Ch. 26

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*Timeskip to Saturday!*

*Dark's POV*

Once again I had invited Sarah to a walk but this time around I let her choose the walking grounds. Wilford was going to attempt to try another romantic spot but I didn't let him. I even requested to go alone with Sarah. Although she was slightly confused, she agreed.

We took off towards the ocean. She commented that it was one of her old walking/jogging grounds when she was younger and overall gave her some peace at mind. Although I shared Mark's fear of the ocean (the size and the depth is unimaginable), she told me we aren't going in and that we'd have a good 15-20 feet of distance from it most of the time.

Tonight she wore a t-shirt that had a character named 'Gir' from a TV show called 'Invader Zim' and it was yelling 'MAKE ME A SAMMICH!' She also wore a pair of blue shorts as well and her hair was still tied up. It suited her. If I'm going to do anything about our future relation than I would rather her be comfortable than putting on an outfit that doesn't really suit her. made her look that much greater in my eyes.

When we got to a stop, we stepped out of the car and took off towards a direction where she said there was a park. It was pretty quiet out and no one was really there either, maybe one or two stragglers really but they were in their own world. It was a warm night with the moon, stars, and the light poles lighting our path.

We were mostly silent in the beginning. Then, she spoke up. "The night is nice."

"Yeah, the weather is good. I can't say I could ever get used to the smell of the ocean." The smell that hung in the air was that of salt mixed with fish and just nature in general but it was more potent than the ocean in L.A.

"Yeah, but once you've lived with it for so long, it's almost weird to not smell it." She smiled over to it. "I'd probably find it difficult to be away from it for too long..."

Again, another long bit of silence. Then, we both began, "Hey, I wanted to-"

She looked at me. "You first."

"No no, ladies first," I intercepted.

"Isn't that being a bit sexist?"

"Would you rather I say that I insist you go first because I find your comment may be able to break the ice more?"

She thought about it. "Alright well, I should say that I have been thinking about the future of our...relationship I guess?" I nodded. "I want to believe that the feelings you had for me still exist even after the love bug but I don't want to go through with anything serious until I know and you know. I would never want to take advantage of your feelings." She sighed. "So, if you are willing to take things slow, I would be interested in building a relationship with you."

"...Sarah." She looked over to me. "I...I have to admit that when the love bug was finally taken out of me some of my feelings did go away..." Her features seemed to falter slightly. "But the main feeling still remained. I do still feel a thing I believe and I would like to pursue a possible future that would include you and I...being together."


*Sarah's POV*

"...being together." I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at this. We kept walking though.


"Yes Sarah?"

"...I do still have a bit of fear with I can't promise that I will always be as...'loving' in a sense but...I will try to connect with you. Can you accept that?"

He stopped moving and I looked over to him, stopping as well. Then, he pulled me close to him and looked down into my eyes with what seemed to be a lot of love and care. He bent down near me. "Yes. Yes I can." He placed his lips on my forehead and my cheeks lit up. "Also...before anything else happens, I think I should tell you-"

"AWE!!!!! That's so adorable, I love it!" We quickly separated and I found Wilford and Google in the distance, Wilford holding up a camera.

"Wilford!" I yelled. "You better come here with that camera!"

"Or what~?" I took off after him and he ran away, camera still clutched in hand.



*Dark's POV*

I watched with Google as Sarah ran after Wilford. "...Was it a bad photo?" I asked.

"No, it wa-as...'cute' in a sense."

I glanced over at him. "I never thought I'd hear you say that."

"Let's ju-ust say that my-y database has been sto-ocked up on chibis, cats, and puppies."

"I'm guessing from Mark?"


"Something spooked him?"

"Well...not exactly. Let's just say that he is going to be attempting 'I Am Bread' soon and is trying to get a feel for it again."

"Oh geez..." I sighed and shook my head, looking forward again.

"Di-id you decide to t-tell her?"

"Well, I was about to but...who knows, maybe I'll tell her one day." I paused. "How do you think the future is going to be like?"

He was silent for a moment. Then, he simply replied, "I fee-el...that this will be the sta-art to a new and ex-exciting adventure..."

I smiled at this. "Me too brother. Me too."


*Cineos' POV*

'Alright, say it.'


'Don't be a sore loser.'

'Fine! Cineos is better at predicting scenes, happy?!'

I grinned. 'For once after meeting you, yes.'

She grumbled to herself. 'You could at least give me some credit for him kissing her 'somewhere.''

I didn't respond to this and just stared as Sarah was now in the car with the others, chatting away...happy. I'm just...glad she made it to this point. I feel like things will be different now new friends are made, new memories will form from this. And I'll keep being by her side...until the day she passes.

