Chapter 12

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(( Kaitys pov))
I woke up around six for some reason, and I saw something ......or someone .... he looked kind of like my dad, was this a memory, was I going insane, or was this actually happening. I pinched myself to be sure this was or wasn't real...... and it was. He wrote on a piece of paper and put it against the window to show me ' kill yourself you ugly piece of sh*t! I wish I hadn't raised a fag' (( AN I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway I myself am not against gay people so sorry about this, I saw this in a dream once and had to add it)) tears went down my cheek, and my dad took off.
I got up from the bed covered in sweat, it was seven and Grace was still asleep. I quietly walked downstairs and walked in the kitchen and grabbed a knife and walked over to the couch and sat down and started to cry and think, ' what if the dream was right.....maybe I should kill myself ' I was just about to stab myself when I remembered the promise ' I promise I won't cut myself ..... you can cheek me everyday if you want ' I instantly tossed the knife on the table in front of me, and started crying. I would've gone back upstairs with Grace, but I didn't want to wake her..... she seemed so peaceful, so I just sat with my face in my knees cuddled into my sweater, crying.
Grace came walking down the steps and I jumped a little my face still in my knees. "Kaity..... You okay" Grace asked walking towards me and putting her hand on my back, I lifted my head looking at the knife, and shook my head no "show me" Grace said, a tear going down her cheek, I stood up and took off my sweater so she could cheek me for cuts, she looked everywhere and stood there shocked, probably wondering why there was a knife on the table and no cuts. "N-Nothing" Grace said, another tear going down her cheek, I wiped it away " so... what's with the knife and you being down here ..... and.... I'm so confused" Grace said taking my hand, moving hair away from our faces with the other. I cleared my throat " well...... I d-don't know h-how to e-explain to y-you" I said, more tear running off my cheeks and onto mine and Graces hand, Grace pulled me to her where I cried in her chest " it hurts ........ I w-want to t-tell you b-but....I d-don't know h-how" I stuttered "its okay...... tell me when you're ready" Grace said kissing my head.
I finally told Grace about my Nightmare " Kaity don't listen what your mom or dad says your perfect just the way you are.......I love everything about you. Your beautiful brown eyes. Your soft short hair. Your amazing laugh. I love you and Don't forget that." Grace told me ((AN she actually did tell me this)) "I love you too" I said, then cried back into her chest. Grace is the only person who can make me feel better...... she makes me stop doubting myself ........she makes me......... not depressed, but at the same time ...... I'm still depressed.
(( AN I KNOW I KNOW!!! I'm an asshole for the cliffhanger last chapter and also I'm sorry this chapter was short but you must admit it was pretty sad and blah blah blah and good for a short chapter well that's all I gotz
Much Luv ))

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