Ch. 14

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 *Sarah's POV*

I woke up but was still very groggy. Because of this, I refused to open my eyes and willed for more sleep. It should've been Sunday at that point so there should be nothing happening... I shifted a little in my sleep and felt myself press against something warm. There was a mutter and I felt myself go more into the warmth. Part of me was really tired and just wanted to sleep but another part of me wondered what the heck that warmth was.

Slowly but surely, I opened my eyes to find a partially opened pale yellow shirt on a...person. I looked up to see Wilford's sleeping face, muttering about something, a gun match or whatever, pulling me steadily closer. Then I realized it: I was laying down next to Wilford.

Trying my best not to wake him, I gently pushed away from him but as I did this, he pulled me in again and began to mutter some more things, his mustache tickling my forehead. I felt this called for serious tactics of escaping. I slowly turned myself around and began to budge Wilford's arms off of me and it actually worked! Then I attempted to slowly ease my way out and almost made it when I was once again pulled back and this time in front of Wilford's face. Something about having a new 'toy to play with' and his face was steadily getting closer to my face, puckering up his lips. At that point though, I freaked and rather than tried to be kind, I yelled "No!" and pushed forward, causing Wilford to wake up and fall out of the bed.

"Wh-whoa!" He fell with a loud "BUMP!" and seemed slightly annoyed. "What in the hell-" He looked up to the one that pushed him off. "Oh, Sarah. Hello...why did you push me off the bed?"

I didn't know how to explain it but tried to. "Er...I kind of woke up being wrapped in your arms and it kind of freaked me out?"

"Oh...I apologize, I usually use a pillow to grab onto while I sleep...but you must've been in the way or something..." He looked at my face curiously. "You are blushing really hugging you really getting you worked up like that?"

I covered my face and kind of stared off. "Y-Yeah..."

Before he could comment further, I heard another person grumble, "Will th-the two of y-you be quiet or g-get a room? It's hard en-enough to sleep in a bed with others moving around."

I hadn't noticed it before but Google was actually on the other side of the bed, at the foot of it really. That's when more of a realization of my location began to take hold. I wasn't in my room, I was in the guest bedroom...why this was I had no idea.

"Sorry Google. I'll be leaving now." I stepped over Wilford and quickly stepped out of the room, much to a bawling Wilford's despair.

When I came out of the room, I went to the living room to find a sleeping Dark on the couch. Seeing him reminded me of what had happened yesterday and I had flashes of it go through my mind. The pounding on the door, the yelling, the taunting, the fear, the tears...the blood on him. The iron smell in the air that hung as we passed through the living room, the-

I held my head. 'Stop it. Just...stop...' I breathed lightly and went to the kitchen. I tried to check the time but...I didn't have my phone...and it was still in there...I looked over to the microwave time to find it was barely 6 in the morning. I couldn't remember what time I had passed out. I know Cineos helped me fall asleep when I had began hyperventilating again but after that... I don't even know how I ended up between those two. '...Maybe Dark placed me there...' I took out the cereal and looked in the fridge for the milk. Then I realized: it's Sunday. Grocery day. I groaned and took out the milk to finish my cereal making.

I made my bowl of cereal, forgetting to do the 'Splooshing' sequence and proceeded to eat it on the table. I had some paper and was writing the grocery list down. It was quiet besides my scratching of the pen and Dark's light breathing. I couldn't get myself to concentrate on anything but that seemed like something appropriate. I stared over at his figure.

His face was calm-like, a dull grey covering his features and he was simply just resting. I finished my cereal and went to go sit in front of him, trying to procrastinate on the grueling trip to the store. Nothing resonated from him and without the darkness of his features he seemed more human. It was hard to imagine that he- I noticed he was holding a pillow in his grasp and caught myself from giggling at the thought that he had the same problem with sleeping like Wilford.

But somehow he seemed to notice. "Why are you watching me sleep?"

I backed off quickly as he opened his eyes to look over to me, clearly bored. "I was...bored. And really didn't want to go to the store..."

