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"I hope your parents see you rot in hell."

A week past and everyone was still quarantined in a house with Debra. Remus, Virgil and Roman were used to this, so it didn't affect them that much, but Patton yearned to go outside. He was way too tired of hearing the constant yelling. He hated sleeping in a bed with Debra. He was happy to have Logan in the same bed, too, but a lot of it felt off.

He was sickened by it.

"What's today?" Remus asked yawning as he walked into the kitchen at the same time as Patton to see Logan and Roman cooking breakfast. Debra drank her coffee and replied, "Friday the 13th." And resumed her article on her laptop. Patton's dilated eyes were somehow shaking harder than his hands, and he decided to walk back to the couch. He covered his face as he was getting a head ache. It felt like time was moving too fast. Almost like he was subconsciously jumping through time. He started getting memories of when he enjoyed cuddling with Debra during the night.

He started remembering how it felt to love her more than anything. He remembered the joy in his heart when she told him she was pregnant. His heart was aching from the memories. How she started pulling away from him days before she told him she wanted a divorce. Everything hurt, but not as much as it did when she took the children and left him with only one. Words failed to bring him back into reality, but Logan didn't.

"Patton!" Logan yelled, Roman was crying on his shoulder, the hand print on his face was bright red, hurting his skin way too hard. "What the hell?!" Patton yelled and picked him up, racing him to his room and was getting him a bag of ice for his bruise. Debra stood there next to him, just laughing. "Use your power, shit for cock." She said and took the bag from his hands. "Debra, honey, I'm a nurse. I can help him with or  without my power." He replied and snatched the bag back. "Also, the expression is shit for brains you multicolored hairy sack of horse ball-sack, piece of shit." Patton ended and walked away with a sass in his hips. Debra, both impressed and amazed by how he was acting, was angry and starting to get irritated with being in a house quarantined with this little shit for a week straight. 

The sound of foot steps creaked while he walked up stairs. He walked inside of the room and put the ice pack on his neck. Letting his eyes gently close, he prayed silently with his eyes closed, making the fears in his dreams fade away. Patton chanted some Latin words, that made Roman smile, in his sleep. Patton slowly walked out of the room and gently closed the door to make sure he was sleeping just fine and wouldn't be disturbed. 

He came out to see the front door open and Debra stood on the other side with a cigar in her hand and a bottle of beer in the other. Patton went over to her, basically trash talking her on why she shouldn't be drinking. The watched the sunset and trash talked each other. Patton more than Debra, making her annoyed. "Debra, you're a real bitch for being the way you are. I saw how you were watching my husband when he was getting dressed in the bathroom. I saw how you were trying to hook up with him when in the hallway. I saw everything." Patton gave her a side grin. Debra looked up at him with a 'sorry' face. 

"Debra, I never knew how much of a touch starved whore you were until I saw you again last week. God Debra, did you think I didn't know how you get off to seeing how mine's and my husband's naked bodies were? You think I haven't heard you fucking yourself late at night and moaning into your pillow?" He added on. More taunting than he already was. "Patton stop-" Debra started, she was already crying her eyes out, and was on the verge of hurting anyone who made it worse. "Debra, I hope you know how much Logan and I are disgusted by you, You see us and call us faggots - in front of your homosexual child, then thirst over us for the whole week you keep us quarantined with you for no fucking reason? We're never going to be a thing ever again, Debbie. You hurt me so much for the past 10 years because of all the memories we had since we were 13. And you let go of it all because I was going to let our kids reveal their powers - that if they knew they had back then could've learned how to use them now." Patton rambled, just making Debra feel worse. 

"You're a worthless woman, Deb. I hope your parents see you in hell." 

Debra turned around with undilated eyes that struck Patton through the heart. Patton felt his blood leaving his body. Since Debra seriously didn't mean for this to happen it wasn't intense, and she screamed so loud the whole neighbor hood could've woke up. Logan and Virgil rushed outside and saw Patton, Virgil breaking down hard and Logan already carrying him to their car. Virgil didn't even look back once, he didn't even think of going back to say anything to Roman. He felt like it would've been stupid. His jaw felt out of place and his teeth felt missing but everything was fine. As he was reading up on some of his own powers, Azazel's side effect is so when he stresses out he's imagining the impossible and hallucinating. 

Debra felt like an asshole, but not as sorry for what she did to Patt. She closed the door right when she walked inside and slowly walked to Roman, Remus, and Virgil's room to go see Roman. Knowing what Patton might have did from seeing how much guilt she had, Debra let one of her 6 arms pull out and touch his forehead, giving him details of what she wants for them. A plan for a whole new land. A plan for their own wicked kingdom. Where Roman would be the king and everyone would refer to him as nonetheless of so. Roman had a black tear run down his face and the white shirt he was sleeping in slowly went black, slowly became to show that he was giving into the dark side Patton was warning him about earlier that night. She chanted in Latin, to make it appear that he would look just fine until he used his power, or got them to where she wanted them to be. And a sense of pleasure rushed through her body. Knowing that all the guilt from what she did to Patton was gone made her more happier than she should have been. She knew it was fucked up - but he deserve everything that'll happen to him in the future. Whether it's gains or losses, everything.

"I'll be waiting for you in the car at 9." Debra whispered then moved her extra hand and let it push back into her body, walking away with the sound of her black heels clanking in the background.

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