Chapter 14

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(( Graces pov))
It was getting late so Kaity and I went to bed. Kaity came up behind me and swooped me off my feet carrying me bridal style up the stairs, I smiled and kissed her "I love you" I said, as Kaity lightly threw me on the bed "I love you too" Kaity said laying next to me cuddling with my arm as usual. I decided to bring up why she was crying earlier "I have a question" I said getting kind of shaky "yea" Kaity said looking up at me with those big sparkling brown eyes, that I fell in love with "earlier.... why were you crying..... and the truth .... not something that got in your eye" I said sitting up a little bit with my arms around Kaity "um..... well....I just had a memory of my dad and my mom beating me and crap like that..... and I know you told me to not listen to what they or other people say ..... but it's hard for me.... you don't know how hard .... it just is" Kaity said getting quieter towards the end of her sentence "look.....Kaity..... I know it's hard.... I used to get picked on as well, but I kept my head high and thought positive .... never doubt yourself ... I hate to hear you put yourself down" I said pulling Kaity closer to me, she wrapped her arms around me and we both fell asleep cuddled up to each other.
(( Kaitys pov))
~ dream~
I walk in the kitchen dad, mom, and Grace were there "what's going on" I said getting scared, looking at my parents "oh nothing fag just talking with your friend" dad said putting quotation marks on friend. A tear went down my cheek, I looked over at Grace her beautiful hair going down over her shoulders "so you're finally acting a little more girly" mom said sarcastically looking at my lose jeans, a animal shirt and my grey jacket, more tears went down my cheek, I started to walk away when Grace took my hand and mouthed " it's okay ....... you'll be okay" I walked back over and sat down across from my parents "so you finally going to be normal and date guys" dad said looking at Grace, she gave a side smile " you know what..... THATS IT IM DONE WITH YOUR BULL SH*T IM SICK OF YOU CALLING ME A BOY AND IM SICK OF YOU CALLING ME A FAG OKAY JUST LEAVE IT ALONE SO WHAT!!! IM BI OR GAY OR WHATEVER IM YOUR DAUGHTER!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO LOVE ME NOT MAKE ME FEEL BAD ABOUT MY SELF" I yelled at the top of my lungs "what the fu** did I tell you about talking back and yelling at me" dad said grabbing my hair whacking me on my face. As my dad hit me he would always count "1....for yelling at me 2 .....for being a fag....3.." and so on Grace tried to help but she only got hurt, and I couldn't stop him
~ dream ends ~
" KAITY...... PLEASE.....WAKE ......UP" Grace yelled shacking me, I open my eyes and sat up and for some reason my throat hurt "w-what I happen" I said as a tear went down my cheek " you m-must've had a b-bad dream..... because y-you were s-screaming in your sleep and wouldn't w-wake up" Grace said as tears went down her cheek, I whipped them away " Grace" I said taking her hand " y-yea" she stuttered " please don't cry ...... I hate to see your face get red from crying..... I hate to see your beautiful eyes..with tears inside them" I said, as Grace put her face in my chest, I blushed a little "what happen..... in the dream" she said calming down a bit " mom beating me.... they hit you ..... and I couldn't stop them 'cause I was a lost of air and couldn't move" I said more tears going down my cheek "Kaity" Grace said putting her forehead on mine "yea" I said, my face getting a little red "I don't want to see you cry either.... your big beautiful brown eyes don't need tears in them" Grace said closing the gap between us "I promise" I said after we pulled apart, Grace blushing crazily "there's that beautiful red face" I said and smiled, so did Grace " there's that smile I love" Grace said. I love Grace......and everything about her..... I love her.....for who she is...(( AN * blushes* I actually do and I do love when her face gets red when she blushes I think it's cute))

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