"So this resulted in you watching me while I slept? Isn't that kind of...stalker-like?" he teased lightly, raising an eyebrow.

"N-no, just more procrastinating and not wanting to put effort into procrastinating."

"'re weird."

"No I'm not!"

He sighed and got up, cracking his neck some. "Well, do you want someone to go to the store with you?"

"Um that's not necessary-"

He held up a hand and yawned, his features stretching. "Just grab your purse so we can go..."

I nodded and grabbed it from the kitchen. When I came back, he had already transformed into his other skin and took me by surprise. " don't have to be like that now, we still have the car ride."

He looked over to me curiously before changing back. "Alright." We headed out.

It was kind of quiet in the car since we weren't really sure what exactly to talk about. "Do y'all need anything to heal?"

"No, all we really need is rest and then we're usually good."

"Ah, ok..." Once again there was silence in the car. Sighing, I turned up the radio and scanned through the channels till I came across one that was playing, 'Animal I Have Become' by Three Days Grace. I decided to jam out to it.

"I can't escape this hell.

So many times I've tried.

But I'm still caged inside.

Somebody get me through this nightmare,

I can't control myself!

So what if you can see, the darkest side of me?

No one will ever change this animal I have become!

Help me believe, it's not the real me

Somebody help me tame this animal!"

At this point I was really getting into it and tapped to the beat with my other foot, not really paying attention to Dark.


*Dark's POV*

I don't think she noticed her strains at points as she was singing or realizing what she was she was singing about. But she still seemed to be into it as she sang out, "SOMEBODY GET ME THROUGH THIS NIGHTMARE, I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!" She went through the chorus again and she was...smiling? I couldn't tell but she seemed to be happy in some way. She rang out the nightmare part again but this time...something flashed in her eyes. A darkness. It was temporary but it still appeared. '...was that Cineos just now?'

I couldn't really ask since she doesn't know that I've read her diary but...she didn't really seem thrown off by it as she kept singing the song.

*Time skip*

We were in the store by now, I having changed into my other form by now. For some reason it makes Sarah nervous but...the reasoning to it is unknown. You would think if she enjoyed Mark she would enjoy this view. She wasn't really thinking anything specific right now though so I couldn't catch a reason as to why.

"Alright, so first we have to get some toiletries since I know the soap isn't going to last long with y'all here...then we have to think of something to eat during the week as well..." She was going to contemplate it when she switched over and muttered, "One thing at a time..." I simply pushed the basket as she made up her mind.

As we were getting closer to the food items where she'd have to make her decision, she asked, "What do you guys like?"

I tried to consider this but, we had mostly just relied on whatever the mannequins were able to make, which didn't really have much of a range... "Just get whatever, we don't have preference."

"Y'all don't have any preference? Like, at all?"

I shrugged it off.

She seemed to be in deep contemplation. Then, something popped up in her mind. "Oh! Oh! I know, I know what I'll make!" She took off and, without having a chance to read her mind, I took off after her.


*time skip!*

We brought in the groceries and when I was about to help put up everything, she shooed me away. "Nope, you don't know where anything goes and plus I want the meal to be a surprise!"


She shooed me away some more. "Go, go-"


"No buts! Go!" She pushed me further away and took off once more to the kitchen. I stared in her direction as she began to move things around loudly. '...I can either fight this or listen to her and go and do something else...' I glanced over to the book room. '...Wasn't I already starting with The Austere Academy?'


*Google's POV*

I glared at the ceiling above me as Wilford had once again managed to kick me off of the bed. It's like he doesn't have any idea of where he is in his sleep; in his own little world. Whatever world that is I want no part of it.

I inhaled through my nose-...only to find a rather...interesting smell. '...Is that...'

I quickly walked out of the room towards the smell and saw a rather agitated Sarah that was looking over her phone and staring at a pot full of chicken. She saw my figure. "O-oh! Hey Google-"

"What ar-re you doing?" I stared into the pot. "Or attempting to do?"

