Ch. 24

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*Cineos' POV*

I could feel the pain with Sarah as he cut into her. 'SHIT! WHERE ARE THEY???' The worst part was I couldn't even give her hope that they were coming, that she would be safe because something is blocking me from her. What the hell is going on??? Who is doing this?...Am I really alone here in the darkness? I began my hunt to find the source of all this. 'If Dark isn't going to save her than I need to!'


*???'s POV*

I could feel the pain, the fear Sarah had within her and I simply couldn't be happier. Soon the love of our life will come bounding through the door to save us and I couldn't wait for the last scene to unfold. The evil will be taken out and likely killed for his actions against Sarah and Dark and Sarah will be happy. Forever. There could be no better outcome to come out of this.

She yelled out in pain once more. She must be scared to receive true relief when Dark comes home~

It is a little boring to be listening to his snide comments about some music? I snapped my fingers and the perfect song for the occasion came on: 'I Need a Hero' by Bonnie Tyler. A personal favorite that fits just perfectly here and I danced along with the music, letting it be my muse for the upcoming fight ahead.

'It is going to be great!'


*Sarah's POV*

"Ah!" I yelled out again as he slashed at my skin with a kitchen knife.

"Yes yes, more my love, more!" I felt him place his hand on my fresh cuts and I seethed. "Such beauty my dear, oh how I wish to taste it..." I saw his now bloody fingers go up to his lips and he licked off my blood, making me want to barf as I saw his lips widen. He hummed in delight. "Yes, yes! Such a delight!"

He went back to his toolbox. At this point my wrists and ankles were both slightly bleeding as I had been struggling with the bonds to try and get away from this creep but he had them tight on me. He returned with what seemed to be a bone-carved knife. I stared at him, wide eyed. "This is one of my new toys. Kind of reminds me of the white in your eyes that appear most when I have you to myself...I call her my little Netti." He came closer with it and brought it to my neck and I shivered underneath him. "You're going to be her first; isn't that exciting?" I didn't respond and he smacked my cuts, making me yell out in pain. "Isn't it?!"

"Y-yes," I whimpered.

"Good." I saw him begin to trace my neck lightly, not enough for any real cut but certainly enough to make me fear movement. He hummed once more. "You know...I've always wanted to see the expression you'd make with a slit across your neck...Your life force slowly draining away...and the one who caused you pain just above you...It would truly be a sight, almost like the image of seeing Christ being crucified..." He shuddered with pleasure. "MMMMMM....I think I would like to see that now."

He positioned the knife and I freaked out. "No, no!"




*Dark's POV*

We pulled onto the curb (literally) and I saw someone's car there that I didn't recognize. Likely Chad's.

We got out of the car, making sure to leave a door open for Mark to still be able to breathe. Can't have him die while we're saving Sarah.

We went to the door and I heard Sarah yelling out, "No, no!" and that pushed me over the ledge. I combined my strength with my darker side and I kicked the door in with ease, yelling out her name. I felt rage build inside me as I saw Sarah on the table, tied up, shirt open and her torso covered in slashes, bleeding from them ever so slightly. He had a knife up to her throat.

He seemed slightly thrown off by us but still held the knife up. "Why hello. Are you Sarah's friends?" He chuckled lightly as I glared at him. "Well, since you are here, you can see my final addition to my masterpiece. She's beautiful isn't she?" He caressed her face forcefully and I could see tears fall down her face.

I looked over to Wilford, who was already in his other form and just staring, gun protruding from his back pocket, ready to grab in a moments notice. I made movement forward and he positioned the knife closer to her neck.

"Nah ah ah, not on my watch sonny. You move and she dies."


I tried to think of something we could do but Wilford seemed to take over at this point. "Mr...?"

"It's Chad."

"Mr. Chad, tell me, why would you simply want to end her life like that? I mean, you can't actually be done with your masterpiece." I read his mind, trying to see what the hell he was doing but all he thought was 'Trust me.'

"What do you mean?" he asked, setting the knife a little lower.

"I mean, look at her, nothing else is really cut into except for her stomach and chest. You want to create art? Why not the arms and the legs as well, maybe even her feet! No one ever does it on the feet!"

