Ch. 11

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 *Time skip to the next day* *Saturday*

*Sarah's POV*

I simply laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. Google told me to not exit my room till 8:30 but...for what reason wasn't sure. I heard some groaning and some fighting back before I just heard...silence. I wanted to know what was going on but I was stuck here till then...' my own my room...' My thoughts were about to travel when I heard my alarm blare that it was 8:30 A.M. I got up and walked out, having already been dressed for the day.

I couldn't see Wilford or Dark but I saw Google heading to the kitchen. "Hey Google, so, mind explaining why I couldn't come out till now?"

He glanced over to me before referring me to come over. "Well, l-let's just s-say that D-Dark isn't doing well."

"He isn't?"

"Yeah...y-you wouldn't underst-stand but he shouldn't be seen-n-n right now."

"Oh...ok. And Wilford?"

"He-e-e is taking the first sh-shift to watch him."

"Oh. It's that serious?" Google nodded. "Geez..."

Google looked through the fridge and produced the milk. I went over to get some cereal from the pantry and as he handed me the milk, I splooshed it all over the cereal. I was about to yell out 'bossness achieved!' when I realized how it may sound so I decided to go against it and simply whispered loudly, "bossness achieved!"

"...Y-you are weird."

I looked over at Google. "Hey! No I'm not!"

He shrugged. "Whatever you say..."

We finished the cereal making and while I went to go to the table, Google took one bowl to Wilford I supposed and then came back. "S-so I assume you are o-off of work t-t-today?"

"Ah, yes. Some Saturday's I work but this Saturday I was off."

"I s-see."

"So, I didn't have a chance to ask yesterday but, what did y'all do while I was at work?"

Something shifted on his face but he wiped it away swiftly and simply replied, "Nothing mu-much. Wilford played games mostly, I was researching th-the databa-ase for any new up-pgrades, and Dark rested."

"Oh geez, did he not sleep at all?"

"Yeah...he wasn't re-really feeling tired."

I sighed. "Dark..." I glanced back up at him. "Where is he?"

"I-In the a-a-attic. But you can't s-see him, he would be up-upset if you saw he was."

I wanted to question him further about this but decided against it and instead tried to refer the conversation back to yesterday. "When I came from work, Wilford hugged me...was something wrong?"

Google simply shrugged, stirring his cereal in the milk. "I don't kn-know, maybe he wa-was just happy you we-were back."

"Yeah...maybe..." 'But he seemed so off though. It just wasn't normal...'

We heard something "CRACK!" and then began to hear...rain. I looked outside the window and found there to be a sudden onslaught of rain. "Huh...I didn't know there was supposed to be rain..."

Google pulled up a screen. "It says on the forecast it is supposed to be like this all day."

I stared out of the windows. "Well, it's not like we're supposed to go anywhere in particular...hmm..."


I shrugged and took off to my bedroom. "I'm gonna be typing for a while, I'll see y'all later."

With that, I closed the door behind me and began to open up my laptop.

Whenever I was bored, I would either lay down all day long or type up a story. What kind of story? Fanfiction of course. I remember the first time I did fanfiction and it was for this show called Ninjago. I loved the main characters and there was so much to build on and it was amazing! I wrote it on my own just a chapter or two just from being inspired and then a friend of mine actually liked the show and was doing fanfiction too! We began to write it out more and more and with that...we also ran into some writer's blocks. But when I'd run into a writer's block I'd have four other stories...

Then the content wasn't the same and I ran out of inspiration to actually finish it. I felt bad for the stories I never finished...but then I found something else to be able to make a fandom of.

Youtubers. Especially Markiplier. By the time I had found him he had so much to work with and so I was excited and the great thing was that he never changed his meaning or what he wanted to portray. Ninjago lost its meaning to me but Mark...he was always keeping his perception and it was just nice. And was perfect for inspiration since he had different characters such as Wilford, Dark, Google, and so many others in the fanbase. And their personalities vary of course so adventure can be produced from it...along with some fluff and what some people look for...smut. I could never really catch on to that nor bring myself to write it and put it out there...I mean, I know I'm an adult now thanks, would like to keep my kid self for a bit longer.

