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Congratulation! Your characters have won a free trip to this super special awesome place! There is no way this trip could go wrong... or is it?


- Pick 10 of your OCs in any order. If you don't have 10 characters use canon or borrow your friends's charies, whatever!
- Don't look at the questions while picking the characters!
- Link back to the blank.
- Have fun! :evillaugh:


1. Iris
2. Akio
3. Atsuko
4. Hana
5. Haru
6. Jurou
7. Kasumi
8. Warin
10. Amaya


1. First, [10], do you have any statements before depart?
Amaya: Uwu....why do I have to be apart of this...I still barely know them...

2. Rejoice! You guys will travel on this scary looking train! Cool isn't it? Does [6] have any problem with this choice of transportation?
Jurou: I-It doesn't look or feel safe...
Kasumi: *punches Jurou's arm playfully* Aw c'mon! I think it looks cool! *feels pumped up about this for some reason*

[Kasumi your probably gonna regret that later-]

3. We are about to start! But [8] and [5] delay the depart time by show up late together. What are their reasons?
Haru: I was trying to be nice for once and show him where the bathroom I figured out what he wanted? ..I guessed and I was right.
Warin: *smiles behind his mask and hums*

4. Yay! Finally we can go! Looks like your group is the only people on board this quiet and deserted train. [7] and [9] explores around, randomly opens a cabin and sees... a giant squid inside?
Kasumi: *looks grossed out* What the hell...?
Eiji: I've seen way to much things to hope where this will not be going-

5. So the giant squid turns out to be an alien who likes snail soup... and he is your train conductor! What is [4]'s feeling about this? Oh and the main dish on the menu today will be snail soup, by the way.
Hana: *laughs* Intresting!

6. The train gets a little shaky and the happy day light slowly turns red... Soon after that you can see strange black creatures and colorful flaming meteors floating on the sky. You realize that the train is now running on mid-air without a rail under it. How does [2] and [10] react?
Akio: Haaah~ How despair inducing~! What if we all die here~? Hey,hey Amaya-chan! Isn't this great~?
Amaya: N-No not really-

7. The atmosphere is tense. Suddenly [1] bursts into a song. What is the song and does [3] do something about this?
Iris: *randomly started singing the verses she understood, the ones in English, and hummed the rest that she didn't know*

Atsuko: *shrugs and starts to sing the non-English verses and that's it*

[These two children- so precious]

8. The conductor says there is nothing to worry about! And you can order snail soup on the dinning cabin as much as you want, it's free! After hearing that, [2] says...
Akio: Hell yeah! *starts eating it*

9. Bored, [4] looking out of the window and see a flying Kronosaurus. Before he/she could marvel at the living fosil it crashes into the train. The impact sends [4] flying and he/she hits the wall hard. Does anyone in the group run to help the out cold [4] on the ground?
Hana: Dinosaurrrr... *goes unconscious*
Haru: *obviously runs over to Hana* Well she's not dead... *sighs of relief*

10. Oh noes! Now a whole army of Mesozoic marine reptiles attacking the train! Glass pieces flying everywhere!!! Which one on the group is the most panic and which one is the most calm?
Most Panicked: Iris and Jurou, mostly because Iris can't see and Jurou is just Jurou and he doesn't like it. ...and slightly Kasumi, because of the glass and she doesn't want to get cut.

Most Calm: Akio, he's of course having a blast about this-

11. In the middle of chaos [5] trying to find the conductor but he/she can't see him anywhere. Instead he/she discovers that no one driving the train! Lost control, the train crashed into a mountain!
Haru: *looks around and finds that there's no conductor* What the hell?!

12. Phew, no one die. But [2] and [6] is arguing with each other. What are they arguing about? Does [8] do something about it?
Akio: C'mon Jurou~ Lighten up! This was like...the best day of my life~!
Jurou: *tol rage child* Not for me it wasn't! What if we all died!
Akio: Aaah~ *hugs himself* That's just makes it better~!
Warin: *makes a x with his arms*
Eiji: *comes in next to Warin* Warin's telling you to stop you should totally stop-

13. [6], [7] and [1] goes out to explore where they crashed into. A giant bee appears, captures a member of the group and flies off. Who is the unlucky peep?
Jurou: S-so why did we bring Iris with us..? T-that's dangerous..
Kasumi: *is holding Iris's shoulders as she walks to guide her* It's ok..I won't lose he-
Giant Bee takes Iris.
Kasumi: Oh my god...what do I tell Atsuko that a bee took her baby- oh and Lyon but we can't really tell him right now-

14. After the small group have returned to the train, [9] and [10] was sent to rescue the unlucky one, if he/she is still alive that is... Are they happy with this or not?
Amaya: *is to awkward to say anything*
Eiji: *questions why they had to be with Amaya*

15. While [9] and [10] gone, [4] wakes up. He/she got some brain damage from the earlier crash and start attacking everyone on board.
Hana: *grabs a random metal that fell on the ground and swings it around crazily*
Haru: Oh god- *holds her back to stop from hurting anyone*

16. Phew! [4] got knocked out by a random falling object. Just before [9] returned. What is his/her reaction? Wait, where is [10]? He/she was captured by the bee too?
Eiji: Oh unfortunate..we are missing another member..
Haru: Will it kill you to care for once
Eiji: Yes-

17. Night fall and the group spends some dark hours on the powerless train. Who would be the one to come up with a creative way to light the place up?
It's Akio. He mostly just wants to light to train on fire- but he doesn't

18. For whatever reason [8] decides to ask [2] to marry him/her in the romantic light. Does [5] object this or not?
Warin: *signs* 'Marry me when this is over'
Akio: *blinks* Hm?
Eiji: *signs to Warin not to sign anything else after they talks* He told you that he hopes you die while we're here.

19. Good morning! Great night didn't it? Hey, look, the conductor have returned! And... he brings friends? And a space ship too? Say what, they gonna kidnap the whole group and turn them into labrats? [3], do something!
Atsuko: Oh hell no- *rolls up her sleeves*

20. Oh dear, [3] got hit by a ray gun and turned into an animal! (If they're already an animal, they got turned into a mushroom :P) What animal/shroom is it? Does [2] help [3], laugh at, run in panic or what?
Atsuko: *suddenly turns into light gray cat*
Akio: *gasps* A kitty~! *runs over and picks up Atsuko*
Atsuko: *tries to scratch out his eyes*

21. [4] have woke up and smashes two aliens from behind. But he/she got hit by a random object someone on the group throws at the alien so passes out again. What is [8]'s reaction about this? Does [5], the one who threw the random object says anything?
Hana: Again... *passes out*
Warin: *signs* 'Oh nooooo'
Haru: *pauses* . .....f**k. ..

22. Wow [10] and anyone who got captured by the bees is still alive and crashes the party along with an army of giant bees! And these giant bees happen to love alien squid's meat...
Amaya & Iris return both are on a giant Iris got on is still unknown XD.

23. The group steals the alien space ship and somehow manage to turn [3] back and drive them home. Tag someone or let [2] say something to end the meme.
Atsuko: *immediately after runs to Iris and bear hugs her and just pat's Amaya's head while she's still hugging Iris* my precious child is ok...

Akio: Hmhmhm~ Still the best day ever~

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