Ch. 23

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*Time skip to Tuesday*

*Wilford's POV*

Sarah had today off but unlike us, we couldn't quite choose a schedule till we had the system down, which we hadn't gotten the hang of. Well, except for Google. Speaking of which he wasn't here either because his other side was acting up more today and he couldn't be seen much. But we would be home soon, today we were only scheduled till 12. We only have a couple of hours and then we'll be home to help Sarah with him.

But time seemed to be going by a lot slower than usual and I couldn't tell why. Maybe something was afoot...or it was my imagination.


*Sarah's POV*

I stared up at the ceiling as Google continued to fight back with the man inside him, every once in a while bumping the floor and sending a "bump" throughout the house.

I looked at the watch on my phone. 'I just have two more hours till they come back and help with him. For now, I'll just have to do my best to keep watch.'

Then, the doorbell rang and instinctively I got up and grabbed a bat from behind the couch. '...There shouldn't be any visitors today.'

I walked up to the door cautiously as the doorbell rang again, a little longer than last time. I checked the peep hole just to find...'Dan??' I put the bat behind the door and opened it slightly.

He smiled at me. "Hello Sarah!" He lifted the bag that was in his hands. "I brought food!" It was McDonald's. I squinted at him warily.

"Why are you here?" I asked cautiously.

He tilted his head. "You invited me here, remember? You texted me your address saying you wanted to play a couple of games." He put down the food and pulled out his phone. Then he showed me the message I sent him, with my address and everything.

"...I don't remember sending that...I remember you texting me but..." I shook my head. "Maybe I did text you. Sorry, I forget things sometimes." I opened the door up. "Come on in."

He smiled and walked on in with the food. "I didn't know what you liked so I got you a couple of cheeseburgers and some nuggets."

"It's fine. I'll grab us some plates." As I grabbed them, I asked, "Pepsi or coke?"

"Coke if you don't mind." I grabbed out the sodas and headed back out. Then we had all the food separated to eat. "Um, what game do you want to play?"

"What do you have?"

"Err, Risk, chess, checkers, DND, Settlers of-"

"Chess is good," he interrupted.

I stared at him as he just sat there. I went to go grab the game from the book, a light "bump" reminding me Google was still up there. I hope he doesn't flip while he's here.

I grabbed the board game and went back out again. "Did something fall?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, another board game was begging to be played..." I set out the game in front of us. Then we set up the game and began, him being the brown and I being the beige.

At first, we were quiet, I thinking it was only because we were eating. Then, he started. "So, how have things been since last we met?"

"They've been good, just working and thinking about what I'll be doing over the summer. You?"

"Ah What is around us, how we should be perceiving it...also what I'll be doing over summer," he added hurriedly. I felt like I had remembered that from somewhere but I couldn't pin-point where...

I left it alone and kept playing the game. "You know, I never asked but where did you go to school?"

He paused and didn't respond for a while. Then he claimed, "Cadbury High."

"Oh, you went there too? What class were you?"

He paused again and stayed quiet. Then, he mumbled quietly: "Do you remember your time you had at school?"

"...Yes, of course, but what does-"

"You always were having the best of time weren't you? Nothing ever went wrong, you were great in school...Everything was great." His voice was changing into one I recognized but couldn't put a name to.

"Dan...are you ok?"

He looked up at me. "Do you really not recognize me Sarah? Take a good look at me." I stared at his face. Something was familiar...and that voice...Where have I- Then, it clicked. I quickly got off of my chair but found I was overcome with nausea and felt tired, collapsing on the floor.

"What the-"

He tisked at me and came over to my side. "Oh Sarah, I drugged your food my dear so that we could have fun, like the old times." Then he whispered in my ear: "And there won't be anyone to take you away from me this time." I saw my vision fade as his voice rang out chuckles.


*Cineos' POV*

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, I knew it!' I tried to take over but something was preventing me from doing so. "Sarah!" I called through her but still she wouldn't answer and something wasn't letting me in. What am I supposed to do??? He's going to murder her!

I-I need to get help. I breathed and took a step back. I've only been able to get out and into someone else's mind once but this was for Sarah, I needed to make sure to get to someone, anyone. I concentrated all of my willpower to transfer to anywhere but here. Heat began to flow through me as I gained more of a will. "AAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!" I'm coming Sarah, just hold on!


*Chad's POV*

I laid her down on the now cleaned off table and studied her. Ah, such a wonderful calmness gained in sleep...if only this could last forever. I began to bound her hands and legs onto the legs of the table with rope I brought in my car. Then, I undid her buttoned up shirt and stared at my empty canvas. 'Ah, yes. She will be my masterpiece...' I chuckled lowly and waited for her to wake again. I wouldn't want her to miss her own unveiling!


*Time skip to 12*

*Dark's POV*

We were waiting in front for Sarah to drive up. She wasn't here yet but we didn't dare to fret...yet. We knew that last time she ran a little late as well but she was usually here by 10 after.

So there we sat, waiting for her.

*10 minutes later*

Still no sign of her. I am slightly worried but only slightly. Afterall, nothing should be wrong. We put Google in a pretty good bond according to his system so it wouldn't be so easy for him to escape.

*10 more minutes pass*

Just 20's fine I'm sure. Wilford put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "It's fine brother, maybe she was taking a nap and will be here any minute now." I nodded. 'Yes, that seems entirely possible...'

