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Alright then so I was tagged by CreekIs_Life and the rules are as follows

-Mention who tagged you
-Do it within 3 days
-Say 10 things about me
-Tag 28 people
-Give it a title
-Tell a joke
-Write a spoiler
-Put the rules of the tag

Ok cool. So I'm doing this like a 2 days after I was tagged.

10 fun (not really) facts about me

-My printing is soooo messy
-I am pretty disorganized but still manage to find everything I need??
-I love learning about both World Wars, particularly the Second
-I'm 15 years old
-I'm fully ambidextrous but have a right hand preference
-I play a lot of sports (baseball, basketball, volleyball, BMX biking, skiing)
-I love guns
-I really want to travel all over the world
-I hope to be a criminal psychologist as my career
-I have never broken a bone but have dislocated lots of things (that still hurts like a bitch)

Tell a joke
-I don't know any jokes that are not offensive so....

Write a spoiler
-Honestly I know as much as you guys do on what's happening next

Tag 28 people (I don't know 28 people sorry there'll be some randoms in here)

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro