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"Don't fly too close to the sun."

Patton, Logan and Virgil were on the way to Patton's room in critical condition, as they got there they had to wait out of the room while the doctors and nurses tried to make sure he wouldn't die so early into the hospital. The nurses and doctors walked out in relief and a  nurse walked over to them, explaining that he would live as long as he got a blood donation. "He's an O-, and he can only receive blood from another O-." She said with a frown, hoping Logan would say he was one so they wouldn't have to get anything from someone they don't know. "I have O- blood! Please, just use mine! We need to hurry!" He yelled and grabbed the nurse by her wrists. She looked over to Logan and he nodded, indicating that it was alright. 

Meanwhile, Roman had woken up and walked outside to see Remus reluctantly looking around for Virgil. "What're you doing, dumbass?" Roman asked and looked at his bunny slippers, sort of laughing. "Mom told me to look for some kind of shit." He said, "I'll help then - maybe I'll get some money if I find it before you." He said cockily Remus rolled his eyes. They looked together and started to argue wile doing so, but weren't going in too deep and were still being reasonable about what they say. Into their argument they started saying things that they promised their mother they wouldn't mention. Crossing borders they promised not to made even touched. And then they mentioned Virgil. Where the hell is Virgil?

"Where's Virgil?" Roman asked as they searched in Debra's room.

At the same time as they looked around, Virgil was cooling off from having a needle in his arm. He sat next to Logan as they stayed next to Patton's unconscious body. Patton slowly woke up, feeling like there's 1,000 needles in his back. "Thank you Virgie, thank you so much," he whispered to Virge and grinned, softly touching his chin; wanting to hug Virgil but couldn't find the strength to sit up.

Virgil was crying so hard he couldn't hear Patton speaking to Logan - Logan held him with one arm and was talking to Patton.

"Seriously, where is Virgil?" He asked and looked out the window, Remus shrugged his shoulders. "Probably somewhere with his whore of a 'friend'." Remus cackled, "Y'know, I'm starting to think that he already had sex with a female." Remus added on. Roman turned around with a face of disgust - "He's gay, Remus." Roman face palmed, making Remus laugh.

"Still, don't you think it's amazing how one person can make you happy for forever?" Roman's eyes glistened, "I feel like I've known my brother from a different universe - a different world, really. He's my favorite emo nightmare." Roman chuckled, making Remus feel left out. Not exactly what Roman wanted, but he did want to somehow show his favoritism for Virgil. "Do you ever think of showing the world our abilities?.." He added again - making Remus laugh a bit.

"Our powers make us gods compared to all these simpletons out here." Remus reminded. He swayed his legs over his mother's bed and laid out, looking at his detailed acrylics. "They'd think we're evil and probably try to burn us alive. Your little 'brave prince act, trying to stop evil' would never work against mobs of thousands." Remus shook his head and looked behind him to see a sad Roman.

"Then why don't we kill them?" He mumbled very lowly, but Remus heard him. "What?!" Remus yelled, "Aren't you supposed to be the prince who saves everyone? Not the evil king who causes chaos everywhere they go?" Remus questioned. "Well sure but, thinking about it, I'd like to live with my brother and him only. He's perfect and charming, he'd get any prince he wanted." Roman daydreamed, staring into the sunset.

Remus blushed, "You really think that of me, Ro?" Remus blushed a little harder. Roman cackled, "Nope!"

Remus knew exactly who he was talking about.

"He's not perfect, Ro."

Roman's neck twisted ever so quickly, almost as if he snapped his neck. "Yes he is! He's a perfect boy who deserves a perfect life! He's-- He's-- He's a life savoir with bravery- and he's better than you'll ever be!" Roman yelled and made Remus stand up and walk around the room, where Roman was and threw the first punch.

Virgil felt something was off. He was laying in the hospital bed with Patton, watching The Amazing World Of Gumball until he stood up and tried to shiver off his chills. "Virge, dear, what's wrong?" Patton asked. Virgil let his hand flail around, "I don't feel right- I feel like there's violence." He started to fall to his knees and look up to a vision of Debra, making Roman kiss a ring and her forming a gold crown on top of his head. Blood and ink tears poured from his eyes and his cut wounds were in pain, throbbing, aching, but in a distance he could see Remus' unconscious body laying there.

"My Dark Flame king," Debra grinned. "I'm so proud of you, son." She evilly cackled and held his hand down the aisle of his day to be crowned a king.

