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The car Debra and Roman were in zoomed off, passing every speed limit and Roman sticking his head out the window and feeling the cool air through his roots. Debra turned up the volume so loud it may have been blasting loud enough to wake up the sleeping people when they pasted neighborhoods.

"We're gonna live like royals, kid." Debra bit her lip with a grin, "We're gonna have diamond rings, necklaces, everything. We'll be worshipped from England to China," she continued and looked over to Roman whose clothes started transforming black, and the red went yellow.

"And if we have our control over Logan," Debra removed one hand from the steering wheel and dangled it as if she were holding a puppet on neon blue strings - which she was, ". . we can bend and fix logic to be whatever we want it to be." Debra cackled, balling her fist and making the doll disappear to where it had been before.

Meanwhile where Virgil and Remus had been, everything was shaking harder than every other house. The farther they went, the harder it shook. Virgil was dragging Remus out of the house, getting him to the car in case it collapsed. Of course Virgil knew that now he'd have to take him on their mission, but he'd also have to risk his life packing him a small bag. Virgil took a huff from his inhaler and ran inside to the stairs, knowing this is probably fucking crazy. But this little shit would do anything for his family.

Virgil grabbed the nearest bag he saw - a backpack with Virgil's high-school logo on it. Virgil stuffed clothes, underwear, tooth brush and tooth paste, and more essentials. As the roof collapsed, Virgil watched the fan fall, almost directly on him. But it did cut up his hand pretty good. Suffering in agony, he did let out some tears but lastly extra money - does gas.

Virgil wasn't thinking right. He did an irrational move - throwing his bag through the broken window and then trying to land on it. He was surprised the impact didn't break his bones, but did have a major stab if pain in his feet and leg.

The house went crumbling down. Along with all the memories in it.

Virgil was in pain, so much pain he could barely move. Remus started to wake up then went over to help Virgil to the car, setting him in the driver's seat as sitting inside of the passenger seat. Remus already had the bag around his back as he walked, so there wouldn't be a real reason for him to have to go back again.

Virgil took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes shut then opening them again and seeing purple, yellow, all types of colors flying around the air. The synesthesia affect became stronger after a few minutes of the radio getting louder. Making Virgil feel warm inside. Making him feel all gooey and fluffy in his heart. "Where are we going?" Remus asked and buckled them both in.

"I don't know. But we have to find our mom. She has Roman and can do God knows what with him. After all, he is Creativity. And who knows what she's going to do." Virgil started the engine and leaned over to the glove department and snatched the med kit out. "I have to fix your cuts before we go," Virgil looked into the cuts on his arm and hands from being hit through two walls. Remus tearing up nodded, looking down at his arms. "I packed you a long sleeve shirt and some leggings." Virgil rambled while tilting the bottle of rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball and tilting it back.

Remus just smiled and then bit his lips as Virgil slid the cotton ball against his cut, seeing as they were deep and he had to do it two more times to make sure it would be okay. After two more times of washing off the cuts he wrapped up his arm, "How do you know how to do this so well?" Remus asked, watching how delicate Virgil moved. Virgil's eyes had a quick flash of bright purple and he giggled - "Patton - I mean our dad is a doctor. He showed Roman and I how to do a lot of the things he learned during his years of med school. He's performed surgeries and the only time someone slipped out of his hands was when they had a serious heart failure during the surgery." Virgil explained and continued to wrap it, stopping and making sure it was secure to stay. "Oh dear-"

"He couldn't get over it for weeks. He'd come home crying and angry at himself. Social distancing from us and would only respond to questions of how work was. He barely talked to Logan," Virgil started started having tear filled eyes and they slowly had small tears rushing down. Virgil calmed down, putting him on a shoulder sling.

"Why didn't he use his power?" Remus asked. Virgil paused, "I'm not sure. It was a while ago, though. Before I knew Roman had powers." Virge sniffed the snot that was going to rush from his nostril to his lip.

"Let's go," Virgil coughed and started the car, already driving on speed limit. The atmosphere around them was surreal. An aurora of beautiful magical phantoms and angels were outside the car. Virgil drove peacefully until he heard the explosion from behind them. It startled them so bad that they could've hit their head against the dashboard. Smashing the brake pedal and emergency brake so hard they almost smashed into a house full of children and adults, praising God for whatever reason he's keeping them alive. Remus had a strong urge to turn on the news station, and so he did.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Where are Patton and Logan?" Remus asked, trying to start conversation. Virgil drove with one hand against the steering wheel and tilting his head to the side, resting it. It seemed like there was eyeshadow under his eyes. It increased from small bits by the second. "Hospital. I had to donate my blood earlier. Mom hurt him. . Bad. But as soon as he is okay again, they're gonna catch up with us." Virgil replied and got a memory of seeing his own gushing blood exiting his body from cutting himself up, tearing himself up, and putting himself down.

