Chapter 3

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((Kaitys pov ))
I had a crush on Grace ......... how was I supposed to tell Grace when my crush is her, I didn't want to be heart broken so I kept my mouth shut on me liking her.....which is hard I want to just tell her I love her ....... and that she's the reason I'm still alive.......still standing.......still breathing. " promise me something " Grace said looking at my wrist where I cut myself " what ......" I said covering it with my sweater " Promise me you won't cut anymore please ...... I don't want to see you hurt " Grace said her eyes starting to fill up with tears " I promise ....... you can check me everyday if you want " I said, wipping away a loose tear from her cheek ...... she smiled did I " I've never seen your smile....... I like it ....... you should do it more " Grace said then puling me closer to her, which made me blush a little " you think ...." I said " I know ....." Grace said putting her arm around my waist, which made my face as red as a tomato, I tried hiding it....but I think Grace noticed because she put her head on my shoulder "hi" I said then laughed a little " hi ........ also you should laugh more often ....... it sounds cute"Grace said smiling then lifting her head from my shoulder, I smiled " I have a question" I said " spill the beans " Grace said, I laughed " what would you do if you had a crush ...... and wanted to ask them out ...... but is scared to be rejected" I said putting my head on her shoulder " um....... I would probably either wait see if they liked me back then ask ........or just plain up ask them right then and there ..... why" Grace said moving some hair away from her face " just curious" I said shrugging my shoulders.
((Grace's pov ))
I kept wondering why Kaity was asking me this, I wanted to ask again why she was asking me this but I didn't want to anger her. That also made me wonder who was her crush ...... I deiced to ask " so Kaity ......" I said in this weird awkward voice " yea " she said kind of sleepy, which was good because usually when people are tired they don't resize what they're saying " Who is your crush you want to ask out ..... or whatever " I asked putting my head on hers. Kaity answered but I couldn't hear which probably meant she fell asleep, I got up really slowly not to wake her, I made sure she was fully asleep and kissed the top of her head lightly and wrote her a note
Dear Kaity,
You fell asleep while we were talking ...... it's okay though I'm not mad I just went home not to disturb you. You might not remember but I asked who were crush was, you answered..... but I couldn't hear it because you fell asleep just text me who it was and I'll come over whenever you read this my number is (217)****-****
~<3 Grace
P.s don't forget you promised you wouldn't cut yourself anymore :) <3

I put the note on the table next to her bed and started walking down stairs quietly, walked out the door closing it quietly not to wake Kaity. I started walking into my house...... happier than ever........ I feel like....... I'm in my happy land that's really hard to explain. Went into the kitchen to get some leftover pizza from last night, once I was done with that, Kaity told me to look up this show on Netflix called The Walking Dead...... I watched five minutes of that and I started getting freaked out, I'll have Kaity come over so we can watch it together ..... mostly so I can hide in her chest and cuddle up to her....... that sounds like something a 5th grader would do but I don't care ........
I was too lazy to walk upstairs to my bed so I fell asleep on the couch hoping I would dream of me and Kaity........ together.......

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