Ch. 12

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*Google's POV*

I ran into the room and locked the door behind us, seeing Wilford currently battling with a very hell-bent Dark. "AH! GOOGLE, WELCOME TO THE GAME!"

I looked over to Wilford and saw that his head was bloody, everything seeming to be torn and ripped in some way. Wilford pulled Dark down and shot him, but this only paused Dark for a mere few seconds till he was up and running again. He made a grab for Wilford's head and threw him against a wall. A crack now resided there with Wilford passed out on the floor, exhausted.

Then Dark grinned at me. "Come on Google, be more...willing. I won't hurt her."

I produced sparks in my hands. "I-I can't chance that D-Dark."

He frowned. "Oh well. I'll Turn you into a crumpled CAN." He lunged forward and I did so back, colliding in the middle to which I electrocuted him, but...unlike last time, he only grinned. "OLD TRICKS WON'T WORK GOOGLE! TRY AGAIN!" He began to laugh maniacally as I felt the electricity was now being transferred and coming right back to me, frying my circuits.

I yelled out in pain and tried letting go but Dark's grip was deadly and I felt myself begin to kneel.

"Look at me." I stared into his eyes. "There is NOTHIng you can Do to STOp me." His grip tightened and I felt my wrists cracking open. "You have Failed." He threw me on top of Wilford and made his way to the door, a grin plastered on his face. 'N-no...'

My vision faded and my system began to restart.


*Dark's POV*

'Finally. Now I can go meet the lady herself.'


I felt myself open the door and found...something strange. The front door was wide open and there seemed to be chipped pieces of the wooden frame on the floor. 'Hmmm? I wonder what happened here...'

We heard loud banging and some minor yelling, including, "Come on out sweetheart, we won't bite that badly!"

I felt myself freeze up at this. '...Would you like to come out to play?'


I felt myself gain back some control and I felt...anger begin to flow through me. I teleported forward down the hall and saw the men breaching her door and attempting to get through her drawers. I grabbed forward at the men's shoulders and they both paused and hollered as I pulled them back. "Hello Boys. Care to play a GAME?" I elongated my nails into their skin and felt their blood on my fingers and felt...excited.


*Sarah's POV*

I don't know how long I've been in here but I haven't had the confidence to move. At one point they had stopped trying to come in but if they were really gone was what I didn't know. I didn't even have my phone since I stupidly left it on my bed so 911 couldn't even help. I was just...stuck.

I remember one time before when I simply 'thought' that someone had entered the house and I ended up staying in my mom's closet with a broom stick and couldn't encourage myself to see because there was silence. I forgot why I was alone, maybe it was on a Friday but eventually I got up and went over to check because I knew if it wasn't real and I called the police, then it wouldn't be too well. Or at least I thought it wouldn't be, I mean, if you're genuinely scared by it...

Anyway, I kind of figured that I should probably have a backup plan. And so this hidden room became the trick and I would hide out here in case anyone came and broke in. I had actually almost forgotten about it but...

I heard my drawers being pushed away and I held my breath. I heard steps. There was a light knock on the bathroom door. I didn't answer. The door was pushed in and there was some rustling as they looked around for me. 'Stay...away...please....'

There was a pause. Then, I saw the light of the bathroom enter into the closet and... "Sarah?" It was...Dark?

Hesitantly, I moved the door and saw him staring at me. He was covered in...blood. And he seemed to have been slightly hurt and...his figure was shaking.


*Dark's POV*

When I saw her, I saw the tears in her eyes. I saw the way she was huddled up. I saw how...scared she looked. "D-Dark?" I felt the other side of me leave and I slowly felt control of myself once more, growing more and more composed till I was as I used to be.

I reached out to her and saw her pull back instinctively. "It's ok. I promise. I...I took care of them."

She hesitantly grabbed my hand and I brought her out. She was still shaking and I held her in my arms. I felt her hot tears travel along my clothing as she clung onto me. I could understand a little freaking out but...she was terrified.

I don't know how long we stood like this but when she had calmed down, she let me go and stared at me once more. "Dark...what-"

"Don't ask. Please."

She simply nodded. "Should the police?"

"" 'Considering that we had killed those people...probably not.'

As if she could hear my thoughts, she brushed it off. "Where are Google and Wilford?"

I paused and tried to remember. Then my eyes grew in realization that I had simply left them there and we both headed out to go and get my brothers.

There was blood scattered around the living room and some remains of skin- I covered Sarah's eyes and just led her to the room.

Wilford and Google were on the ground and were quite hurt. We picked them up and laid them down. Sarah began to try and wake them as I went to grab the bandages and a few things of water. When I returned, Google was slowly reawakening from his automatic restart and was still repairing.

I knelt down next to him and he stared at me, his face beaten up quite bad that it was difficult to speak. "D-Da-r-k?" he glitched out.

"Sh. I'm ok now...something happened...but I'll need to tell you later."

He stared at my clothing. "Wh-o-"

"Not hers. Now keep repairing yourself." Google did something like a nod and laid back down.

I walked over to Wilford and Sarah and Sarah had successfully woken him up. "Dark." He held his head as pain seemed to be etched on his face.

"It's ok Wilford. He...he let go. Just calm down."

He laid back down. "Dark...did you do this?" I heard Sarah ask. I didn't respond as I checked the rest of him for any broken ligaments. Thankfully the other side had gone easy on them. "Are they going to be...ok?"

I nodded and picked him up. "I'll put them in the guest room...just stay in here till I come back, ok?" She nodded and I took Wilford to the bedroom and did the same for Google.

When I returned to the room, she was looking up at the ceiling. "...This morning Google had told me to stay in my room till 8:30...were they putting you up there?" I nodded. "And then...he told me to stay in my room shortly after breakfast...was that when-"

"Sarah." I went up to her and faced her to me. "I'm still me. I'm still...I'm still Dark. He doesn't come out often, it's just-"

"Where is he?"

I blinked. "What?"

"The 'he' you keep referring to."

I shook my head and backed away. "No Sarah, you don't know what he'll do to you. I don't know what he'll do to you-"

"Dark. I felt worthless this morning because I couldn't help you." She approached me and held my hand. She breathed. "I...I want to meet him Dark. If...if he gives you relief for letting him out...I want you to be able to release him."

"You don't know what you're asking."

"Yes. I do."

I stared at her. Then, I shook away from her. "No." Before she could try to reach out to me again, I walked away. "Stay here. I'm going to...clean up the place."


I took off and went to clean up the living room. 'She doesn't know. And she can never know.'


*Sarah's POV*

'...' I sat there on the ground, not sure of what emotion to feel. I felt slightly hurt but I understood why he wouldn't want me to meet him. But he doesn't know...well, he couldn't know either way about...

I sighed and, knowing I'd be in here for a while by myself, called out to him. "Cineos?" No response. "Cineos, I need someone to talk to. Please."

I closed my eyes and felt something draw away from me and when I opened my eyes again, I saw him. He sat there across from me, his darkened eyes no longer giving me fear as they used to. "Hello." Today he was wearing a black t-shirt with his short hair dyed to a grey, a pair of torn jeans on his legs with some black sneakers.

"Hey Cineos." Cineos was another side of me according to him. When I first met him, he approached me as though he was going to attack me...but when I made it seem as though I didn't care and it would probably actually help me, he kind of was...reversed? I'm not sure but now he's someone that I can talk to and be able to actually get some feedback.

"Are you ok? I was almost summoned."

"I'm...fine. The house got broken into."

"...where are they?"

"I...I think Dark killed them...I'm not sure though, but he's hesitant to call the police."

He sighed. "Great. I hope he knows what he's doing."

"Yeah...but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

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