Ch. 16

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Kyle's POV

As the school day passed through I ended up writing a letter to Stan that read,

Hey Stan,
I came up with this idea to write letters to each other especially while I don't have my phone to communicate. Makes me feel like one of those people who were off during the war and wrote letters to their loved ones haha. Anyways I need you to carefully read the next line -I AM NOT GOING TO BREAK UP WITH YOU!!! I thought you would know this by now but just a reminder anyways. Also I'm writing to tell you to stop blaming yourself, it isn't healthy and I don't want you to be unhappy because of my parents problems with retarder issues that shouldn't really be that big of a deal. Meet me tomorrow night at around 12:30pm at the trees by my house to chat, only if you can since tomorrow'll Friday night. Wish I could write more, but oh well.
Love you lots, Kyle

Wow was I ever embarrassed I actually wrote that sappy thing. I folded it up tightly and tucked it into the palm of my hand, terrified that if I dropped it somebody would take it and read it. It had taken me all morning to do mainly because I could only write a bit here and there in order to make sure nobody did see it. But I guess if that's what I'm feeling like Stan needs to know right now it's all good. I don't doubt him whatsoever and the entire letter is true, but still very embarrassing.

At the lunch bell I walked to my locker and saw Stan putting away books and binders into his. I had just finished Social Studies and he was done English. We had both science and math together, thankfully so we could help each other out with homework more effectively. He saw me and waved nervously before turning away and moving to close his locker. Before he could I took a few quick steps and while opening my lock, tossed the note into his locker as sneakily as I possibly could. He shut the door with a metallic clang before shifting to face me more fully.

We asked each other how our classes went, said what we were doing and some other basic things before I closed my locker as well and while turning away whispered as quickly and lowly as I possibly could while making sure he would still hear and understand,

"Read the paper after school, in your room."

I walked away without looking back and could only hope he got what I said.

Stan's POV

Every time so far today when Kyle has walked by with only a wave or quick, overly formal greeting without much acknowledgement sent a pain into my heart. This combined with my wandering mind about the letter and slightly ominous "Read in your room tonight" left me dying to know what he wrote.

Maybe I was being a little dramatic about the whole thing, but I felt so guilty that it was hard to be totally reasonable.

Eventually though, I did make it home and immediately sprinted upstairs and flopped down with my bag on my bed. I had to dig around through the papers for a moment before I found the folded up piece. I held it in my hands and gave it a good look before carefully unfolding it. While I debated reading it I smoothed it out more, took a deep breath and started, praying it wasn't going to be anything bad.

When I finished I could do nothing but laugh. I had no clue why I felt the urge to but as my chuckles and laughs slowly turned into sobs I realized it was from the relief I felt. It was strange to be crying at the same time I was feeling so relaxed but soon enough I reread the letter and immediately thought about starting on one back, before I realized we were going to hopefully meet up tomorrow night anyways.

I folded it back up and tucked it carefully behind my computer desk before twisting around in the swivel chair that accompanied it. I swivelled a bit to the left and then right, completely slouched over with my legs way out in front of me until I realized that Kyle would probably lose his mind at me right now. Although he wasn't a total freak about posture and stuff like that he did seem to enjoy pointing it out whenever I slouched a little too much to the side or forwards. I actually didn't mind whatsoever because it helped me remember and of course, just because it's Kyle.

I coughed as I pushed myself back into the chair a little more properly while I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I flipped through a few apps for a little bit before placing it back in my coat and then decided to go back downstairs. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do today but quickly I chose to go fishing at Starks pond for a while, maybe catch a fish. I'd probably let it go because I felt too bad killing them if I didn't really need them but it was exciting to reel one in regardless.

I could feel a faint smile all the time I walked down there and casted off the shore. Even though things weren't the best, even though I felt guilty I doubted Kyle and even though I had the wandering, racing mind, I still managed to feel quite content.

I did catch a fish after probably 40 minutes, a fairly big one too which was always surprising with how small the pond was. I took my time reeling it in and carefully unhooked it before tossing it back into the water. I headed back home after that and stopped outside of Kyle's house for a minute as I walked past.

I turned and looked up at his window for a second before sighing and turning away but as I did I heard the front door open. Immediately after I heard Kyle's mother's voice and saw her standing in the doorway,

"What are you doing here? I asked for you to be  told to stay away!"


In an instant I was sprinting away down the pavement. Goddamnit I fucking did it again. What's Kyle's parents going to think of me hanging around their house? I regretted it more and more as I thought about it while running back home.

However, this time I was more confident in Kyle and his abilities. I hoped he would evade it again because I really didn't want him getting hurt more by his family, and especially because of me.

Y'all I'm sorry kinda a boring chapter but shits gonna go down in the next one

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