The showy "eyeshadow" increased. It was heavy. "Hey, when did you apply eyeshadow?" Remus asked and sat back, his legs were high upon the dashboard and he was looking worriedly at Virge. "I- I didn't-" Virge panicked. "I. . I took mom's black magic books before I left, they're in the back seat under those blankets and our bags," Virge said. "That's what she told me to look for - you took it?!" Remus yelled, gasping.

"Jesus, idiot, don't be an asshole about it and scream at me like I did something wrong! I need you to go through one of them!" Virgil yelled back and followed wherever the synesthesia seeming path outside of the car. A bleam color sparkled on the road. It was in the exact direction of where Roman and Debra had escape with each other.

"Okay," Remus huffed reluctantly. Though he was proud of Virgil for being as sassy as he always wanted him to be, but was offended that Virgil had the audacity to treat him as he shouldn't have. Remus leaned back and grabbed one of the books. He flipped through it, seeing that some of the beginning pages were history facts about black magic and silly theories of how it started and can possibly save the world. "What the hell are these pictures?" Remus asked, pointing at the photos of people posing for a man on a thrown. A man who's in charge of a lot more than just people's souls. This man had a crown that had webs and spiders falling off of it. People were working for him, too. People were drawing on their skins in Latin. Words Remus dared not to chant, incase he summoned what he wasn't supposed to.

"I know. I was looking over it in confusion, but in school I got an A+ in my Latin classes. They're selling their souls to become more powerful than they were in their life before they died. The only thing that would really kill them as they possess someone else would be exorcism." Virgil said and looked down at the book, sort of forgetting he's not supposed to take his eyes off the road.

"A few weeks ago I got a tattoo of the Devil's trap and some other things that are guaranteed to keep Demon's from even touching me. Weird because I'm sure enough I am one, but I needed it. More than anything. I was so scared." Virgil broke down depressed, ugly and salty purple tears leaked from Virgil's sparkly eyes. As soon as he looked up from looking down he saw a car coming to hit them, not knowing what to do he hit the breaks and screamed, running onto a beach and stopping right before they got into the water.

Through pain and agony, Virgil grabbed his lighter from his pocket and teared open a pack of cigarettes he'd been hiding away in that hoodie for two weeks. Remus turned so quickly he could've snapped. He smacked both of his items away and started to curse Virgil out. "I don't care if I smoke - I'm 1 hour older than you and therefore your older brother! I know you saw me do it and think it's okay but it's not! Virgil, your health is so important!" Remus screamed angrily.

The eyeshadow increased by the minute and he was on the page of telling the side affects for the powers he has. Side effects that aren't guaranteed, but may occur for some of the strongest.

. . . Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. Anxiety is a mental trigger in the mind once one is faced with overwhelming tasks, new information one would rather not know before any action or event, ect. Granting the power of anxiety onto a person requires great responsibility. A sharp mind and a soul proven not to be anything higher than evil, or lower than angelic. Being anxiety does not qualify one as a 'bad' or 'untrustworthy' person. Nor does it qualify one as 'truthful' and a blessing to be around.

Virgil was trying to read pasts the things that weren't as important. Then found what he was looking for.

Anxiety may lead to -
×mood swings
×risky actions
×appearing eyeshadow to anyone without the ability of logical reasoning and deceitful manner

And a list of things that would be useless to him, as he never experienced it. Virgil read through these useless facts, shaking his head, not surprised they kept this hidden, but was hurt.

The two boys sat on top of the car, stuffing their faces with food and talking about stuff that happened while Virgil was gone for two years. Virgil still couldn't keep thinking about why they keep hiding things from him. "Why are they keeping stuff like this away from me? It's my ability. It's not like I can't teach myself how to handle it. I'm strong enough, right?" Virgil asked, yearning for acceptance and praise. Or something more than that. He can't find the word.

Remus, looking in the direction of the beautiful, glistening stars didn't even hesitate to say what he had to. Making Virgil rethink most things he's known for a while. Most things he's probably been keeping away from himself. "What you don't know can't hurt you." Remus lit a cigarette and huffed it, knowing how is teeth are gonna stain and he might even catch cancer. But right now he doesn't care. He's zoned our with his brother. This is what he wants. He wants to cherish and support his brothers until his final breath.

word count : 2013!!!!

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