When Alter Egos Come to Life Ch. 15

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  *???'s POV*

I laid in my bed lazily. Today I was off of work and I had done my homework already for the classes. And thus that left me with nothing to do. 'Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........what to do.....' Then a person popped up in my head. 'Oh! Sarah said to come over whenever I want, I even have a key to the house in case she's not there...But she should be because today was only grocery day!' I got up and put on some clothing and headed over.

I remember meeting Sarah in one of our first classes at the university. We were both awkward people at the time but she had approached me and asked if we could be study partners. She had some trouble with the chemistry unit, mostly because a good chunk was memorizing and just a bunch of having a certain order. In exchange she'd help me with the occasional math problem since she's already been through most of the subject. But she was also a fun person in general, she was always energetic when you're around her and although she seems odd, she's great.

I pulled into her parking lot and exited the car. Her truck was here so it had to mean she was home.

I approached the door and knocked on it. "Sarah!"


*Sarah's POV*

We were all chatting away till we heard a knock on my door, followed by a voice calling, "Sarah! Sarah it's me, Gabby! Are you home?"

I stared wide eyed at the door. "Uh oh."

"Uh oh? Why 'uh oh'???" Wilford asked, worried.

"Um, she's my friend and I'm not sure how she'd react to see there are other people here that don't belong here-you need to go hide!"

"We c-can just tell her we're y-your room-mates," Google insisted.

"No no no, you don't understand, she will take it way out of proportions and-" I heard the knob jiggling and I knew she was using her key. "Ah! Go, now!" I pushed them all into the book room and just as I closed the door, the front door opened revealing Gabby, red hair and all.

"Sarah! I tried knocking but you didn't answer!"

"Y-yeah, sorry about that, I was just putting some stuff away."

"Ah you know you don't need to clean with me. Besides, you didn't expect the visit..." She glanced over to the table to notice the plates that were still there. "...Um, is someone else here?"

"Oh, ummmmm, nope, no one is here. Those have uh, been there because I've been too lazy to clean it up."

She rolled her eyes and began to throw away the plates. "Sarah this isn't like you to have a messy area. But anyway!" She turned back to me. "What's been up!"

"Um, nothing much really. Come on, take a seat," I offered, gesturing to the couch.

"Nah I'm good, been laying down all day-Ah, um...what happened there?"

I looked to where she was pointing and saw the chipped door frame. A flashback began to dawn on me but I shook it off and simply replied, "I um, forgot my keys inside and called a neighbor to break down the door for me."

"Awe geez, that sucks. Well, if you need someone to repair that I can give you my friend's number and he'll do the job for ya, maybe for a good $20 since you're my friend."

"Thank you, I'd really appreciate that." She gave me the number and I saved it under "Gabby's door friend."

"Anywho, what do you have going on?"

Before I could respond, we heard something fall in the other room along with some excessively light noises.

"What was-"

"Ah um, that was probably the cat-"

"...You don't have a cat." More noises followed with some grunts in the background. "Sarah, what's back there?"

"N-nothing! I promise. Um, tell me what's happening with-" There was a huge "BUMP!" sound and the ground lightly shook and there was silence. At that point I knew we were in trouble.

She approached the door and I took off to be in front of her. "Sarah, I knew someone was here. Come on, is it a boyfriend?~" she jeered.

"N-no, of course not! It's just, um-"

"Don't worry, I won't tell your family if that is the case, just introduce me." She smiled as she reached across me and opened the door. Her eyes opened wide at the scene and I slightly glanced back.

Dark and Google were holding down Wilford and covering his mouth, suddenly glancing at the lady in the doorway. They were kind of worried but...Gabby kind of grinned and looked over to me. "Sarah. I didn't know you enjoyed...role playing. Especially with so many men..." She laughed heartily as my cheeks flared up in thought of being even close to being associated with that.

I was about to correct her whenever Wilford had escaped the grasp of Dark and Google and patted himself down. "Ah, you must be a friend of Sarah!" He took her hand swiftly and landed a kiss on her hand.

"Haha yep, the name is Gabby. So, who are you all anyway?"

"Wilford, at your service."

"I'm Dark."


She kind of just laughed at this. "Man you must enjoy staying in character but I can dig it." She glanced back at me. "Do you have some sort of nickname too?"

"N-no, of course-"

"Oh she does, but she hasn't grown into it quite yet, isn't that right baby?" Wilford commented, wiggling his mustache.


Dark quickly came behind me and whispered in my ear, "Go with it...the longer she thinks it's a game or whatever that is the less we really need to hide necessarily."

"But, you don't understand, she means-"

By now my friend had burst into laughter. "Oh-OH! Oh my, Sarah, you devilish girl! And I only thought that you were little miss Innocent but clearly I was off!"

I couldn't take this anymore. I stepped away from Dark and relayed, "OK, OK ENOUGH! I am not roleplaying with these people, they simply just live here, I swear I'm not having any relations with them!"

"Awe Sarah you know we were just trying to poke a little fun~!" Wilford whined, a smirk appearing on his face.

My friend was still trying to catch her breath. "Geez, y'all are great actors! I was just trying to get her embarrassed since her face gets really red when she is and it's so adorable!"

I glared at them. "I hate all of you."

We all went back to the living room and I kind of curled up into a ball onto the couch, trying to hide as much of my face as possible as she interviewed them. "How long have you been living with Sarah?"

