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"Who did you pray to?"

"When I was pregnant, your father and I went to the doctor as for 5 months into the pregnancy I was loosing the babies--" Debra started. "The doctor gave me pills for my bump to grow back but most importantly make sure that the babies were safe, but they didn't work. I was so desperate to have you all that I turned to some evils sources. And they told me that they'll give me a chance to have my babies." Debra continued. "As for the bump was coming back after I made a deal. But every day I started barfing up red, green, purple, blue and yellow I didn't understand it and didn't even ask the doctors what was going on. Because I didn't call them."

Patton heard his own heart bumping out of his chest.

"Turns out, anyone in my bloodline will now have powers. I know mines for sure - I can shape shift into people and do a number of othet things. I can only be killed by something happening to my heart - like a gunshot or stab. But if Remus or Roman get killed in away way, so will I." She added. Virgil let a tear rush down his face but he tried choking it back. "I prayed every day, I prayed so hard-" She got emotional and put her hands over her face. Logan opened his eyes wide and looked at Patt, Patt gave him the same shocked scared.

Roman and Remus watched Virigl's fingers shake in fear. "Why did you divorce him?" Virgil asked. Debra sighed. "Virge, baby, your powers are tied to your emotions. And your father made you feel so many things that you started to use them on him. The day before our divorce, you struck him with lightening in the nursery. He saw everything. I had to change it by erasing every memory of you using his, mine and your guys' powers." She said. "You said his. So you're aware of Patton's ability to create illusions, heal any injury at a and mimic any vessel he wishes?" Logan mentioned, making them all wide eyedly stare at Debra. Her face went pale. "...When Patton and I made love months before our divorce while my mother was baby sitting them, my friends from the other side said it transfered some of my black magic to him." Debra mumbled.

"Roman and Remus are the Creative Twins, meaning they can create whatever they want out of thin air. And it'll be real. Roman is light Creativity because of Patton. Remus is an Intrusive Creativity. I have the power of manipulation, shapeshifting and I can shut you up about whatever I don't want you to tell anyone. But because of Virigl's strong powers, it doesn't work on him. He's immune to whatever I try to convince him that's a lie - or at least he used to be."

"What the hell is my power?!" Virgil screamed and started to shake even harder. It seemed like purple beams would shoot from his hands if he lifted up.

"You are Anxiety. You're able to make anyone feel regret, depression, convince them of any possible outcome or even hold back someone's hopes and dreams because you're so powerful. The night before you ran away you changed. My friends told me you broke a spell by looking in my book, and by reciting a Latin chant while at your whore's house." Debra ran finger through her hair. "She is not a whore!" Virgil immediately raised her arm arm shot a purple glow at her, moving his arm so fast it was like he threw it. It hit Debra's eye, making her break down. Remus jumped at Virgil, attacking him. As they tumbled and fought on the ground, Patton ran over trying to stop them.

"Roman, come here." Logan lowly said as Roman walked over to him. Roman's left eye color was going green, knowing that this had to be from Remus and it was the opposite for him. "We have to get you out of here n-" Logan was cut off by being shot through the heart with a yellow beam of neon light, it was sinking into his chest causing him so much pain he probably wouldn't be able to move. Patton turned around and attacked Debra, leaving Virgil and Logan to have to fix his injury.

Virgil knew that Logan would be too heavy to drag to the car and so he helped drag him on the couch. Logan started coughing so much that he started to see the light. Yellow and blue blood started building up in his mouth and chest. "Nonono-" Virgil cried. "Please, please live, please-" Virgil cried harder. Right before Logan went flatline, Virgil stomped so hard there was an earthquake. Time had also stopped. But Patton, Deceit, Virgil, Remus and Roman could still move.

Without questioning why the world looked yellow and brown, like an old movie, Virgil raised Debra up high onto the ceiling. "Who the hell did you pray to?!" Virgil screamed a yell, Remus tried touching him to calm down but he was pinned to a wall by a force of air, as was everyone else.

"Virgil, I'm so sorry," Debra started getting bloodshot eyes. Blood dripped from the ceiling, it was hers and it was dripping quick. But it was yellow blood. Virgil turned his head to Patton and released him. "Fix Logan." He ordered. Patton nodded and zoomed towards Logan, hovering his hand over Logan's wound and sucking the glistening yellow juices out of his body and closing the open wound.

Debra gulped watched her yellow tears fall onto the ground. "The Yellow Eyed Demon!" She yelled, hearing it echo. "Azazel! And Castiel provided my children and husband with the more powerful because he knew what I'd do with it - but he and Azazel fought for Virgil, and he ended up with some of the most powerful!" She screamed. In anger, Virgil let his heart decide what was best. She started feeling fire in her body. Time resumed and Logan leaned up, he saw Virgil and already saw the outcome for what was going to happen. He shot a blue beam at him, immediately making Debra fall on the ground, as well as Remus and Roman. Patton turned around and opened his palm, catching both Debra and Virgil on pink roses, fluffy enough so they didn't get hurt when they fell. 

Roman and Remus stared with a dropped jaw. "What powers do you have, Mom?" Roman asked, calming down from being pinned for a while. "I am Logic, son. I can bend, change fix all logic. Yes, I have another form of manipulation . . And a simple punch could send you 12 feet under ground or halfway into steel." Logan said and crossed his legs. Virgil's unconscious body let out a deep sigh, showing he was really asleep. 

"Well- it was nice talking to you again Debra, but we have to go," Patton said and carried Virgil out. As Debra was slowly her own consciousness, she woke up to hear it, snapping and making the doorknobs steaming hot, and locked from the other side. As the windows were sealed shut and every other way of getting out of the house disappeared. "You're not leaving this house. . . Especially with my kids," Debra looked up with 4 other hands ripping out of her body, making her look like a spider. Patton, just standing in fear hesitated to say anything at all.  ". . .Where are we going to sleep?" He asked and laid Virgil on the couch, making her smirk. 

"Baby, I loved you so much, and I've missed you for so long." Debra said, her mellifluous voice caused a wave of satisfaction and at the same time. "And baby, I'm so so touch starved." She whispered in Patton's ear. Roman heard what she had to say, feeling a tight restraint against his wrists, chest and ankles.

They were very tight. They were also glowing green. He turned to Remus who was holding him tight from the restraints and Remus' glowing eyes glistened like the his diamond and golden earring on his left ear. "My mother wants to have fun, and you and your selfish, perky, disgusting, worthless vessel will not ruin  this for her." He tightened the chains, making Roman wince. 

Logan's lip quivered and he started getting dizzy, falling out onto the ground. 

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