Ch. 22

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Fan Art: 

*Mark's POV*

'Alright, almost done getting ready. I just have to inform my fans that I'll be a bit out of social media for a bit but will be back very soon, just taking care of some business.' I found out where they were located exactly and it seems they've been very active really and have been with this one girl in particular, brown hair, brown eyes, and a light complexion. She doesn't seem hurt so I might not be too late.

I started the camera and the mic. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier..."


*Google's POV*

I held my head. 'Google...'

"N-no..." I muttered, groaning slightly in pain.

'I am coming just seems outside to miss out.'

"I'm not le-letting you."

'You won't have a choice.' I felt pain shoot through my entire skull and I groaned out in pain slightly before it stopped all together, letting me breath. 'I know I can't hold him forever but I need to prepare, he can't leave here.'


*Sarah's POV*

I finally decided to just put it on 'Rick and Morty' and didn't really pay attention to what was put on. I laid back on the couch as Dark came in. He sat in the chair next to my head but I didn't really care at that point. I was still mad for him questioning Cineos' actions but I knew I shouldn't stay mad at him forever. Shouldn't.

I scrolled through Facebook on my phone, not really seeing the hand that was headed for my head. As I was about to see a post about a kitten with a pacifier, I felt a hand on my head. I paused and looked up to Dark, who was trying to play it off that he was merely paying attention to the TV. But I wasn't having it. "Dark? Mind, y'know, taking your hand off of my head." He didn't respond. I tried moving the hand myself but found he held a soft but firm grip on my head. "Dark-"

"Since you won't listen to me right now, I'm going to have to make you."

"What do you-" And then, I felt something cool and wet begin to go around my head. Before I could realize what was happening, everything was covered in darkness.

I blinked and found that I was now in a room with a couple of chairs and a hanging light. I could tell Cineos was trying to come out but something was preventing him. "Only I can access this place and allow others to come here. But only by me can they come in," a voice rang through the room. "Now, sit." The chairs and light were brought closer to me and I felt someone push me gently into the closest chair. Then Dark stepped out from the darkness, his aura seeming to be darker than normal but everything else much the same. He sat down in the coinciding seat.

"Hello," he greeted. I just nodded. "Now, I know you don't want to think about it but you need to let out these thoughts, it's not good for your health."

"I have nothing to discuss," I countered.

He tisked and sighed. "I wish you would be more towards the idea...but I know it's just Cineos doing this..." Suddenly, straps appeared over my wrists and legs.

"What the???"

"I can't have you run from me." He got up pressed his hand against my forehead. Everything went cold for a moment before I felt something was broken and I...I saw the incident play over in my mind.

"No, no, Dark, s-stop."

"It's for your own good."

I saw the man approach my station and before I could even ask him how he was doing, he had a gun pointed at my head, making me stop all movement. "No funny business kid."

I was frozen to the spot. Then a shot rang out and everyone was told to get on the ground except for me. I had to grab the money from the drawer after all. I saw the fury in his eyes as instructed me what to do. I felt...scared. "Dark-"

"Keep going Sarah."

"I don't-" I felt pain lightly shoot through my head but something told me more resistance would lead to more pain. I sighed and let the memory continue. Suddenly, the lights turned out and it made me feel even more dread, especially since the guy holding the gun at my head was now worried and slightly aggravated. Then Wilford was putting on his show and although it made it seem as though he was in control of the show, I still felt worried and the guy having the gun at my head looked trigger happy. I could tell he was likely new at this but why me??

When the guy suddenly pronounced Wilford's name incorrectly, I knew that it wasn't going to end too well but I couldn't get myself to move. I was frozen to the spot, I didn't know how to react! Right when Wilford dashed towards him and I heard a gunshot, I expected to feel pain but instead in that instant, Google had pulled me down to the ground with him and was holding onto me tightly. I was still in shock but as the lights turned on and things seemed back to normal, I was calming down a bit but still felt tears wanting to stream out of fear. But I knew that this wasn't the time or place.

"...You can cry here," he muttered.

Before I could really reject it, I felt tears flowing down my face and my breathing getting ragged. I felt the memory leave me but I still felt the fear that was in me. I felt arms wrap around me and I didn't reject them...not that I really had a choice really. I wailed into his shoulder and clawed into the chair for something to put pressure onto.

"Just let it out...Everything will be alright..." his voice sounded so soothing, almost like silk even. It was something I felt I could be able to drown in or at least would help me quell this feeling. I felt the straps disappear and I wrapped my arms around his neck for dear life, feeling him adjust to me more to give me comfort. Eventually I found him sitting on the chair and holding me on his lap, much like a father comforting a young child. I in his grasp. Almost like with Cineos...I curved my fingers more and controlled my breathing.


*Dark's POV*

We were like one. She was in my arms, crying onto me and relying on me solely for comfort since I wouldn't allow Cineos to come in here. I knew eventually this would need to end because I could only hold my powers for so long without the other side of me wanting to take over but...even if she was crying, I was still enjoying it. This closeness we shared...but I knew it had to end.

