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Debra fell out and Virgil's heart began to pump fast and quickly. His eye color went back to normal and he was too scared to comment on it. And so he ran. He didn't look back. Virgil ran so fast, Virgil wanted to escape what world he was living in. Their fence was higher than their heads - the short male couldn't even climb over it. Since Debra owns a very rich company, they live in a very fine neighborhood.

But it's so fine people like to rob it. Hence the reason for their 10ft tall gate. As Virgil ran he was getting tired, due to serious asthma. He kept going, though. Since he got out the gate by entering a passcode, he felt so safe. When he made it out to the street, he was finally out of breath. Virgil put his hand out to the car going and passed out.

Later, Virgil woke up in a warm, cozy and dimly lit room. The only lights that were on were fairy lights, and they were going around all corners of the room, hanging on the wall. 'Am I dead?' Virgil asked himself, and stood up. 'I died in my favorite hoodie, and tight jeans?' He asked himself. 'I'm disappointed.'

He slapped himself to make sure he wasn't dead. He wasn't. Whenever Virge passes out he wakes up to loud, music playing. But this time it was peaceful. He stood up after laying in a comfortable, fluffy mattress. He's only been in his rough one, or their tworn couch. He remembers hearing the springs every night he slept on it while they redid his room.

He got up, and he had no shoes on, like he didn't when he left. But there were bunny slippers for him. He had no choices but to wear them. Virgil walked around and looked at everything. The Polaroid photos hanging in frames in the hallway, all the award certificates, and even written poems. His fingers slid along the stairs as he went down them, shocked at how different everything was.

The smell of cherries. The wallpaper that was of beautiful flowers. The carpeted flooring. He saw hands prints on the wall. As if they were from 4-year-olds. Virgil made his way down and looked at the ceiling, and then the ground, and at the curtains. The curtains were white, and seemed like a blessing.

"Ooh!" The family said, as they were playing Jenga. "You tried your best, Roro!" One who seemed as a father figure said and gave him a hug. The one in red, responding to that - his name was probably Roro. Roro giggled and laughed, "Okay, well, can we play a different game?" Roro asked. None of them even seemed to see Virgil. Virgil just sat at the bottom of the stairs and silently let tears run down his face. The way his life was to this one was so different. The father figure finally got up, "Oh yeah sure, just let me get another game from the upstairs closet-" he said and walked in Virge's direction.

Virgil panicked - trying to move, but the father figure was moving too fast. "Oh, our guest woke up!" He said, "You should join us at the table, we hate leaving others out." He said and showed him to the kitchen table, where Roman and another man had the bubbly faces and expressions. "You can call me Patton or Patt, they'll introduce themselves," the dad - or Patton said and went upstairs.

"Hi! I'm Roman!" Roro said. Virgil nodded, looking at the other man. "You can call me Logan. Or Mr. Sanders, whichever one sounds best to you." Logan said and looked at the book in his hand. "Excuse me sir - is that 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?" He said and gasped in amazement. "That book is amazing! I love the plot and how it throws reality into it!" Virgil exclaimed while geeking out. Lo, adjusting his glasses, nodded. "Of course it is! It's my personal favorite book." He replied, grinning at the teenager and glanced over at his husband who came back with more games.

For an hour they played games, and it was the most fun Virgil had in 2 years. Before those two years when he had he time of his life was at a skating rink. Though he was bumping into the wall and had to hold his cousin's hand half of the time, it was the most fun he had in a long time.

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