*20 more minutes pass*

"Ok I can accept 10, 20, even 30 minutes but 40??"

"Dark I'm sure that...well, no I'm not sure at this point." He got up with me. "Let's just wait a little-"

'Dark. Dark, are you there???' I looked around for the source of the voice, it didn't sound like my other side. 'Dark you better answer, I swear to-'

"I'm here, I'm here."

"What? I know you're here," Wilford remarked.

'Dark, Sarah's in trouble, Chad is back. Please get home, I can't stay much long-' He was cut off but I got the point.

"Cineos says Sarah's in trouble, we have to go."

"Cineos? The one from the-"

"Yes! Now how does this thing work again??" I asked referring to the watch Google gave us.

"Um, Google put her address in the watch. All you have to say is 'Ok Google, take us to Sarah's House' and it'll register."

Just as I was about to say it, a car rolled into the driveway and a man with dark hair and seemed a bit Korean-wait a second. "Mark???"

"Dark! Wilford! How did you get out???" He shook his head. "Nevermind!" He got into a position to fight. "Time to send you two back ho-guh."

He suddenly froze and collapsed on the cement, a small tranquilizer protruding from his buttocks. I looked over to Wilford who was holding a gun looking innocent. Then he simply commented, "Well, we needed to go, we couldn't have stayed for a fight ya know."

"Just help me pick him up so we can get going." We put him in the back seat; surprisingly no one saw us, and then Wilford took the wheel and I got the map ready. "Do you know how to drive?"

" can't be that hard can it? Um..." He grabbed the shifter in the middle and put it to R. "R to run right?" He pressed on the peddle and we went backwards.


He screeched to a halt. "Oh, how silly of me...D to drive!" He fixed it and we took off, him clumsily getting out of the driveway and being rewarded with a whir of honking. "Sorry! First time driving!" he yelled out.

"Wilford, that's a red light! I think it means stop!!!!"

"Which one is the brake?!"


*30 minutes before*

*Sarah's POV*

"Errr..." I felt groggy as I opened up my eyes, trying to stretch but finding it difficult to move. I tried to move once more but found there was something like hair around my wrists and possibly something similar for my legs. I looked up to find them in...rope. "Wha-" I looked to my legs and they were in the same way torso was showing. "What the hell??"

"Ah, so you're finally awake. Took you long enough." I looked over to see Dan-no, Chad sitting next to me, a grin plastered on his face. "Afternoon beautiful~ Sleep well?"

"What, what's going on?"

"The show is about to begin." He got close to my ear and I tried to move away as he whispered, "And you're the main event." He hovered over my face and kissed my lips. Without hesitation I rammed my head into his. He went back and held his head. "I guess you're a fighter now huh?" He punched me in the face and I felt this searing pain ring through my head. Then he caressed my cheek. "Awe, I didn't want to leave a mark on your pretty face...I'm sorry, you made me though."

He got up and I saw him go towards what seemed to be a tool box. "I have sooo much planned for today." He held up a knife and admired it. It was his army knife. "Ah, remember, this was the first tool I ever cut you with. Such fun times."

"I don't remember it being fun..." I muttered.

" where was it again?" he asked to himself, completely ignoring my comment. He looked over my body and I felt disgusted. "I wanted to make sure no one could see it but you...I think it was up here, right between your bouncing beauties." He placed the blade of the knife in my cleavage and I froze.

"Ch-Chad, you-you don't have to do this. Why don't we talk about-AH!" He cut across my skin horizontally.

"My dear, there is nothing to talk about. You're going to be my masterpiece and there's nothing you can do about it." There was a "bump bump!" in the ceiling. He glanced up. " you have rats or something?"


He looked over to me. "Sarah, I think you're hiding something from me."

He began to walk away but I felt that Google would likely make things worse in his current state and this may put him over the edge. "W-wait." He looked back up to me. "Why not continue to enjoy the nostalgia? Re-remember what you had given me on our fourth anniversary?"

He grinnedd. "How could I forget? That's when I etched our initials into your skin...I believe right above your heart, correct?" I nodded, shaking slightly as he came over to me. Then, he placed the knife above my heart and began to slice into my skin, I holding in my yelp. "Ah don't hold it in dearie...I want to hear you yell out just for me, like you used to. Tell me, did you ever learn to scream properly???"


*Google's POV*


'Come on my dear man, you know better than me that you can't stay like this forever!'

"I will a-as long as I-I have the will t-to do s-so!!!"

Notice, I seem to be yelling this out but in actuality, in order to be even heard slightly I have to yell through my gritted teeth. I am feeling so much pain but I knew that Sarah should be returning with the guys soon and then they'd be able to take care of me. I looked up the time...That's weird...It's 12:20...why aren't they up here? I felt pain run through me again and I yelped in pain, shaking the chair once more. 'Forget that I'm here buddy?'

Then I heard another yelp...but that wasn't from myself. No, no Sarah can't be in trouble...

'How about you let me out and we can go see???'

'You think that I would be an idiot to let you out???' Another cry came from downstairs.

'Tick tock tick tock...'


A.N. If I forget to post on Fridays on 'this' particular story, please remind me, I have finals and will likely not be on top of things. Just send a friendly message or a yell and I shall go and post.

Once again, sorry for delay ^^'

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