ANYWAY! I was writing this boss fanfiction where this human was in a world where Mark's personalities took over the world with Antisepticeye and she was currently stuck in the main castle with them. (A.N. Easter egg? :3)

Was this my first fanfiction with the series? No, it was maybe the fifth one but one I'm excited to release since it's contradicting to most series. But I had time to write now so I continued on with it...but it did feel slightly odd for some reason as I wrote on Dark.


*Dark's POV*

"ARGH!" I grabbed onto the arms of the chair, digging my nails into the wood.

" PROmisEd..."

I felt my limbs begin to lose feeling. "No!" I dug my nails into my hands and tried to keep in control.

"Let it go Dark...Let go...Sleep Dark..."

I felt blood running down my hands and the drops began to fall onto the ground. "No..."

"TruSt me DarK, you'Ll feel MUCH BETTer...and tHen we CAn reaLLY have some FuN."

"I will-I will not let go."

"Suite youRself. Either way, I'm coming. You caN'T LAsT all day."

I felt another lurch of pain enter through me and I yelled.


*Wilford's POV*

I heard him cry out in pain again as I stared at the ceiling, having a feeling he would break eventually. It always happened, there was never a fail in this. It's just now there was more to risk...I remembered what he instructed me to do this morning though...but was I really looking forward to it?...No.

*this morning*

We had carried Dark up the stairs of the attic, hands bound as he was already starting to glitch out and grow less composed. He was yelling out in pain and there was a haphazard laugh protruding from him as we placed him in the chair and strapped him in to the our best of abilities, sometimes having to slap him back to reality. When we had assigned who would get first watch and he found out it was me, he had stared right into my eyes and I saw he was barely holding on. "Wil-Wilford. If-If I g-get out...Do anything to stop me. Stop me from hurting...ARGH!!!!!!!!"


I was going to reach out to him but Google pulled me away and got me out of there. As he shut the attic, I felt bad. Google then looked over to me. "Wilford. Are you g-good?"

I sighed and nodded. He offered a quick nod and told me he'd grab me breakfast. Another yell burst through the ceiling...


I looked over the gun I had in my hands. It was filled with a paralyzer but only held off on them for a little bit, if at all. It's like they are a super powered version of all of us, but they were also insane and will do anything to get their fix.

I breathed as I heard another thump above me and another shout. Then...there was silence. I stared at the ceiling and feared for the worst. There was a loud "BANG!" and the attic door came down.

There stood Dark...but his eyes were darker, his being had a black aura surrounding him, and his teeth were glinting quite brightly. "Ah, WiLFord, NIce tO see YOu agAIn," he greeted, grinning madly.

I picked myself up and prepared myself. "Just back off."

He began to giggle haphazardly and walked down the steps, as though he had nothing to fear. "Oh Wilford, You alwAys did HAvE high coNFIdence...but Can you back it Up?" Before he took off, I took my aim and made a head shot. He fell down...but I knew not for long. "Heh heh...haha...hahahahaha!" Already his hands were twitching and he was picking himself up. "Oh, THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!"


*Sarah's POV*

"BANG!" I looked over to the door and got up. Before I could reach the door though, I saw Google appear and he stared at me right in the eyes. "S-Sarah, d-don't leave here-"

"What was that?!"

"Ju-just don't leave here!" He slammed the door in front of me and I stood there, unsure of what to do. More of a ruckus was being made, shouts of laughter emanating from...someone. But who I couldn't tell and...part of me didn't want to know. '...' I heard more shouts and yelps and cries. I needed to go.

I exited the room and was about to go into the bookroom...when the front door broke in and...a couple of men entered. Unknown men...

I felt myself freeze up. They stared at me, only their mouths and eyes visible and seemed to...grin at me. "Well, howdy," one greeted roughly.

"Awe, she seems so scared," the other mentioned.

"No matter, it'll be fun to mess with her."

When I heard that, I ran to my room and locked the door behind me, hearing them begin to bang on it. I quickly reacted and moved my drawer to be in front of it and I made a grab for my bat on the side of the bed. Then I ran to the restroom and hid in the closet. Once I was there, I opened a secret compartment up for emergencies and backed myself into it, closing the hatch in front of me. I was shaking and felt tears were streaming down my face as they kept banging on the door, attempting to bring it down. I attempted to control my breathing as I heard wood breaking and cracking, they getting closer to breaking down the damn door.


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