Chapter 2

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((Kaitys pov))
Grace and I walked off the bus her holding my binder strap, which made me blush a little ........ I couldn't possibly be getting feelings for someone I just met a couple hours ago.....could I.Grace and I started walking to my house " Sooo you live by yourself .... did you move out, run away.... or what" Grace asked as we walked in to my house and sat on the couch" I ran away 'cause I didn't want to die there ..... now I'm wishing I had" I said softly " I'm glad you didn't ...... because I would hate to see another persons face on the paper ...... especially if it's my friend" Grace said, I looked down at my hands then looked back up at Grace" I can tell....." " Tell what" I said in awe " that you're bi or gay or whatever " Grace said looking right in my eyes " how" I said questioning " I don't know ..... I just can ..... so am I, I'm bi ...... you're ashamed..... I'm not" Grace said moving some hair from her face " IM NOT ASHAMED OKAY........ MY FUC*ING DAD CALLED ME A FAGGOT THATS THE REST OF THE REASON I RAN AWAY " I yelled getting up in frustration "whoa.......Kaity calm down ...... I'm just saying , you don't ne-"Grace said before I cut her off " IM JUST SAYING I WANT TO DIE OKAY ....... DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT THEY DO TO ME ON THE BUS AND SCHOOL.......UHHHG WHY COULDNT I HAVE DIED AT BIRTH" I snapped, tears streaming down my face ....I fell to the ground hiding my face in my knees.....sobbing. Again. No shocker. Grace walked over to me and crouched down "look all I'm saying is you need a friend .....someone to be there when you're sad ....... someone to talk to ....... you need someone or something ....... to call a friend or maybe more "Grace whispered, hugging me and pulling me closer to her, we stayed like this for about fifteen minutes " well I'm gonna get going I'll see you tomorrow afternoon?" Grace said "I'll be here" I said pushing some hair away from my face " okay?" "Okay" I said and Grace walked out closing the door....... I didn't want to see her leave .....
((Grace's pov))
As soon as I closed the door I wanted to turn around and ask her to be mine, but thinking first I didn't knowing I would probably regret my decision, I like Kaity she's just so cute to me ........ to me she's perfect ...... I wish she could see what I see in her.
I walked upstairs and plopped on my bed and fell asleep.
~ dream~
Kaity and I were sitting on the couch, her snuggled up to my arm..... I blushed a little trying to hide it .... but it didn't work " don't hide you beautiful red face ...... it looks cute when you do that" Kaity said wrapping her arms around me, I blushed more than ever. I leaned in and kissed the top of her head ...... she smiled I haven't seen her do that since we met....... " I love you" I said kissing her cheek, Kaity blushed and smiled " I wuv you too" she said and laughing a little .... which made me smile because I've never heard her laugh ....... it sounded cute ....... I love Kaity ......
~dream ends ~
I woke up rubbing my eyes, then looked at the clock " WHAT 11:00 ALREADY " I yelled Kaity was probably wondering where I was, I hurried and got dressed ate a poptart, brushed my teeth and walked over to Kaity's house and knocked on the door, and waited for an answer. Kaity finally answered the door lead me to her room so we could talk, we sat on her bed." so why are you over again ..... not that I don't like your company" Kaity said " Just thought we could talk ..... about things " I said trying not to blush, the real reason I wanted to come over was because I wanted to see her ...... maybe tell her how I feel ......" so have anyone you have a crush on " I said, instantly regretting it " yea but I'd rather not say....... it's too embarrassing ....... and stupid ...... besides this person wouldn't like me in that way anyways " Kaity said looking at her hands, I did the same " c'mon you can tell me I won't tell ....... please " I said giving a fake sad face " No I don't want to get teased" she said kind of snappy " I already know you're bi ...... just tell me I won't judge either boy or gir-" I said when I was cut off " I SAID NO I CANT RISK BEING HEART BROKEN" Kaity yelled throwing a vase with dead flowers at the wall ....... so she has anger problems ...... but I still love her ...... and all her flaws ......... even her scars ........" I'm sorry ..... " I said " it's okay I just have anger problems Kaity said " (( AN: which is true)) I understand" I said leaning on her like she was pillow, I opened my mouth to say ' I love you' but closed it .......... I do love her but how do I tell her.?

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