Ch. 13

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 *Dark's POV*

When I was done, I double checked the area and smelled for any sign of iron in the room. I didn't want Sarah to see the mess or have a reminder of what happened. The door would need to get replaced...but if that was all that was needed, then it should be fine.

After checking out everything, I went to go check on Sarah...only to find that she was asleep. I sighed and picked her up, taking her over to her room-...

I backed away from her room and placed her in the bed with Google and Wilford. Then I went back to clean her room. I knew it probably wouldn't be good to be in there with what had happened and waking up to it...she's human so she would probably freak out. She probably shouldn't even be in the house but...given the circumstances we are kind of stuck here.

I moved the drawers back to where they belonged and I tried to fix up the mess made as best as I could. I even went to the closet to put everything back to what it was and actually found some blood that must've dripped off of me when I came in initially. As I was cleaning though, I couldn't help but feel this coldness in the area. I looked around for the source only to find that the hiding spot Sarah was in was still open. When I looked at it from closer inspection, I saw a couple of things that would normally not be in a closet. There was a little kitten poster that said that everything would be ok along with a couple of water bottles and even some crackers that hadn't been opened. It was a small space, only being able to fit one person comfortably...but the coldness mostly surrounded it. '...' I closed it off and left the closet alone.

As I closed the door to her room, I heard another door click as well and found it to be Google exiting from the room. He seemed to still need to repair some patches of skin but other than that seemed completely fine. "Dark."

"Google. I'm glad to see you're ok."

"Yeah, I should b-be fine. I'll be more-ore fully repaired when th-the upgr-grade comes up. N-now, I want to know what happened."

"...Well, while we were fighting, a couple of men came into the house and were going to hurt Sarah."


"She ran and hid in her room of course...but they almost got to her. If I hadn't come out...I don't know if she would've been ok."

"...S-so he had his f-fun with the intruders instead..."

"I also participated in it though, he let me have some control and...Google, I felt calmer when I was doing it, happy even. Seeing the blood, seeing the terrified faces, even just-"

I felt a slap come across my face and I was knocked back into reality. "Those aren't your th-thoughts. It wouldn't come as easy with others, w-with them though, they were about t-to hurt her...and somehow you have began to care about her."

"What? No, of course not-"

"It''s fine. It seems...there may be more of a reason that w-we are here anyway." I looked over to him, confused. He sighed. "Wilford and I...did s-something wrongful. We r-read a journal of hers to f-find...T-tell me, how was she when you found her?"

"She...she was mostly scared. Like terrified even...but it should be understood because she was about to be hurt by those men-"

"Did sh-she immediately move t-to you?"

" but what does that-"

"-Dark, this isn't the only br-break in she's been exposed t-to."


Google pulled out a...a journal. "Sa-arah...has been through some things. A-and...I think sh-she may need help...but we need an-nother opinion."

I looked over the journal. "I-I can't possibly-"

"If you care about her, y-you would read it. W-we just c-can't let her kn-know that we know." He held his head and I saw his eyes temporarily flash black and then adjusted back to their normal color.


"I kn-know. I'm going back to bed. Just...if y-you're going to be up then l-look over it." He went back to the room and closed the door behind him lightly before I could argue further.

I went to the living room and sat down. I looked over the journal. It looked like a book, it's cover simply being a green with a few purple flowers scattering over it. I opened the magnetic latch and read the first few lines:

'HELLO! THIS IS FOR SARAH'S EYES ONLY, IF YOU ARE NOT SARAH THEN YOU ARE INTRUDING AND WILL BE DESTROYED IN THREE, TWO, ONE!...' I waited for the fun of the thought of destruction but nothing came.

On the following page it read, 'Ahahaha, um, that was a joke. But seriously, don't read this if you aren't Sarah. Ok bye!'

'Well...I kind of can't say bye to you yet.'

I checked the next page and found it to be...from a few years ago.


"Hello?" I muttered back.

'...I don't really know what to write in here yet, I've never really written one of these...But I'm thinking this is gonna be a place where I put events and possibly just write my fanfiction down in.'

'...I don't see how this is relevant.'

'I don't know, this is only the first entry and it already seems like I'm failing at this 'diary' thing. I've never liked these things, they can only lead to trouble...but lately there's been a lot of things that I felt I should've kept track of but I never did. Things like...him...and stuff...'


'I don't know but I guess I'll stop for today so, see you tomorrow? If I remember....bye?'

I turned to the next page.

(A.N. this next part contains some dark content. If you have anything that may lead to being triggered into doing something...please either skip ahead, I will leave a few spaces between this next section and the next part. I don't want to cause anyone self harm or flashbacks. I will leave a summary towards the end. Be safe)

What I found...was disturbing. According to the pages, it was her junior year in high school. She was...really nervous. She really didn't want to be there at all, like something or someone was always just making her wary of everything. And there was this constant mention of a 'him' who was still very much around her but she tried to avoid at all costs. She was finding it difficult to talk with anyone and tried to find comfort in her own thoughts, writing out different passages through any means of time by what was happening around her.

She never had any sense of being calm and always seemed to be...running.

