Chapter 1

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(( AN: Kaity is my name this represents some of my life I don't get beaten at home but used to get bullied yes I am bi don't judge also Grace not saying last name is a friend of mine who helped me ))
(( Kaitys pov ))
Some say I'm weird, some say I'm "too ani social", so they don't even bother talking to me ...... not even giving me a chance. No one has noticed me, I'm the loner girl that sits alone at lunch.... sits in the back of the class, if you even knew my name or talked to me you were known as "infected", to get rid of the "disease" you had to "disinfect" your mouth.
People can make fun of me all they want, I don't care ..... I cut myself to relieve pain. I wish their was someone ...... something ..... who loved me.
I got up out of bed , and got dressed in of course all black, as usual. Ran down stairs, ate cereal, grabbed my phone and headphones and headed for the bus stop, and there was a new girl ..... oh great just another person to bully me, I looked away so I wouldn't get hurt but before I did she looked at me, oh no here it come- she smiled at me ..... no one does that to me ....... is this a dream, I pinched myself to be sure it wasn't a dream...... and it wasn't ..... so why did she smile at me ?
I got on the bus people throwing paper balls and spitting gum at me, I sat in an empty seat, listening to my music when the new girl sits next to me which makes me jump " Calm down I'm just sitting here , if it's okay with you " the girl said "I guess " I said softly looking down at my hands " I'm Grace by the way you " Grace said, I've never had a conversation with someone in my life " Kaity " I said shutting off my phone and putting it in my bookbag " why were they throwing and spitting stuff at you?" she asked, I froze tears starting to build in my eyes " cause........ I don't know ......... " I said, I then looked out the window as we arrived at school. " Who's your first teacher" Grace asked " Mr Hershel " I said not looking from the window wiping away some tears " You okay ? " Grace asked making look at her beautiful hazel blue green eyes, " okay........ I'm terrible everyone here hates me I have no friends at all,I live on my own already 'cause my parents hate me " I said tearing up " I'm ..... sorry I ...... I didn't-" Grace started to say " No it's fine I'm fine " I said lifting up my sleeves in anger forgetting about my cuts " Holy sh** you cut yourself " Grace asked me as we got off the bus " it relives pain and stress " I said pulling my sleeves down again.
Grace and I both walked out of Mr Hershel's room and started walking to lunch, I tried to speed up so she wouldn't find where I sat at lunch but she grabbed my binder strap, I slowed down and walked in the cafeteria got my lunch and sat at my table with Grace close behind me " why are you begin so nice to me you're supposed to hate me and pick on me like he others" I said taking a bite out of my sandwich " look I'm not trying to be rude but let's face it ..... you need a friend you need to be yourself .... embrace what you truly are " Grace said drinking some water, "the last time I was being my self it ended bad, it ended with me falling down the stairs and a broken leg" " well I just thought you needed a friend ..... and someone to help you "
Once school was finally over we got on the bus I sat next to Grace again with people yelling at me "I don't deserve friends ......... your so ugly ...... die in a hole " " YOU AS*HOLES LEAVE HER ALONE SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU SO I WANT ALL OF YOU TEASING HER TO DIE IN A HOLE ALL OF YOU DONT DESERVE FRIENDS AND ALL OF YOU ARE UGLY INSIDE" Grace yelled, I started crying and hugged Grace for standing up for me finally I have a friend ...... maybe something more .

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