Don't Mind If I Can't

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Colby effortlessly bounces over the top rope, he leaves Scarlett doing her warm ups. He drops to the floor and walks over to Josh.
     "Hey man," Colby says, sitting beside him.
     "Is everything okay with Scarlett?"
     "Oh, she is doing fantastic, but I do have something I need to talk to you about. It might, actually I think it will affect Scarlett."
     "Okay," Josh nods, a little worry sneaks in but he stays calm.
     "What I've gathered from my time with Scarlett is that she loves Becky, almost like Becky is all the reason she likes wrestling at all-"
     "And you, Becky's her favourite, but she likes you too," Josh interrupts.
     He smiles a little, "Awesome. But does she watch Smackdown or NXT?"
     Josh thinks for a moment, "Not all the time, for Smackdown, NXT is a no though."
     "Yeah, NXT is a little more intense," Colby nods. "But she watches Raw every week because Becky's on it, right?"
     "Yes, if Becky's not on for whatever reason she gets very upset."
     "Oh boy," Colby sighs, "That's what I was afraid of."
     Josh frowns, "Is something wrong."
     "I am worried. Last week Scarlett told me about how her therapist told her to think about her favourite things when she's too nervous, things that make her happy, right."
     Josh nods, "Becky Lynch, all the clips, every time."
     "And something new every Monday," Colby plays with the hem of his shorts.
     "She hates school, she gets to come home on a Monday and watch Becky."
     "What would happen if she couldn't?"
     "Couldn't watch Becky?"
     "To be honest, I don't want to find out, I mean there's still all the old stuff she re-watches. Can I ask why you're asking this, is Becky injured?" Josh asks, but god he hopes not.
     "Ah, no, she's not injured. She's pregnant. On Monday she's gonna vacate the title and tell everyone she's going away for a bit."
     "Oh," is what slips out, 'shit' is what he's thinking. "Congrats," is what he says.
     "Thank you," Colby smiles. "I just wanted to let you know ahead of time because of Scarlett's infatuation. And I wondered if you wanted me to tell her or if you want to tell her or if you wanted her to be surprised by the segment?"


Paisley sprints for the front door and Sam shouts after her, he was changing Ada's diaper and couldn't chase her. She ran behind Avi who is sitting on the sofa.
     "Paisley," he snaps.
     She stops dead in her tracks, they're not allowed to upset Avi, that is the biggest no-no.
     "Wait for Sam," he tells her, he still can't turn his head, he's glad Paisley listened.
     "He's taking too long, someone's at the door," she points, exasperated.
     "They can wait," Avi says calmly.
     A moment later Sam walks in from the kitchen with Ada. Paisley watches the blonde man with narrowed eyes. Sam jokingly evil-eyes her back. Then he opens the door, far too slowly for Paisley's liking.
     "Kirstie, hi," Sam smiles.
     Avi does everything he can not to turn in his seat, but he catches himself smiling. Paisley however continues her sprint to the door and then wraps her arms around Kirstie.
     "Kirstie I lost the dog poops," she says into the woman's dress.
     "Oh that's no good," she comments, trying not to laugh.
     "Paisley, I'm sure that's not why she's here," Sam closes the door behind them.
     "Of course she's here to see Uncle Avi but she can see me too," the little red-head leads Kirstie to the couch and sits herself between Avi and Kirstie. She glances at one and then the other, grinning, again and again.
     "Paisley," Sam sighs, waving her back towards himself and the kitchen.
     Kirstie giggles and Avi tries to supress his laughter at Paisley's over-dramatic groan, "Fine." She jumps off the couch and stomps over to Sam and Ada, leaving the room with them.
     "Avi I have a really big favour to ask," Kirstie blurts out almost immediately.
     "Oh, um okay," he nods, he'd thought she'd just come to say hi.
      "You love dogs right?"
     "I prefer them to cats," he says slowly.
     "And the rest of your family?" She asks coyly.
     "What have you done?" He asks sternly.
     "Nothing, nothing bad. But I can't find an apartment that allows dogs, and my Mom's dog hates other dogs, like you don't even know, it's barking non-stop and they are all big dogs, I can't leave my Mom like that, that-"
     "And I just, I don't want to live with my Mom, I love her but, I've lived on my own for so long now that being at hers doesn't feel right-"
     "Kirstie I get it, I jumped at the chance to stay here, move out from my parents place. I get it," he reiterates.
     "So can they stay here, Olaf and Pascal?"
     "Of course they can," he answers before he's really thought through what he's agreed to.
     "Thank you so much Avi!" Kirstie squeals, "I'd hug you, but I don't want to hurt you," she lightly touches his arm because she's next to the injured one.
     "If you're careful I wouldn't mind," he jokes.
     She smiles, "I'll hug you from the other side." She gets up and sits back down to do just that. He lifts his good arm and she carefully leans into his side. "Oh shit."
     "What?" He panics.
     Kirstie quickly gets back up, "They're in the car."
     "Olaf and Pascal silly," she pretty much skips to the door.
     "Oh, right," he replies and when she leaves the house to get them he says, "Oh fuck."


Josh returns to the house with Scarlett and immediately does not like what he see's the second he enters.
     He and Colby have decided not to tell Scarlett. Josh just hopes she takes the surprise well, he's even going to sit with her on Friday and watch Smackdown to try and find another wrestler she might like, apparently Shotzi Blackheart has bright green hair. Josh figures she needs to learn to roll with things a little more, it's going to be hard but life is hard and in the grand scheme this is a very small hurdle.
     Back to Josh's house though, Josh's house has two dogs in it, two big dogs, and to say Josh isn't happy would be an understatement.
     Scarlett however gasps in delight and runs straight for the pure white husky that is sitting calmly on one side of her uncle. The other dog has trots over to Josh, sits down at his feet and looks up at him with big brown eyes. Paisley runs after it, hugging it.
     Josh makes eye contact with his brother whose sheepish smile is highly apologetic.
     But it's his daughters smiling faces that soften him, even Ada's reaching over her play pen pen, babbling.
     "I don't know who these dogs belong to, or why they're here, but I'll put up with them, just get it off my couch."
     Scarlett guides Olaf to the floor and slides with him, big grin stuck.

A/N: How do we think Scarlett is going to react to this big news?

Please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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