Put My Soul in It

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"You know I didn't think one bruise on my leg would make it so difficult to walk," Avi tells Kirstie as they wait at the front desk.
     She holds the elbow of his good arm to support him, "Maybe you shouldn't go home yet then."
     "No fricken way, this is costing Josh way too much, I can't do that to him. I'm going to have to do some serious job hunting so that I can pay him back."
     "Not until you're better," she watches him grimace as they just stand there. "You need to sit there. "You need to sit," she tells him.
     "I'm here."
     "We could get a wheelchair to-"
     "That costs extra."
     "Yeah but-"
     "I'm fine," Avi tells her.
     "Well what's taking them so long?" Kirstie throws her hands up because she doesn't know what else to do.
     "Just chill," Avi tells her with amusement, she seems more worried about him than he is. He adjusts his standing position and winces.
     "Sit down!" she snaps, "Not because you need to but because you're stressing me out."
     "Okay, jeez," He hobbles over to the seats with Kirstie's help. She stays standing.
     Avi has to admit that he feels a hell of a lot better whenever he's sitting down, so after 'sitting' in a hospital bed for two weeks he was feeling better, walking further than the bathroom is another story.
     "Better?" Kirstie raises a sharp eyebrow.
     Avi nods.
     "See," she drops into the seat beside him, "I told you so."
     "You did. And there's my doctor," there's a hint of smugness in his voice.
     "Fuck!" She jumps back up to meet the doctor at the front desk for Avi's release papers.


Sam was more than eager when he offers to take Scarlett to wrestling this week, he's wanted to take her since the second he found out who her trainer is. Because we all know he's secretly in love with Seth Rollins, at least that's what Avi would say. So he walks into the gym ahead of Scarlett and with a jump in his step.
     Colby is already in the ring today and he leans over the side to greet Scarlett as he spots her. "Today you're gonna learn how to do proper warm-ups and learn how to get into the ring all by yourself." He waves her over, steps on the bottom rope to lower it and pulls up the middle rope, "Come on in."
     She shoves her backpack at Sam, "Dad sat over th-there," she points him to the seats then takes off to the ring.
     Sam is stood there in awe, his mouth slightly ajar as he holds Scarlett's bag, it really is Seth Rollins: in the flesh.
     "We don't have the ring steps at the moment so running at the ring should make it easier for you to get up on it, not quite a heroic dive in just yet, but you'll get there," Colby tells Scarlett. He ends up having to climb through the ropes when she can't seem to get her leg up high enough to climb in.
     "Help," she feebly asks.
     "Try jumping and landing on your stomach," Colby instructs, "Even if you go for a running start," he mentions again and they both get off the apron of the ring onto the floor. "Like this," he walks her a few steps back then demonstrates diving into the ring. He knows it's easier for him because he's much taller, but she's only slightly shorter than Alexa Bliss, and she can do it, Colby is sure Scarlett can do it.


Today is another quiet day for Josh, not just in the crime sense, Aleen still isn't particularly chatty. It makes your work day very long when your partner won't talk to you, not to mention awkward: being stuck in a car together, eating lunch together, in silence. It hasn't been just today, but today has been worse, Josh is sure of it.
     The whole day Josh wanted to bring it up, but he couldn't find the right way. In the end, he doesn't have to, right as he's leaving Aleen comes to him.
     "Hey," he replies.
     "I need to tell you something, I mean I probably should have already told you, but I didn't know how," she sighs, she won't look at him.
     "I could tell, but I wasn't sure I could ask."
     She chuckles, barely, "If you had then it would have made this a whole lot easier." She finally looks up at him, "I'm leaving , well transferring to the 48th."
     "Oh," he says, though if he's being honest it really didn't surprise him.
     "I know what you're thinking, but this isn't about Avi, the 48th has a much faster route to detective, and they've got the whole undercover unit."
     "Yeah, I'I get that, I just didn't realise that becoming a detective was that important to you, you never really mentioned it."
     "In all fairness Josh we haven't been working together all that long," Aleen shrugs.
     "Eight months, that's almost a year," He tells her bluntly.
     "Four months off, but okay," she struggles to look at him. "We talked more about your family than we did me, or you even. And that's sweet, I don't mind it, I really liked your girls, even though they hated me-"
     "They didn't hate you."
     "Yes they did," she laughs. "My point is, it's harder now to hear about your family with your brother being my ex. But I've always wanted to be a detective, so I guess it was a little about him too. Because of what happened I feel like I can push myself a little harder, break all ties and just totally move on. I'm sorry Josh."
     He shakes his head, "Don't be sorry, I mean yeah apologise for the fact I'll be stuck on desk duty until they find me a new partner, but don't apologise for going after what you want, I'm happy for you."
     She rams into him with a tight hug, "You've been a great partner Josh, I'm going to miss you."
     He hugs her back, "I'll miss you too Aleen."

A/N: What do we think of Aleen leaving?

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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