"Not for too long. You see, she had a flyer released about needing some roommates to help pay the bills here and we moved in almost immediately. Not the most exciting story but it's what happened."

"Ah, I see...anyway, earlier, are those just nicknames you go by or...?"

"Yes, they are our preferred w-way of referencing us," Google commented.

"Alrighty! I get it, the name you're normally given doesn't always fit." She glanced over at Dark. "So, Dark, correct?" He nodded. "Do you just really like darkening your skin or something because it's pretty cool and would love to know how you have that aura going on!"

Did I mention that she's a lover of fashion sense? Oh well.

Dark was confused then realized she meant his feature in general. "Oh...well, I usually prefer this skin type to um....Google, how did you put it again?" he strained, really needing help to tie the knot on the obvious lie.

"W-well, it helps dis-discern that on-ne shouldn't need to base judgement on one's original color. Al-lso that it helps to describe your interests."

"Ooooooo, fascinating! And the aura must just seem to deviate from you because of the whole look!" Dark simply nodded as she was creating her own assumptions at this point. 'I'm so glad she doesn't watch Markiplier....'

"So, what do you all do for a living?" she questioned.

"Well...we are actually applying for jobs. We had move from L.A. to find work here. Which is also why we needed a place of residence," Wilford explained rather smoothly

"Ah alright well, hopefully you'll get one soon. Y'all seem like fun characters."

At this point Wilford began to take on more conversation about her, basically interviewing her and my friend enjoys some attention so she was alright with it. As she was being interviewed, she whispered to me, "These guys are pretty cute and," she lowered her whisper, "hot!"

I internally facepalmed as my cheeks began to turn red. I will agree on the basis that they are 'cute' in a sense. Not hot though. I mean, based on their actions and just in general they look like Mark! And what's worse is that Mark has a girlfriend and you'd think that would automatically tie them into the same boat! Maybe? I don't know and part of me just doesn't want to know in general.

But I kept these things to roam around in my head till later into the day, when she had finally had her fill of attention and needed to head home. "It was nice visiting and meeting your friends Sarah! Have a goodnight and see you at school!"

"Goodnight!" When I saw her safely exit the driveway, I entered back inside to find a very satisfied Wilford.

"Well I feel that went extremely well," he commented happily.

I just kind of nodded and went away. "I'm going to bed."

"What? But it's only 8 PM!"

"My head and my heart can't take much more of...all of this. So I'm going to go to my room. Goodnight." I went into my room and just kind of sat there on the bed.

Admittedly, the content of today's events can be found humorous but in that process I have found that I was mutilated with blushing and embarrassing moments. I don't even think Dark understood what she had meant or maybe had thought it was like playing dress up. I couldn't blame him...but Wilford knew clearly what he was talking about and took every second he could to derive a certain scene.

I rubbed my forehead. 'Well, I guess a good thing that has come out of this is that Wilford has likely found a buddy to chat with or interview with multiple times...I just really hope this day kind of fades into her mind or is like something we don't talk about, please.'

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I said goodnight," I responded.

"I know...but I wanted to, um...talk." I recognized the voice to be Dark's but he sounded very...unsure of everything.

I considered inviting him in and found that the part that wanted to let him in was stronger, so I simply replied, "Come in."

He entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Hello...I wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't know what the normal go to was for 'roleplaying' and thought it was simply just acting, not...that." He kind of shivered and I realized that Google probably showed him what the other side of it sometimes was...

"It's fine. It's not really a well known topic haha."

"Then...how does someone like you know about it?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Um...depending on who you grow up with you either watch a movie with that content or have students around you who kind of talk about it...especially in college."

"Really?" I nodded, remembering at one point when I was simply enjoying my meal and these few people were actually setting up a time and date to meet and do...those things. Kind of reminded me that orgies do tend to exist...I shivered at the memory. He sat down on the floor, a little deep in thought. "Sarah."


"...Do we really look like we are in costume?"

I scanned over his figure before giving him an answer. At first look, anyone would probably just be caught aghast by the aura in general. Next thing people would likely look at would be his clothes, always seeming ready to attend a ball or an important business event. His skin may also catch one off guard too, being it's a darker grey but nonetheless it was still skin. Then his face...nothing was really all that off. The skin may throw people off but overall it was still very much a human face. A rather cute face but still a face.

Place it all together though and then you get a dark being seeming to be ready for an important event. Maybe he could be seen as a dominating figure though if not that. But...as far as costume goes, it's mostly because of the parts that seem like they've been adjusted.

I smiled down at him from my bed and commented, "No. In fact, you could likely be seen as a hot dominating business figure."

He was taken aback and was blinking his eyes.

Then I realized what I said and was now blushing. "D-Don't look into that, ok, um." I got up and helped him up to push him out of the room. "Goodnight Dark, have a great evening, bye!"

"But-" I opened the door and pushed him out, closing the door on him and locking it. I breathed. 'Hot Sarah, really???' It had to be Gabby to put that thought in my head, that isn't my thought!

I went over to my bed and collapsed onto my bed, slightly yelling into my pillow out of embarrassment.


*Dark's POV*

I stared at her door as a light blush had formed on my cheeks. '...Hot?'  

A.N. Heh heh, fun ^^


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