Chapter 7

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It felt good to finally tell someone where he was. Will they even believe me? "Why didn't you tell us?", Crutchie asked. "What was the point? Everyone thought I left on purpose and who would believe me when I said I didn't?!", Jack said turning around. "We would have believed you", Crutchie said. "Really!?", Jack yelled, "Because all of you guys think I ditched Katherine!" Crutchie stood there shocked and upset. Jack hated to make Crutchie upset. "We didn't know. That's what it seemed like", Crutchie said quietly. "I know that's what it seemed like!", Jack yelled. "You gotta tell Kath and Davey that's where you were", Crutchie said. "She doesn't want to see me and Davey definitely doesn't want ta see me", Jack said looking down, "Ya sleeping up here tonight?" Crutchie smiled, "Yeah." *************************************
The door burst opened startling all the boys up. "Who is making noise!", the warden yelled. "Are we not aloud to snore?", Jack mumbled. "What did you say?!", the warden yelled. "I didn't say nuthin", Jack said. The warden punched him in the stomach, "You keep your mouth shut!"
Jack sat up suddenly. He was back on the roof. He looked over at Crutchie sleeping at the other end. Good. I didn't wake him up. Jack stared into the darkness. He has been having nightmares of the place ever since he got back. Eventually Jack fell back asleep into the same dream.
The next day after selling papes Jack started looking for Davey. He decided to tell Davey first since he probably would be the easiest to talk to. Davey and Les had gone back to school since their father healed. Jack finally spotted Davey as he was about to go into his house. "Davey, wait!", Jack shouted. Davey turned around, "What do you want?" "I didn't ditch Kath. I was in the Long Island Refuge", Jack said. "Why didn't you tell us? I wouldn't have punched you if I knew", Davey said. "Ya think I wanted ta talk about it?", Jack asked. "No", Davey answered, "You have to go tell Kath!" Jack ran his fingers through his dark hair, "Uh... slight problem, she doesn't want to see me." Davey grabbed his arm, "I don't care. You are going to see her. The readers need to be happy!" Jack looked at him confused, "The what?" "Never mind", Davey said pulling Jack through the city. "I know how ta get to her apartment, Davey", Jack said yanking his arm free, "Besides don't ya have ta get home?" "Fine I'll go home", Davey said, "Just trying to help." Davey walked away. Jack knocked on Katherine's door. A couple minutes passed before Katherine opened the door. As soon as she saw him she went to close the door. Jack stopped the door with his hand, "Please jest let me explain." Katherine said, "I thought I said I didn't want to see you." Jack could tell she was trying hard to sound normal. "Please Ace", he begged. Katherine let go of the door. "I didn't want ta leave you. I was sent to a refuge", Jack said. Katherine hugged him. "Hey Ace, I kinda need to breathe", Jack hugged her back. She let go of him. "We should probably talk inside", Katherine said letting him in. "Why were you sent there?" She asked. "I was accused of stealing three train tickets when I paid for all of them. And I used up all my money payin' for them", Jack said taking off his hat. "Who were they for?", Katherine seemed to be thinking about something. "They were for Crutchie, me, and you", Jack answered. "That's what the surprise was", it wasn't really a question. Jack nodded, "They were for us ta go to Santa Fe." Katherine asked, "Why did they think you stole them?" Jack shrugged, "... Wait." Only one person could have found out. Someone who has eyes on every corner of the city.

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