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While they were cleaning up the whip cream from one of the other games, Virgil assumed it was time to sleep. His anxiety was kicking in, thinking that all of this was a dream. That he hadn't met these kind, understanding people. That he didn't leave that agonizing life he was living in. Or so he called 'the dark side of his life'. "It's time to sleep already?" He asked, his voice was soft and shy.

Roman shook his head. "Of course not, silly! It's just time for movies, self care and cookies!" He said and put the wet rag into the sink. "Come now, I'll find some pants and a shirt for you, Mom and Dad will get the movie and snacks together!" He said and rushed Virgil with him upstairs. As they went into Roman's bedroom, Virgil was shocked. Roman had a whole toy box and it looked like a whole stack of photo albums. Ro rummaged through his closet, looking for a set of pajamas that match.

"So," Virgil started, sitting at Roman's desk, that had incredibly good sketches and rough drafts. "What's it like having two parents?" Virgil asked and looked around. Roman scoffed, "I mean, it's great! One of them used to work for NASA, and now works with Apple - and the other one is a nurse." Roman said with a chuckle. "I'm guessing you have only one parent?"

Virge nodded. "Sadly, yeah. My mom divorced my dad when I was 1, and on my birthday." Virgil replied. "I live with my brother and her."

"You poor cup of honey!" Roman exclaimed. His southern gene was showing. He got it from one of his parents, but it wasn't from Patton nor Logan. "So which one is the mom?" Virge cleared his throat, changing the subject. "Logan is, the one who was reading." Roman jerked his hips to the side to grab a shirt to go with the pants he found. "I wasn't adopted. I had a mom, but we never really talked about her because it breaks my dad's heart so much. She was my birth mom, though. Beautiful, smart, encouraging. I had 2 brothers, too. But we don't talk about them either."

A brief silence went around the room. Simultaneously, they both sniffed, and rubbed their nose.

"You know, she had the sweetest heart ever. All until her children were born." Roman and let his body shiver. "She got custody over my brothers because of how differently she treated us - even before we were 1! My brothers were her favourites. And I was her malevolent aberration doll, her behavior hurt my father so bad that the divorce was finaled a day after my birthday."

"Funny, my mom finaled her divorce on my birthday." Virgil replied. "December 19th."

A feeling of tension, fear and anger came through both of their bodies.

"Here's your outfit." Roman said and showed Virgil the shirt with a storm cloud on it, and it was purple. His purple and grey sweats were very fluffy, and his shirt was thin but not enough to make him sweat. "I'll leave you alone for a bit, so you could change." Roman said and left the room.

Virgil changed into the pajamas, and was looking around the room. He quickly moved the chair and looked under the boxes, seeing a photo album. From the light of his phone, he used it to look at the photos as he opened it. There it was.

Pictures of baby Roman. Pictures of Patton from 2003. Pictures of beautiful settings. Flowers, restaurants, gardens, houses, places like Paris and Hawaii. Bora Bora, Milford Sound and Petra were also there. Pictures of Patton and a woman with brunette hair. A woman with brunette hair with blonde tips. She would wear yellow and black most the time, and always her black fedora.

Virgil had seen it before. It was in his mother's closet, on the top shelf. There was a fake yellow flower on the ribbon of it. Oh, how he wished to actually understand how his family was. Oh, how he wished to see his mother wear it.

 Virgil put the book back and left the room in time to see Roman being carried on Lo's shoulders, he listened to the giggles, to the gasps for hair through laughter from Patton. Logan gently laid Roman onto the couches, where there were no cushions or pillows, because they made a fort. Fairy lights around the TV and windows were on, making it sparkle in there. "What're with the hand prints on the wall?" Virgil asked, still happy by how wholesome it was.

"When me and Logan got married, we bought this house during our honeymoon!" He started, "and when painting, Roman and his cousins got into the paint and started putting hand prints in the bathroom and living room." Logan finished, looking towards their piano that had a snow globe, fake flowers and even framed photos on there. "We all put a hand on the piano over there on the top." Logan added.

"Your house is so peaceful and sweet, mines is loud and extroverted." Virgil said and sat on the couches that had no cushions.

"Yeah well, as much as we'd love to, we don't have the time to invite people over everyweek for a party." Patton chuckled and opened his arms for Virgil. Virgil flinched, thinking he'd be slapped. Patton crawled over to Virgil and gave him a warm, welcoming hug. Tears came down from Virgil's eyes, feeling more at home than he ever did with his mom.

Already knowing that Virgil has most likely been through things that he's never talked about with someone and that he's probably been hurt by someone who 'loves' him, Patton softly said, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Virgil, taking a gasp, trying to recall any time he's been asked that but couldn't, nodded. "Yes, I'd love to - a very much."

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