A.N. Happy New Year!

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I just wanted to wish y'all a happy new year. 2017...wow. It was a year alright! But y'all were...awesome. Everyone was awesome. I'm thankful that y'all are still here too! And man, you don't know how much I needed all of you...so...thank you.

(I did a little review of my personal year through a poem buuuut it's on DA soo....yi:

Poem: https://nightninja456.deviantart.com/art/Farewell-2017-A-Poem-723089595?ga_submit_new=10%3A1514776185

Vlog of me reading poem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juDoB8pNYME )

I want to get better.

I want to be better.

And I will strive to do so.

Let's hope to a better year! LET'S DO THIS!

(Also...book is making GREAT progress...hope to bring update soon about it ^^)

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