Virgil jumped up without hesitation, rubbing his eyes quick and rough. Tears rushed down his face and he looked at Logan and Patton who decided that he had to do this by himself until Patton was stable enough for this mission. "Virgie," Logan called out. Virgil crawled towards him then was balanced enough to stand up straight and gasp when he was handed over $400 and Logan's car keys. "You need to stop Remus and Roman before something big happens. If you can't stop them, run. Run 10 feet away from the house and keep track of where Debra and whoever she takes with him goes." He told, making Virgil stand in confusion as he pocketed the stuff. "They're going to do something bad soon . . . We'll catch up when Patton is all right." Logan added, watching Virgil quickly leave.

Patton gasped - "Wait!" He said right as Virgil was going to leave the room.

"Don't fly too close to the sun, kiddo." He said with a silly smile. Virgil blew then kisses then ran off, making the nurses, doctors and patients question why. He rushed to the car and started it up, digging through his bag that he had with him from a week ago when Logan said to pack. As Virgil drove, he let the windows down and played music by the band Waterparks and some songs by older artists. Due to his powers, he has a synesthesia affect. He sees the colors all to well and is calmed down by it. He's going to need it at least.

Roman threw Remus into a wall, screaming at him from being thrown against the painting above Debra's bed. "You always act like you're jealous of Virgil - Why? Because he's smarter than you, and he isn't a fucking idiot like you, Remus!" Roman yelled, making Remus cry and fuck up his eye liner and mascara, causing Ro to chuckle.

"You've been protecting Virgil and nurturing him ever since you got here! What's wrong with me? Why can't I be treated like him?" Remus screamed angrily, his green eyes were glowing in a glorious green. As his pupil dilated and his face went pale, he resisted every urge to shatter the glass in the room and cut him to shreds with it.

"Virgil has more than you ever had! He has good hygiene and doesn't make other people think of unpleasant things!" Ro screamed. "His moral compass isn't pointed towards hell! And you know what? Dad cries every year on our birthday because of you! You make the world a sad place and everyone wishes for your death every single day!" Roman scrunched his eyes as he didn't wanna see Remus' heart breaking face, not waning to feel any guilt that would make him give in. "Mom only kept you because she couldn't handle having two perfections and one mistake!" Roman started levitating above the ground and let tears roll down his face. Remus let all glass shatter and rush towards him, but every single piece missed him by an inch.

"I wish you were never born!" Remus had a bloody scream - one that was powerful enough to shake the house. The scream made the town's power go out. The scream broke all lamps in a 5 mile radius. It shattered every single window in the neighborhood. Roman who blocked the glass that was supposed to hit him with his arms put them down and lifted his chin, making Remus float, "Oh little brother," he started with a quivering lip, "neither of us are the victim, you just lack imagination." Roman smirked and moved his head to the side as Remus smashes against the wall, making him for through it and fall onto his mother's floor.

Roman turned around while blood ran down his peach face, running from above his forehead to his shoulders. "Neither do I." He referred to what Remus said, 'I wish you were never born!'.

Virgil rushed upstairs and tried to talk to Roman - asking what happened while holding his phone as a flashlight. "Virge, remember how mom and dad always said I'm a prince among both of you?" He asked and ignored all Virge's questions. Virgil nodded, confused.

"They were wrong. Bloody wrong. I'm King Roman. And King Roman has some mistakes he needs to change." Roman evilly chuckled. "You're a psycho- you promised me you'd help them and each other! You can't hurt anyone - you're a good prince - a helpful one!" Virgil exclaimed, holding onto Ro's arm as he walked out the door. Roman pushed him off. "If you're going to help me, follow. If not, suffer, like everyone in this town will in only three weeks." Roman replied while not even taking a glance behind him.

He didn't look back because he knew what would happen if he did. His morality wold kick in. His heartbeat was pumping faster than ever. If Roman looked back he would see Virgil in panic and feel too emotional to actually leave everyone behind. Roman, the insecure prince-hero, Virgil's sense of creativity, is now his blood thirsty villain brother.

He's now Roman, the strong and confident king-villain, and Debra's pride and gluttony.

Debra waiting outside of the house in the car saw him coming, Roman opened the door and got in. "What'd you do, baby?" She asked, knowing he did what he had to, but wanted details. "Let's just say they should be afraid." Roman chuckled lowly. Debra grinned, biting her lip, very proud of her son. "Keep this up and we'll get back to everyone who hurt us in a heart beat."

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