Chapter 8

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Jack seemed to have figured something out. "What?", Katherine asked. "During the strike yous said that your father had eyes on every corner of the city", Jack said starting to pace. "You think he had something to do with you being sent there?", Katherine asked even though she knew that had to be it. Jack ran his fingers through his hair, "It makes sense! He never liked me and he definitely didn't like our relationship!" Katherine crossed her arms. "How could he do that!", Katherine was hurt by this. He's my father. How could he do this to us? I thought he cared about me. For the first time in half a year they spent the night together.
When Katherine woke up Jack's arm was around her waist. She hadn't realized how much she missed the feeling she got when she looked at him. His chest rose and fell at a steady pace. He looked so peaceful that she didn't want to wake him. Katherine closed her eyes again and snuggled closer to him.
Katherine woke up again to Jack nudge her shoulder. "What?", Katherine mumbled. "What are we gonna do bout your father?", Jack asked. Katherine was hoping they could avoid that topic this morning. She didn't want to worry about that right now. She just wanted to spend time with Jack. Katherine sat up. "I don't know", Katherine admitted. She didn't like not having the answers to a problem. "I guess we could confront him about it", she suggested.
"Or we could run away and not have to deal with it", Jack said. Katherine looked at him, "Jack, we can't run away from our problems."
"Why not?", Jack asked, "It sure would make it easier." Katherine sighed, "Ok. I'll go talk to him and you do what ever you want to do."
"I've been selling extra papes. But I only got enough money for on train ticket", Jack said. "We'll see how it goes with my father first. Then we can talk about what to do next", she said kissing him. "Okay", Jack said.
Katherine walked into her father's office. Pulitzer looked up from his work. "Katherine, what are you doing here?", he asked. Katherine felt nervous, but she quickly pushed that feeling down. "I need to talk to you about something", she said. Her father leaned back in his chair. "Jack came back. He's been back for about a month and", her father cut her off. "Why are you telling me this? Did he do something to you?", Pulitzer asked, concern and anger starting to show in his voice. "Uh no, no, I'm fine," Katherine said hoping he wouldn't get worked up like when she told him Jack left. "Its just that he said you got him sent to the Long Island Refuge", Katherine explained watching her father closely. Pulitzer stood up. "Ah he figured it out. He's smarter than I thought", he said to himself. Katherine stood there shocked. "You mean you told the police to arrest him?!", Katherine couldn't believe her father actually did that. She'd been hoping that Jack was wrong. "You deserve someone better than him!", Pulitzer said anger coloring his voice, "He's just a street rat and a criminal!"
"Jack was right! You are a rattlesnake!", Katherine yelled and stormed out of The World building.

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