Author's Notes from here on out along with announcments!

Hey everyone! I can't believe it's finally the end!..Well, for now, at least ;)

Honestly, this was a joy to make and an even greater joy to have y'all be able to even read it! I don't know if y'all know about this but this wasn't ever supposed to be an actual story to be released. I was just writing to write over the summer and then realized, "I'm actually enjoying this?!"

Before, I had about 4-5 stories that I had on hold (and they still are) and I've just been really down about it. So much so, I was really scared of ever trying to write again...

But, I finished writing this around maybe a week or two before I actually posted it on here. I didn't want history to repeat itself and not finish it for y'all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to show my face on the internet again to be quite honest ^^'

But I want to thank y'all for deciding to take some time and to take a chance on this story. This story held some themes, some thoughts, and a few references that I will be able to remember because this was made from, really, myself. I would put in things that were literally happening around me and sometimes just things that I thought would be either funny or cute (like that scene where Wilford is taking Google out of the house and Google is just eating a lollipop X'D)

It was also awesome for my mom to create a good cover for the book!

(Above is the very very first version of the book that I had created but decided to never actually use ^^')

It was also cool because this was the very first time I had tried drawing scenes with my little sketchbook for the characters and I'm actually quite proud of a few of those and can just giggle at others ^^

THIS WAS ALSO THE FIRST TIME I EVER RECEIVED FANART! You guys don't know how pumped that got me, I absolutely love fanart! Like, I really really do and whenever I received some for the story I made, I was ecstatic! I didn't mind that it lasted only for a little while though because it just meant people were actually enjoying my work and that makes me happy! ^^

(If anyone has any more fan art, let me know! I want to see it and I'll probably post them on a separate book so I could look at them whenever! Everyone's drawings are so unique and it makes my heart giggle with joy ^^ Don't be afraid to leave a message or a comment!)

But...I missed writing. I had forgotten how good it felt just to write, y'know? And you don't know how happy it always made me to see a comment about the story or just to see more of y'all actually going through the whole ride. It''s really amazing. And I hope that I can still keep making y'all laugh and smile, maybe even amazed. Who knows?

I feel like this will be a little bit of a selfish request but I'd really really love to know what everyone's favorite scene/scenes was/were. It could be anything really small or even like a whole chapter but, honestly I have my favorite parts throughout this series tooXD

(And maybe some critiques or like some things I could improve on for future books? Anything helps! ^^)

Alright, now that that's been covered, I have a few announcements.

First off, this will not be the end of these characters.

Sarah: *pauses from drinking eggnog* Say what now?

Dark: Yeah, I thought you were done with us-*accidentally spills coffee on self* Sh*t!

Me: What? No, never! *smirks*

Wilford: *smirks* What else do you have for us~?

Me: Well....

I'm actually planning on these characters having a little one shot series. Now, it won't be updated like the One Shot series I have right now. It'll be more like, whenever I feel like writing about them. I have many ideas that have been accumulating for these characters though and would love to start writing!

Google: *looking through my drive* Many ideas.


But, yeah! That's something to look forward too ^^


The new book that was voted on waaaaaay early on (that Wilford Fluff, y'know?), still in progress BUT! Release date should be sometime in January! Wooh!

So just to build up the hype when it's released, 5 or 6 chapters will be posted on a Monday/Friday schedule as this book started up and then around those chapters, if you want to have a say in what next book will be, there will be a new voting thing! (yaaaay). But this time, there will be more options so, what does that mean?...Well, you'll just have to see ;)

But yeah, the new story is looking good. But, as a fair warning, it may be a little longer than this one and a little slower at points. But that's because I put a lot more emphasis on getting the characters structured and also building that relation. It's going to be good though, I promise! And y'know, if you don't like it, theeeen you can vote on what the next one should be when the time comes ^^'

Also, because it is a little longer, if I get done with the following book as it's going, then I'll increase the upload schedule back to Monday/Friday.

So, yi! ^^ I can't wait for y'all to read the next one! I put a lot of my soul and a lot of thinking time into it haha ^^'

So, either you can favorite this story and look for the next chapter with the release date of the next book or follow/watch me and get updates via there. I'm still working on a title, otherwise, I'd tell y'all, but, mm! It's gonna be good!

Alright, I gotta go now and get some fam time in, but hope y'all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love y'all, bye!!!

P.S. If anyone is looking for some fluffy Christmas themed X readers, I just posted about 7 of them on One Shots (There's Wilford, Dark, Google, Mark, Ethan, Jack, and Anti)

Enjoy! ^^

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