knock, but before they can, the door opens up, revealing a tall, well-dressed man with a crooked grin. How does [3] react?
Atsuko: I already don't like this guy

4. The man welcomes our guests inside the mansion, and, with barely any time to catch their breath, ushers them into the dining room. Everyone is given assigned seats: [1] and [4] sit on the left side of the table, [3] sits on the end, [5] and [2] sit on the right side, and the host takes the remaining spot at the other end. How does everyone feel about these seats? Are there any arguments over it, or does it seem fitting?
Really they don't really care where there sitting XD

5. Well, regardless if they're happy with it or not, the host begins the feast and welcomes his guests. He explains that he's invited them all to this party because he is new in town, and he decided that holding a social event like this would help him to make some friends! Does [4] buy their story, or do they think there's something more to this gentleman? Do they try to convince any of their fellow guests of their feelings?
Haru: *leans over to Iris* Don't listen to anything this man says...I think he's lying..
Iris: *nods*

6. The dinner continues, but throughout it, the host seems to get a little too comfortable with talking to [2] and begins to flirt. He attempts to reach across the table to hold their hand several times. How does [2] feel about this? How do they react?
Akio: Ohohoho~ *pushes his chair back* Sorry buddy but im taken~

7. Meanwhile, [5], [3], and [1] are engaged in conversation. What are they discussing? How do each of them view their host?
Kasumi: Well this isn't the most weirdest thing that's happend to me...
Haru: I dont even want to know-
Iris: ...

Their view on the host:
Haru: Doesn't trust him at all
Kasumi: She's indifferent with him
Iris: Trusts Haru and she just doesn't speak through the whole thing.

8. Dinner is over, and your guests are all (presumably) happy and have full bellies! They thank their host and begin to leave, when it becomes apparent that the storm has gotten much, much worse. Whether they like it or not, it is agreed it would be best if your guests wait out the storm at the mansion. The host kindly offers to let your characters stay the night; he has enough rooms for everyone! How does [1] feel about this decision? Would they rather risk the storm, or keep it safe?
Iris: *doesn't like storms so much* C-can't we go home...

9. The host divides a set of three room keys between the guests: one for [1] and [3], one for [4] and [5], and one for [2], still showing his favoritism. The guests each disperse to their respective rooms. Upon entering their room, [4] and [5] realize there is only one queen bed in the room. How do they react to this? Does one of them force the other to sleep elsewhere, or are they fine with the arrangements?
[Atsuko is really happy that she got a room with Iris and Iris feels the same]

Haru: *blushes* Well then...
Kasumi: *immediately stops his talking* I am not sleeping with am guy -
Haru: *sighs* You can take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor...

10. Everyone eventually settles in to spend the night, but before they can drift off, there is a horrified scream down the hall! The characters rush out of their room to see what's happened, and find their host staring, horrified, into [2]'s room. Upon entering the room, they find that [2] has dropped dead. What happens next?
Iris: *smells blood* ...s-someone died..? *sad smol child*
Atsuko: *stays by Iris* nope nope nope nope nope....but yeah, Akio died..
Iris: Oh it was just ironic..
Kasumi: *sees the blood and immediately walked out* nope nope nopeeeee

11. Once the panic settles a bit, the host explains that he'd been going to check on [2] and found the door open. Upon seeing [2] fallen dead, he'd screamed. What does [5] think of their story?
Kasumi: *scowls* I don't trust that...

12. The characters exchange ideas on how [2] may have died. [2] has no visible wounds, and he/she doesn't appear to have been strangled. It is agreed that without any medical staff, they are unable to determine the true reasoning behind their death. [3] goes to contact the police, but with the raging storm outside, the phone lines are dead. The host, though heartbroken, tries to calm everyone down and urges them back to bed. There is nothing to do until the storm passes, right? Everyone returns to their rooms, but can everyone necessarily fall asleep after that tragedy?
Atsuko: *sighs* Of course...why doesn't this surprise me...

Atsuko sleeps with Iris and holds her as she sleeps to insure nothing will happen to her. Iris falls asleep immediately, she goes to sleep easier when she's being cuddled.
Haru sleeps on the floor still and Kasumi sleeps by herself, though she starts getting paranoid so she eventually got Haru to come up with her....later in the night since Kasumi kicks in her sleep, Haru got kicked off the bed.