There was...a break in. She was being dropped off and as she was about to do her daily check of the house...she hadn't noticed it originally and she had opened the door a lot easier than usual. The initial thing she noticed was that the TV was gone. A few things looked haphazard and...she froze. Then she ran back out to tell her grandmother and her boyfriend at the time. The police came by and checked out the place. She had to go through the rooms and see what exactly was stolen. Her mother was still at work and she tried to make it home soon this point Sarah was scared. She began to set things up in her room, insisting they were traps for the intruders. She had set up a bat on the side of her bed and a pair of scissors that were hidden, both in the book shelf and on her bedside table. She would sleep with her clothes on in fear that she may be taken and would rather be in her regular clothes than her nightgown if that was the case. And she always was scared of any noise in the night that she would constantly do sweeps of the house.

At this point mostly everything was describing her surroundings and just trying to write everything down. She made a comment that said she had considered running away. She had literally typed up her plan to the T and was always jotting down what she may need. She just wasn't stable in her mind at all.

Skipping along she decided to stay at the school and had managed to stay in different clubs such as Student Council and a Creative Writing/Arts club. And it was at this point the writings began to become sparser but from time to time she would write a fanfiction of Ninjago, which was a TV show with Legos apparently. The clubs weren't working though nor were the writings. She eventually felt joy leave her side and just grow more and more distant from everyone. Writing became sparse until the following year, where she mentioned that she had lost the journal...her thoughts became more erratic, ranging from developed fears, lost dreams...At one point she was afraid they would lose the house and...she considered hanging herself. A wire that always seemed to hang lazily at her father's...seemed to always taunt her existence.

It was at this point that the 'him' person seemed to be most daunting, trying to talk to her but she was too afraid...

Then, on one night in particular, she was visited by...something. She was sitting in her room, staring at the wall, thinking about the pair of scissors that were on her bedside table. She was completely blank at everything and she couldn't even concentrate on her studies and her family was out visiting some friends. Ripped papers and gifts were scattered at her feet. She felt something pull away from her, a dark being, a being that seemed like a demon at first and slightly frightened her.


'I asked, "Who are you?"

It simply replied, "The one who will be taking your life," cackling and seeming to be echoing all around me.

At this point though...I wasn't really necessarily scared. As his being grew darker, I kind of reviewed over everything and...didn't really feel like fighting for it. I kind of had this look on my face that detailed how little I truly cared at that point. "Please."

It paused. "What?"

"...Please..." I felt tears begin to develop. "Take it. I don't want it. I just...just want this to end."

"...But what about-"

I grabbed forward and positioned his hand onto my neck. "Crack it. End my life. Everything scares me and I can't function like this anymore! I can't! I don't-I don't want to! Please just...end it."

I closed my eyes...but felt the hand retract. When I looked up at the being, it no longer looked that much like a demon. Its eyes were still darkened but instead took a human shape. Dark short hair, a black shirt, and some jeans seeming to be a teenager. He kind of just stared at me.

"Why...why aren't you ending my life?"

"...I...I can't."

I stared at him and made a grab for the scissors. "If you won't then I will-" I grabbed the scissors but at this time I felt him grab my wrist and yank the scissors out of my grasp.

"I can't let you do that."

At this point...I was just angry. "This is my life! You can't do this, I am dying here. Everyday is another passing day, another day that I run for it and grow more and more paranoid! Everything is crashing and I find joy in nothing! Nothing!" I began hyperventilating under the stress.

He stared at me again. He placed the scissors down and placed his hand on the area where my heart was. For the first time in a long time...I felt warmth. I I didn't know was enough to calm me down. My legs gave in and I fell onto the ground. Then...he hugged me. "...My name is Cineos. I am another side of you, thus I live within you. Another personality some may call it but...we are connected. I first came out here to end your life or to try to take it over...but found you could care less. You are a many faced person with no goals set in mind. You have no hopes. You have no dreams. You have nothing keeping you here and your sanity has ran extremely low. I...I have a new objective." He backed away his hand and I looked up to him. "I...must be your devil's advocate and give you clarity when you need it. This is cruel at points...but you have to stay strong. I will be summoned automatically in any low points, any fights or calamities, huge amounts of insecurity or thoughts of being unstable. I will bare this...burden with you. You have outwardly stated that you have nothing bounding you I will help you develop that. You will be living."

For a very long time...I actually believed in someone.'

...The journal continues on to read that although her thoughts were still erratic, this Cineos character helped her...but sometimes she would still get the thoughts returning and heightened at points 'he' would come around her.

The journal ended saying she would try to write in another journal to describe her future and kind of...meditated on her year. And she even went back farther than that on everything that has ever happened to her, listing different things as though simply listing facts about a book.

Once the journal ended, I kind of just sat there. It kind of made sense that she had reverted back to that state...throughout this she was scared and frightened and had nothing to really set her at ease except for...that Cineos fellow.

I stared at the door of the bedroom that led to where they slept. ' don't think like this you?'

(A.N. So for those who had to miss a majority of the chapter, here's a quick run down of it:

Sarah is at a very low point in her life as a Junior in high school and had a break in happen as well as just becoming very distant with everyone and everything. Her fears are heightened and she's almost gone...when this alter ego called Cineos comes out and introduces himself. First wanting to end her and then noticing that she was already at the brink of this decides to try and help her, becoming more like a devil's advocate and...just a semi-friend to her, activating in any moment that she feels dismay or is just afraid and can't calm down. Will try to make up for the sadness in the next chapter!)

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