When I felt she was calmer, I asked, "Are you ok?" She simply nodded into my shoulder and when she picked up her head, I saw her face was still wet and red but...a smile held on still. I smiled lightly back and kissed her forehead. I felt her pause and that's when I realized what I just did. 'Dammit Dark!'

I looked away from her and snapped us back to reality. There was a momentary silence as we just kind of stared at everything and nothing at once. I was worried what she would say to me, if she would be angry or maybe... nope, anger fits the situation.

But there wasn't a reaction. There was nothing. There was just silence besides the TV continuing it's show. I wish she would say something, anything!

There was a "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" from the kitchen and, although she was hesitant to move, she went to the oven and I followed her over. I didn't enter the kitchen, I just watched as she took out the meatloaf, uncovered it, and put it back inside. Then she kind of stared at it as she spoke. "Dark...I don't know how I feel about what happened in there...but would you mind if I took time to think about an answer? My mind is pulling me in two different directions, one is saying not to give in and the other is saying to take a leap off the edge and be in love...but there's too much in my past that screams fear and...I just need time Dark. I appreciate what you did but...I don't know." She looked over to me. "Will you wait?"

I nodded, understanding the dilemma is probably far greater than what I could see and if she's had difficulty letting this out...I can't imagine what else lies in store.


*Time Skip to after dinner!*

*Sarah's POV*

I laid down in my bedroom looking up at the ceiling. I didn't want to bother Cineos with these thoughts because I knew he would say that I know the answer already. I'm just...scared. I mean, they aren't going to stay here, it would just be him biding his time with me, treated like a toy till I have to be tossed aside. Or maybe history will repeat itself and...and...

'Sarah.' I felt my thoughts being pulled from that night.


'I'm not letting you remember that-'

"I want to."

'I wouldn't suggest-'

"Let me Cineos. Please."

'...Fine, I'm not going to stop you.'

I felt the memory return and I saw him: Chad. He was my boyfriend for a while in high school and a little after being an on and off kind of relation. I remember I was scared of him for a year, Junior year in fact, but then he won me back the following year and we continued on. I thought I was happy, I thought we were all ok. We hugged, we kissed, we laughed, we smiled. Every moment when I was with him felt like a high, a high I never wanted to get out of. We were the One True Pair of our school.

And then...once we graduated and everything...he started changing. Not too much at first, small things. Not wanting to talk as often, being a little distant. Then he would start making ill comments, such as me talking too often with others or becoming a little too close with my friends and family.

So I went away from them for a while and he would begin to watch me more often and when we would speak, it wouldn't even be about how we were but where I was. And when we would meet, he'd always want to be alone. And at one point, I found I was only really allowed to think of him. How he was better than me. How I was the lucky one...

Then we hit a point where he would hit me. At first he would leave small scratches, and then some bruising...without apologizing. This went on for a full year and I found myself falling out of my studies to where I dropped out of most of my classes, thinking I couldn't make something of myself. Cineos kept warning me to stay away from him as it got worse but I truly felt that I loved him. I even pushed Cineos away.

(A.N. The following part contains some violence and forced influence. If you are easy to be triggered, please skip over the part.)

And then one night...we were alone at his house. His parents were gone for the weekend and he wanted me to come over and watch a movie. About a fourth into the movie, he began to make out with me but I was a little tired so I rejected him. Then, he got angry and told me I have to do it and he pushed me onto his couch. I tried to get him to stop but he slapped me and told me to stop trying to resist him. I yelled out but he just kissed onto my lips to silence me as he...

I shivered away the feeling. After that incident, I came home in the middle of the night and my mom saw the way I was and we went to the hospital to file a report. I was stagnant and I lost my emotions, feeling myself tunnel away like in Junior year. When I was finally alone, Cineos finally came by to see me. He could tell how I was but didn't comment about it. Instead...he offered guidance and...I asked him to take it away. The emotion I was feeling and to cast him out of my thoughts. He just nodded and did it for me and promised that he would protect me from his kind again.

I couldn't get myself to go after another person or to even consider it. My friend, Gabby, the one who made it through the trivial time with me, tried to get me to look at people like that but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Every time someone would get too close, I'd push them away so that I couldn't risk feeling that and now here comes Dark with this and...I know I should be able to trust him but I don't want to risk it still. I'm still scared...but I can't be scared forever. I...I know that as well...and...if I had to trust someone to...try with at would be him...

Suddenly my phone rang and I saw there was a text from Dan:

'Hey Sarah, I wanted to hang out again. When can I see you?'

I stared at the message, unsure of what to say really. Then, my fingers controlled themselves and before I could read what I wrote down, my fingers deleted it and I heard a voice say "Sleep." Then, I knocked out.


*???'s POV*

I stared at the message she sent me and smiled. 'Wow, inviting me over already? Well, Tuesday is going to be quite the fun day...I should get my tools ready for the...main event.'

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