"Nothing, just, you know-" Her phone was angled to me and I saw it had a picture of chicken and dumplings.

"You're making chicken and dumplings?"

She glanced at her phone and quickly closed it. "Um, no, I'm um, I'm making-"

I went over to the stove and adjusted it to the correct temperature. "I-If anyone is going to be m-making chicken and dumplings in this house-" I glanced over to her, "-it's g-gonna be done correctly. Now, where's the garlic?"

"Oh um, over here, I'll grab it."

She quickly went to the fridge and began grabbing it out while I looked for a garlic peeler. 'Everyone knows Koreans love their garlic. If this is going to be done, it's going to be done correctly.'


*Sarah's POV*

Google and I continued to work on the meal till late in the afternoon, him saying we'd have to wait till tomorrow to go and actually finish it but we had everything already prepped for the following day. As we were trying to figure out what we would make in the meantime, he asked, "So...why-y exactly were you tr-trying to make chi-icken and dumplings?"

"Oh...well, this morning I had went to the grocery store with Dark and asked him what y'all liked. He said that you didn't have any preference and...I kind of remembered a video I saw with Markiplier."


I nodded. "Um, I don't think Markiplier made it directly but the video is called BLAME MARKIPLIER by...Oh who was it, my brothers really loved him-"


"Ah yes!" I saw him pull up a screen and watch the video. He was kind of quiet for a while, not even a tickle of a smile appearing as he watched it.

After the short video ended, he kind of paused. "Interesting..."

I nodded and kind of hid my face. "I couldn't believe I remembered it but I kind of wanted to bring some familiarity I kind of went off a whim...Of course as you saw I had no idea what I was doing!"

He shrugged. "I-It's fine. As-s it's usually s-said, it's the thought that c-counts. I'm j-just kind of surprised Dark didn't h-help you with this."

"Um...that's because I ran him out of here so I could make it as a surprise..." I chuckled lightly and looked down, a small smile of embarrassment pressed on my face.

"Ah...Interesting..." Before I could ask why this was interesting, he began to look through the cabinets. "C-Care to help me make s-some sandwiches? I know Wilford wi-will be up soon and knowing him he will b-be 'st-starving' in a sen-nse."

"Ah, right!" I began to prep the sandwiches.

And almost on cue, as we had the sandwiches out on the table, Wilford came slouching into the room, grumbling lightly to himself till he looked up at the table with sandwiches. "Ooooooooo, food sounds lovely." He was about to pick one off when Google tapped his hand with a paper plate. "Go wash your hands."

"But, but I'm hungry!"

"And I-I lost sleep due t-to your 'fairy life' in your sleep, so unless y-you want me to release a re-recording of everything you mutter-ered last night and this morning, I would sugg-ggest you go."

Wilford kind of looked like he had been shot and ran to the restroom, a smile appearing on Google's face. "Do I want to know?"

"Just know it would-ld give you a different idea of the Wil-lford you know." He chuckled lightly as Dark began to emerge from the book room, curious about the ruckus.

"Hey Dark, I forgot I sent you away, sorry." I sent a half-laugh his way.

He looked over to the sandwiches. "I don't see how sandwiches could take four hours...or the point of running me out of there for it."

"Oh, um...that surprise is still coming, just kind of delayed," I responded nervously, scratching the back of my head.

Wilford came back into the dining room and joined us at the table. It was nice again having everyone around the table. It felt like ages since this has happened but only because of-

"So what has everyone been up to? I've been asleep for ages!" Wilford boasted, as though it was the worse thing in the world.

"I'm s-sorry if you were in need of beau-uty sleep in y-your case, talking of -"

Wilford ran forward and grabbed hold of Google's mouth to silence them. "Hahaha, yeah yeah, right."

I just smiled at the scene and continued to munch down on the meal.

(A.N. Watch BLAME MARKIPLIER if you're curious about this haha: )

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