Chapter 10

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Look up Without You by: Breaking Benjamin it sets the mood for this chapter
(( AN FYI I would never break Graces heart I love her too much keep that in mind ))
(( Kaitys pov ))
" WHAT THE HELL.....WHY AM I STILL HERE!!! I DONT HAVE TO BE HERE Y'KNOW I COULD LEAVE AND BE FAR AWAY FROM YOU" I yelled my clenched fist getting tighter, " YOU'RE RIGHT YOU DONT HAVE TO BE HERE IN FACT.... YOU CAN LEAVE RIGHT NOW AND BE AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS POSSIBLE" Grace yelled as she flung open the door tears going to her cheeks " I WILL..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT ......IF IM LEAVING WE MIGHT AS WELL BE OVER " I snapped and ran out of Graces house back to mine " FU** LIFE " I yelled as I opened the door to my house and sat in a corner with my face in my knees crying ...... why am I such an idiot .....I just threw away the best person that has ever happened to me. I just sat in the corner crying ..... starting to cough a little, I didn't even bother closing my door. I got up and walked in the kitchen and grabbed a knife and ran to the door and sat in it "One...... for hurting my only love ....... two ..... for breaking my love ..... three ...... for me cutting again when I promised I wouldn't ..... four...." I said, as I kept cutting my wrists and then moved on to my legs " WHY..... AM I SUCH AN IDIOT I LOVED HER ..... AND I BROKE HER ........IM SUCH A BI*** " I yelled then stood up and went in the middle of the road, Graces house to the left of me " I DONT DESERVE YOU...... YOU WERE TOO GOOD F-FOR ME ...... I DONT DESERVE L-LIFE" I yelled, looking at Graces house. I took the knife putting it close to my chest, more tears than ever streaming down my face " I-I LOVE Y-YOU G-GRACE "I yelled, about to put the knife threw me, when Grace came running out of the house " I L-LOVE Y-YOU TOO ....... PLEASE DONT DO IT" Grace cried out " I'm sorry....... I know I promised "I said then slit my arm falling to the ground and everything went black.......
(( Graces pov ))
" I L-LOVE Y-YOU TOO..... PLEASE DONT DO IT" I cried out standing in front of Kaity who had cuts all over her and was about to kill herself " I'm s-sorry..... I k-know I p-promised Kaity said tears streaming off her face onto her shirt, she then slit her arm and fell to the ground "NOOOOO KAITY" I yelled the called the ambulance, they came as quick as possible taking Kaity on a stretcher and into the truck, I went with and they hurried to the hospital, I took Kaitys hand in mine " y-you're going t-to be o-oka-ay" I said still crying.
We go to the hospital and hurried in, I was led to a waiting area where I sat in a chair closest to her room, put my face in my hands and cried receiving weird looks from people walking by. " You can come in to see Kaity she's asleep" the nurse said leading me to Kaitys room, I walked in and there she was ...... laying there ..... asleep, I started to cry again because of the bandages all over her, I walked over to the bed and crouched down taking Kaitys hand and kissing it " I love you..... I should've never yelled at you to leave..... I should've at least tried to help you .... but I didn't ...... I'm sorry..... just .......please.....come back to me" I said leaning on the bed ....... I should've helped her ...... instead I yelled at her .......

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