Chapter 9

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((Kaitys pov))
Why......why was I still so sad when I have someone who makes me smile. I've been getting angry a lot more......but why.....Schools starting up in a few days, and I don't want to get made fun of again......and more for dating the same gender. My biggest question is why..... am I still living?...... why am I still breathing? .........why am I still standing?
~ ~~~~~
Grace just got off the phone with someone, but she wouldn't say who..... " okay..... great.... thanks ..... be there tomorrow" Grace said and then hung up the phone " who was that" I asked putting my feet on the little coffee table in front of the couch " no one but I will take you somewhere " Grace said sitting next to me, taking my hand " where"
"You'll see" Grace said, acting a little strange but I just shook it from my mind resting my head on her shoulder trying to think positive ....
(( Graces pov))
I was taking to the doctor, and I know how much Kaity hates the doctor. (( AN which is true they always take to long and I hate waiting so stuff like that )) Kaity refuses to admit she has 'social anxiety' (( AN which is no lie I do and it's a real thing don't believe me look it up)) and so I'm taking her to a doctor to see if theirs anything else she needs help with or needs to fix, she's going to be pissed with me but its for her own good.
(( The next day))
I went to wake up Kaity so we could go to the doctor, I got up really quite and walked over to Kaitys side of my bed, for some reason she gets scared at night when she sleeps by herself, she'll start to cry and forget where she's at because she's crying so much, so she'll try to find something sharp to kill herself with but I end up stopping her, so I just have her sleep with me. I shook Kaity lightly not to freak her out " Kaity.... c'mon it's time to wake up" I said then kissed the tip of her nose, Kaity slowly woke up " hey, I'm going to take you to that place I was talking about yesterday" I said, Kaity yawned "oh ....okay" Kaity said getting up, not even bothering to get dressed we walked out in our pajamas. I drove down to the doctors office while Kaity fell asleep again, which I didn't mind so she can't see where I was going. I pulled in the parking lot and picked Kaity up bridal style and into the doctors. I walked in setting Kaity on a chair and checked her in, Kaity woke up in pure panic " what fuc* ..... where the hell am I " Kaity said rubbing her eyes " Kaitlynn ******" the doctor said ((AN Kaitlynn is my full name don't even think about calling me that or I swear on my life I will find you and strangle you or a whole lot worse that's a promise)) " No..... you didn't" Kaity said, looking like she was about to break something " Kaity .... please ....for me" I said, taking her hand and followed the doctor into a room.
(( Kaitys pov ))
We walked in the room, I'm shaking like crazy, " So you're here to see if you have social anxiety" the doctor said, I gave a questioning look " I am? " I asked looking at Grace "yes, she is" Grace answered " oh hell no I'm out of here " I said getting up, about to run off, but the doctor blocked the door so I couldn't get out " WHAT THE HELL" I yelled " LET ME OUT" I screamed throwing the doctor chair at the wall " has she been taking her medication for her anger problem" the doctor said to Grace, I just fell to the floor my face in my knees " um... I make sure she does so yes, but her anger is getting worse and she's getting more depressed, she hates sleeping alone, if she does she tries to kill herself" Grace said as the doctor was taking notes, me still on the floor.
" Kaity sit up here" Grace said patting on the bed in the room, I sat on it " okay .... I won't hurt you " the doctor said my gaze going to her name tag 'June' is what it said "Im just going to look in your eyes with this little light, it won't hurt" June said putting the light to my eyes " oh yea ..... she needs a lot of sleep, and yes she does have social anxiety, but just take her home and make her get some sleep, and when she wakes up make her take her medicine" June said facing Grace " okay we can go now" Grace said "Fu** yes" I said running outside Grace close behind me " so, when we get home you're taking a nap" Grace said, pulling me to her " but I'm not tired " I said like a little kid who was forced to take naps " too bad"
(( Graces pov))
"C'mon man ..... I'm not taking that sh** it's nasty, besides its not like it does anything" Kaity said as she got up from her three hour nap "Kaity, come on....... I-" I started to say when I was cut off by Kaity yelling like a 5 year old (( AN be aware that what am I about to do will NEVER happen EVER I love Grace to much to do this)) "NO.... IM NOT TAKING IT" Kaity snapped, clenching her fist "GOD DAMN IT KAITY TAKE IT I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HURT OR SICK JUST TAKE IT" I snapped back throwing her medication at her " WHAT THE HELL .... WHY AM I STILL HERE !!!! I DONT HAVE TO BE HERE Y'KNOW I COULD LEAVE AND BE FAR AWAY FROM YOU" Kaity snapped, her fist getting tighter " YOU'RE RIGHT YOU DONT HAVE TO BE HERE ...... IN FACT IF YOU CAN LEAVE RIGHT NOW IF YOU WANT TO BE AS FAR AWAY FROM AS POSSIBLE" I yelled tears starting to stream down my face as I opened the door, what was I doing ...... I was throwing away someone I loved " I WILL.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT IF IM LEAVING WE MIGHT AS WELL BE OVER " Kaity yelled storming out of the house slamming the door behind her (( AN I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER break up with Grace I love her too much. Not lying it hurt me to write this )) leaving me behind on the floor crying " WHAT THE HELL .... WHY DID I DO THAT" I yelled at my ceiling. I lost the best person that ever happened to me.

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