Chad didn't seem to be amused. "What makes you think that I'm going to listen to you, Pinky?"

I saw Wilford's body flinch at the nickname and saw him squinting at the boy. "Now sir, just as you have a name, I do as well. My name happens to be Wilf-"

"I don't give a damn about your name! You could be named Prince of Egypt and I still wouldn't care you freak!" He got her in more of a hold. "Now, let's have at it baby!"

"NO!" Suddenly, everything went into slow motion. The roof above us cracked and fell through and as this distracted Chad temporarily, Wilford took the shot and Chad fell back with a wound in his shoulder.

Then...we saw Google rise from the rubble. But...we knew that it wasn't our Google. He simply grinned at us. "Hello there Dark, Wilford." He looked over to where Sarah and Chad were, Chad beginning to get up once more. "Ah, I don't believe we have met but..." Suddenly a screen pops up next to Google, having his whole profile up in front of us. "Ah, Chad Brighton, age 27, occupation janitor...has had multiple counts of violence put against him...oooh, a warrant for Ms. Garza...Tsk tsk tsk, someone has been awfully bad."

"Shut up!" The knife was positioned next to her again. "I will kill her if you don't get back!"

Although I couldn't see Google's face, I'm pretty sure it would be unaltered. He even began laughing. "Oh ho my dear boy, you clearly don't know who you are talking too. I don't care about that woman, do with her as you please. I just want to know how it would look to have you in the same position. I want to know what your thoughts would be, your complete reaction to every bit of it. I want to know exactly what makes you scream~"

He stepped closer and Chad was getting more scared. "S-stop it! I'm warning you, I will kill her!"

Google came right up to him and leaned in near his face. "I know you Chad. I know your entire life, from the time you were born to now; you've always been an actor. You've never been able to do anything right or been in any fights without losing. That is why you find yourself picking on innocent girls who can have their will broken so easily. You say that you are the stronghold and that you could never be taken down but..." He began to whisper, "You can. Because you are nothing but a coward."

By now Chad was trembling. "O-Oh really? Would a coward do this?!" He stabbed forward and into Google's chest, grinning madly...but then his grin dropped when Google didn't even flinch.

All he did was tisk as he took out the blade. "Bold move. But just shows you would try for an easy win. But you didn't know I was a droid, did you?" I saw Google play with the knife in his hands and say, "What was it that you named her again? Netti?"


"I told you Chad. I know everything about you. But...there is one thing I don't know."

"Wh-what is it?"

"What your last expression will be as you die." Suddenly, Google jammed the knife into his neck and he fell down, screaming out in pain. Eventually, the scream began to be muffled by him choking on his blood and soon, the man stopped spazzing out and was still. Google stared at the blood that he had gotten onto him and grabbed a napkin from nearby to wipe it off. "Disgusting."

I took this time to free Sarah from her bonds and she held onto me, crying into my shoulder and shivering.

I looked to Google who had thrown the napkin onto Chad. "Well, I've kept my end of the bargain; now I must go."

"We can't let you go," Wilford warned, having his gun at ready.

"Oh really now? And you think you could possibly stop me-" I didn't even notice it but Sarah had found her way to Google's neck and proceeded to press his restart button that she shouldn't have even known about. That's when I noticed: her eyes were sort of glossed over... But still, she got the job done. Google collapsed on the ground.

There was silence. Then I held her close to me again.

Just as everything seemed to be ok, Mark ran into the house just to see what happened. "What the heck happened here?!?" He shook his head. "No, I can't let you stay here, you are all going back, now."

Just as he was about to fight us, a loud shriek erupted from Sarah's mouth, yelling, "NO!!!" Sarah suddenly began to shake uncontrollably and pushed away from me. Her figure began to glow and her eyes were glossed over. "THIS IS WHERE THE HAPPY ENDING COMES IN! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!!" We all stared at her as she flipped out. "OUR HAPPY ENDING WILL HAPPEN! WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR-Hey, stop that! What are you doing??? Get off of me you rancid creature, Ah!" Suddenly, a figure came out of her, seeming to be thrown out and followed by Cineos. The figure was a girl in a white lace dress and looked exactly like Sarah. And she was...glowing. And seemed to be very pissed off. "You animal! How dare you treat me like that!'

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