Ch. 25

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*Dark's POV still*

"You animal! How dare you treat me like that!'

Sarah collapsed on the floor and I went to pick her up and move her a safe distance from the two.

"What are you? A virus?"

She seemed offended. "How dare you! I am Ezra alright, not some leech!"

"I'm sorry, Sarah has two alter egos??" Wilford asked, clearly confused.

We looked to Sarah who was still staring at the two. "Trust me, this is news to me too..." I helped her up and she went over to Ezra, looking her over. "Hello," she greeted, holding out her hand.

Ezra looked at her hand and shook it lightly before taking it away.

"So, care to explain yourself Ezra?"

"What is there to explain?" she asked, sneering at Cineos.

"Well, maybe you can start by saying how long you've been here."

She rolled her eyes. "I came on the same night you were created. I just never made my appearance."

"But why?"

"Nothing was happening and it was boring. And so, when I 'happened' to find out about Markimoo's alter egos-big fan of your work by the way-" she mentioned, referring to Mark who just nodded a 'thank you,' "-I knew that Sarah had a fascination for them. And I thought, why not have something grow from this! Have there be a 'happy ending.' Where love is developed, where an evil rises, have a good versus evil situation, and in the end have the lovers be together, forever!" Then, she glared at Cineos. "And it would've happened too if you had just let me stay in her a little longer!"

"Well that wasn't the most appropriate action Ezra. I mean, look at her." He referred to Sarah. "She was almost killed-"

"Ah he wouldn't have killed her, I let you out at a good time to make sure everything fell into place and if anything, I would've just stopped it or made him add a few more cuts."

"I'm sorry, made him?"

"Yes. I'm a slight manipulator of sorts-"

"Oh, like The Host!" We all looked to Mark who had the small outburst and he kind of recoiled on himself. "S-Sorry, continue."

She stared at him a little longer to make sure he'd be quiet. "Yes Mark, sure. So I just will write down or simply say things and they'll happen with enough effort and belief."

"Anything else you want to fess up to?"

"Whatever do you mean?" His eyes bore into hers. "Uh-um, I may have given Dark something of a 'love bug' to push him over the edge."

"A what?" Sarah asked.

"A love bug. I call her Tilly."

"...Ezra, get her out of him. Now."


"Now." Her voice was stern. Ezra sighed and snapped her fingers. I suddenly had the urge to retch. Instead of breakfast coming up though, a bug crawled out of my mouth and flew to Ezra. It was a pink-heart shaped bug, but really tiny.

"Hi there my little friend~ Did you miss me? I missed you."

I felt...only slightly different from before. I wasn't as apprehensive but...the feeling still remained.

Of course, this wasn't the perfect time to speak these thoughts though. Cineos looked over to Sarah. "So...what should we do with her? It's obvious she's unstable."

Ezra laughed hysterically. "ME? UNSTABLE? Oh you are asking for it!" Before I knew what was happening, Sarah tackled down Cineos and they engaged in a wrestling match.

"What are you doing you child?!"

"I'm going to beat you up that's what!" They rolled all over the floor, much like I did with Wilford the other day.

"Um...should we stop them?" Mark asked.

"Nah, they have to settle things between them," Sarah eased. "Besides, as soon as Ezra sees the position she's in and understands it everything will be a lot more calmer." I saw Ezra punch Cineos right in the jaw and he returned it, earning a grunt from Ezra.

Sarah looked to the kitchen. "I need some juice, does anyone else want any?" We all raised our hands and she went into the kitchen, I following her, stepping over Google and dead Chad, who she didn't even blink an eye at. "Dark, can you grab the glasses?" I nodded and grabbed them out as she prepared a thing of blue raspberry kool-aid. It was really odd how calm Sarah seemed to be in all of this. I mean, she did just see murder and then find out about Ezra and all but still, she was calm.

Then I noticed her shirt was still unbuttoned. "Um, Sarah?"

"Yeah?" she asked, beginning to pour in the sugar.

"Your um...your shirt is still unbuttoned."

She stopped pouring and looked down at herself. "Oh...right." She quickly buttoned it up and continued on with the kool-aid.

When she was done, I helped her hand out the drinks and found the two were still very much fighting, but a lot sloppier. "Is this how we were?" I asked and she nodded, a smile protruding off of her lips.

"Your drinks are gonna be on the table when y'all are done!" she told them and I think they got the message; they certainly didn't seem distracted by it though.

Suddenly, Ezra threw an awfully loud punch at Cineos and he went down. She huffed, "That's-what-you-get." Ezra was about to get up when Cineos kicked her legs, making her fall down on all fours. Then he took the advantage and got Ezra's arm in a lock-up in the back. She cried out in pain.

"Come on, say Uncle!"


He pushed her arm further up. "Give in!"

She yelled out again. "Ok! Ok! Let me go!" He grinned and let her go, letting her fall down.