13. After a few hours, [4] gets up to use the bathroom. They head outside of their room and begin down the stairs, but are met with a horrible sight - [1] is laying at the bottom of the stairs, bleeding! A butcher knife is sticking out of their back, and from all the blood around, it's clear this happened a while ago. What does [4] do?
Haru: *eyes widen* IRIS *rushes to her side* how the hell did Atsuko let you leave her side?!

14. Eventually everyone's gathered together at the site, and it's becoming clear that [2]'s death may not have been a simple tragedy at all... Who is beginning to panic the most?
Atsuko defiantly, she's confused how Iris got out of the bed and mad at herself that she couldn't do anything.

15. The host urges everyone to calm down, but of course, it is difficult for our guests to agree. It would seem a murderer is among them, and they have no way out! Everyone's a suspect. Who offers to take the position of detective, and why?
Atsuko offers to be a detective, she wants to be Mycroft again secretly and wants to find out Iris's killer.
Atsuko: Mycroft is back again it seems...

16. Yes, yes, that's all well and good and all, but we don't have time for that. Everyone insists that they are not the murderer, and the host suggests that it is an entirely different intruder altogether! He splits the guests up to search the mansion - which really does seem like a terrible idea - and the hunt for clues and killers begins! How is [5] holding up?
Kasumi: Why did we have to go to this stupid trip....why....

17. Everybody is on their own now, and as the storm continues to rage outside, the tension between guests grows. They search throughout the house, but there is no sign of anybody breaking in or any clues to who dunnit. Who does [4] suspect the killer is and why?
Haru suspects that it's the host or Atsuko since she was with Iris last.

18. Oh, dear. While [4] was busy guessing the culprit, it would seem another blood-curling scream has echoed through the building! The guests rush to the scene to find [5] has been bludgeoned in the head and is now dead! Now all those who are left are [3], [4], and the host. How does [3] react to seeing the deceased [5]?
Atsuko: More people dead...why did we come here again?

19. Oh, truly heart-breaking... But not that it really matters much to them, right? [3] pulls out a pistol and shoots the host through the head.
[4]'s reaction?
Haru is iternally happy that the host is dead.....and then realizes why Atsuko shot him.

20. Yes, so the truth comes out. [3] was the killer all along. Tell [4] through your final villain monologue, [3], why did you do it?
Atsuko: *still holds the pistol and starts looking down and laughing crazily* I'm not even full why I did it either~ I saw the chance and took it and it was damn well worth the wait...! *still laughs and teasingly points the gun at Haru and she starts to make a pouty face* Should you be next? Ah hey hey... it's not the first time you've died~! It's nothing new! Hana's still alive so you still protected your sister! She's at home wondering if her dear younger twin would be *drops the gun on the floor* ...oh well...I'll let you live since I'm so nice...

21. And now that that's done, there's only one thing left to do, right? [3] lifts their pistol to finish off the final guest. Well, [4]? Any last words to spit at your betrayer?
Atsuko: *picks up the pistol again and grins madly* But where's the fun on that huuuh~? *points it back at Haru*
Haru: Fine! Pull the trigger for all I care! As long as Hana is safe I'm fine!

22. How very noble. [3] pulls the trigger.
...Oh. It would seem someone's all out of bullets. Well, that wasn't very bright of them at all, was it? What does [4] do in this lucky moment?
Atsuko: Well well well....aren't you lucky...
Haru: *is about to go over and punch Atsuko*

23. Wait, wait, wait, [4]! There's something important you need to know first! It wasn't [3] at all! That's right. [3]'s no murderer! It was really... a prank!
The host stands up and the rest of the guests come out, perfectly alive and healthy. It was all just to mess with you! All in good fun!
What's your response, [4]?
Haru: *starts to cry out of anger, confusion* W-why do y-you guys do this *hic* to me...

24. Well, that's the end of the story! I do hope you enjoyed this meme, and thank you very much for playing! :D Take this space to tag someone (if you'd like!), or you can give us some inner monologue of [4]'s final thoughts on all this!
Haru: In short, I hate all my friends.

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