Chapter 13

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Look up Lithium by Nirvana it sets the tone for the flashback
(( Kaitys pov))
~ flashback~
I was at home with my dad, and my mom was at work. "KAITY GET YOUR A** DOWN HERE" my dad yelled from the kitchen, I hopped down the stairs and went in the kitchen " I thought I told you to do dishes "dad said looking at the piled up dishes on the counter " but ..... I thought I already di-" I said when my dad cut me off " but nothing does this look like you did them" dad said getting a little annoying " BUT I DID DO THEM WHY CANT YOU BELIEVE ME" I snapped, instantly regretting it my dad popped me in the mouth and grabbed my hair, I tried to get free ..... but I couldn't "DONT TALK BACK TO ME...... UNDERSTAND ...... OR IM GONNA GIVE YOU A GOOD BEATING" dad said shoving me against the wall "yes, sir" I said, my dad let go of my hair and ran upstairs and locked my door. I opened my window and climbed out onto the roof and sat their crying. My dad knocked on my door so I had to hurry and come back inside, he hates when I go onto the roof " I'm coming " I said wiping away some tears. I open the door and see my mom " Jeez child ..... you're a mess, you need to dress more girly. Do you want to be a boy?" Mom said, I shook my head no " stop dressing and acting like one" mom said " WHY CANT YOU GUYS LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM. YOU TOLD ME BEING GAY/BI WAS WRONG THEN RIGHT AFTER YOU SAY YOU SUPPORT IT! SCREW YOU I DONT BELIEVE YOU" I snapped, dad ran upstairs " WHAT THE FU** DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TALKING BACK" my dad snapped and took me to his room and started beating me ....
~ flashback ends~
" Kaity....... what's wrong " Grace asked wiping away some tears off my cheeks, how do I answer that, no one understands how much that really hurts me, Grace is always telling me to not listen to what other people say...... I've tried ....... it's hard for me ...... I can't help it "nothing, there's just..... something in my eye" I lied " okaay" she said extending it a little "you hungry" Grace asked getting up going to the kitchen I shook my head "no.... I'm good"
(( Graces pov))
There was definitely something wrong with Kaity, I was going to ask but I decided to say okay and ask her about it later.
What is Kaity hiding? I hate when she doesn't tell me what's wrong! But I'm going to find out......

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