Then...he did something unexpected. He hands her her drink. She seems skeptical of him at first but takes it nonetheless. Although they didn't say it, they had a mutual respect gained for each other.

"Alright, now that that's settled, let's talk about game plans for the future," Sarah remarked. They turned to her. "...I'm going to let you have the same contract I have formed with Cineos but you need to make sure to not try and pull something like 'this' again," she refers to the scene before us. "We need to communicate and do things as they are called for, and certainly not force a picture-perfect life because it just doesn't exist...I could see why you were created to think like that though." Sarah closed her eyes and looked back over to them. "We have to be a team in this crazy life, alright?"

Although Ezra seemed hesitant, she nodded, along with Cineos.

"Alright, team hug!"


"Just do it," Cineos muttered, getting closer to Sarah. Ezra shrugged and they all hugged. Then, the two began to go back inside Sarah and then, they were gone.

She shivered. "That is never going to be comfortable..." She looked around and then at us. "Um...I know that we need to talk about our next course of action but...I think we have to clean up this house..."

"I got it." I began to go through her supplies to create something like an anti-bio acid for the blood and the corpse.


*Timeskip to after cleaning!*

*Sarah's POV*

We all sat around the table with just plain ol' sandwiches, well, Dark's and mine being the exception but still. Google had gotten up a couple of hours ago, still unsure of what exactly happened but when we told him, he seemed genuinely surprised. "But the-e journal only-ly mentioned Cineos..."

Before anyone could really add to it, I quickly asked, "Wait, journal?" Everyone except Mark seemed put off and looked like they didn't want to answer. "Guys? What journal?" I asked a bit sterner.

Wilford sighed. "It was my bad but we may have read your Junior year journal."

"My...oh." Instead of being mad about it though, I just laughed it off. "Well, it was in the book room so it was kind of asking for it huh?" I nodded. "It's fine, there's no information in there that is not common knowledge for my close friends and I guess y'all have earned that...not Mark of course but you know."

"Awe, you can't blame me! I just got here," Mark whined. I didn't really think Mark was this goofy in real life but here I was being proven wrong.

"I wouldn't mind becoming close with ya though, I just don't think I'd be that much of an addition to the great crew you have already," I chuckled off, scratching the back of my head.

"Fair enough," he nodded.

There was some silence shared at the table. Then, Mark spoke up. "So...I've been thinking..." He glanced at the others. "And I feel that I should give you a chance to continue living in this world. From what I've been told, you all have been here for quite sometime and haven't really acted up...Well, except right now with Google."

"S-Sorry," Google muttered.

"But only on one condition: You have to continue being good and not want to take over the world."

"But that's what makes it so much fun though~!" Wilford rang out.

"I won't hesitate to send you back," Mark insisted.

Wilford sighed and grumbled to himself. "Well, only if we can keep Sarah around."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, I feel that is up to her to decide. Otherwise you all will come back to L.A. with me and begin your new lives there with me."

They all looked over to me expectantly for an answer. I thought about what has happened from the moment they were in my lives up until now.

I could remember the first interactions I had with them, both in their world and in mine. I saw how they've adjusted to the world around them but have still kept their demeanor throughout. I remember the laughs that we've shared and the small talk that has been enjoyed. The small adventures that turned to be great evenings...Looking back, I realized that I have had the time of my life within a couple of months of being with these people and it really only makes me anticipate for the future really.

I smiled at them. "I would love to keep going on my adventure in life with you all by my side."

"YAY!" Wilford ran up to me and held me close and Google and Dark just smiled peacefully, as though I took off a great weight off of them.

"On one condition!" I rang out. They all looked over to me. "Could you possibly stop killing people in my house? Like, at least in the attic if you have to, I'm not condoning this at all but please."

They all sort of laughed and I laughed with them.

"I'm serious though, please. I don't think I can take the smell of iron looming around here."

Eventually Mark took off to the airport and we exchanged numbers, him saying that if anything happens to immediately call him. Or if I just want to hang out, he commented he enjoyed the character I was which I took highly being he was one of my favorite youtubers. Of course I didn't tell him that though.

After that, we all settled in for a movie and slept on the couch, exhausted but still content.

When I woke up, I found myself in Dark's arms. He was sleeping peacefully. I must've fallen asleep on him without realizing it. '...oh yeah...there's still that isn't there...' I pushed the thought away as I looked at my phone and at the others. The time was 3 A.M. Google was sitting quite still in the chair to my left and Wilford was sprawled on the chair to my right, his mouth agape. I chuckled silently to myself as I went to my room and got into my night clothes and slept in my bed. Then a thought rippled through me. 'Crap, I have work tomorrow!'

*Dark's POV*

I stared at her as she walked away to her room. I knew it couldn't last forever but I did enjoy the way we seemed to fit perfectly next to each other...I knew I had to do something about this.

I decided that I would confront these thoughts on Saturday. She needed to know that I did feel these things for her still even with the absence of the 'love bug.' And...hopefully something can grow from it.

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