Ch. 18

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*Time skip!!!!!*

*Sarah's POV*

I laid down in my bed. Another week has passed by and I wanted to do nothing more than lay in my bed after work.

But of course, these weren't always things respected. Suddenly my door was swung open and I see Wilford there, looking excited. "What?"

"Come on!!!" He pulled me out of bed and carried me so quickly that I barely had time to react till we were in the living room, a video pulled up. I looked over to the dining room to see a bored Google and Dark but veered my way back to the TV. I saw the title: 'Markiplier TV'

I looked over to Wilford and he looked like he was about to jump out of his chair. Then I realized this had to be the video they were talking about!!!

"PRESS PLAY!" I squealed...I've never done that...oh well!

He quickly pressed it and I watched it eagerly. It started out like a VHS show and crackled in. It had an intro introducing the crew and everything, ending very oddly with Chica about to sniff Tyler's crotch, pffft.

Then Mark appeared being a news reporter and communicating with a Jim fellow. They were obviously using a green screen to make it seem as though he was in a different place, a snowland place. Then it cuts to him being Dr. Iplier announcing that Ethan (who was acting like a person that was high) was dying. His squinting was perfect though.

Next was featuring Chica being a bad dog and it was so adorable and funny. Awe man and then after that Mark was seen with that 'In the Arms of the Angel' song in the background for loss of subscribers. That egotistical goof. Just kidding! And then it cut to another Jim scene in which he was now in the center of the sun.

The next part was just perfect though. It cut to where the question was, "Are life's crushing responsibilities keeping you glum? Well look no further than BUBBLES!" And then he went on this spree of how bubbles could fix all of your problems and then it kind of reverses on itself and they realize bubbles can't really solve the problem. But still the screen popped up with Wilford selling the product.

"Look! I'm down there!" Wilford exclaimed.

"I see you." I chuckled softly.

Then 'Mark Bop' was introduced. Such greatness haha. Then Dr. Iplier returns and says that Mark is dying! Nuuuuuu!

Then a game show was produced called, 'Disc of Riches!' hosted by none other than the infamous Wilford Warfstache. Tyler was given the chance to solve the puzzle and he chanted, "Do it, do it, come on kill me, I'm here, come on do it, kill me now!"

Then Wilford responded with, "Alright if you say so, I mean, that makes sense to me-" then begins shooting Tyler and the others! He is so confused and then the screen cuts out and he is seen arguing with a very enraged Kathryn.

I just laughed at this. "You would do that!"

"Mhm~!" Wilford hummed beside me.

Then Ethan came into view again and Dr. Iplier once again reported he was dying. Death reaches far for the blue haired boy haha. Once again another Jim skit, with...the North Pole and Santa being killed?

Then Wilford came into view with the intro from the beginning with him pushing away his name on the screen. And then Wilford once again came into view blowing bubbles and the narrator saying, "Are you constantly haunted by the ghosts of everyone you killed and maybe you think that it was you that was the problem and it wasn't just a misunderstanding where you were trying to tickle them with a knife?"

"Dear Lord!" I laughed out.

Then Mark cut in with the Mark Bop but seemed a little terrified and asked for help. Oi. Then Wilford chimed in after and began making his own mouth sounds with some ridiculous commentary!

And then the show 'ended' and Wilford was left saying, "So, what do you think?"

Then a country voice rang out, "Well this is bullshit."

Then the camera had the others come into view and I had the biggest smile on my face as they all interacted with each other! It was so perfect! As they panned over each of them it was so amazing and it was exciting! I didn't know some of the characters though so I would have to ask about them later.

Then the King of the Squirrels ran in and commented, "I uh, I'm King of the Squirrels," and then runs away.

I snickered. It seems that the crew didn't really enjoy the idea of Markiplier TV being a thing so then Wilford asks for Septiplier's opinion. It responded with, "KILL ME, KILL ME!" being in Mark and Jack's voice. 'Oh god I wonder how Mark got that audio!' Then Wilford shoots it, ending the lifu of Septiplier.

Once it ended I was so excited. "AHHHH! That was so great!!!"

"I know right?! Now if only I could get those two to agree-"

"We weren't in there except at the end! You expect us to agree to that?" Dark called.

"Shoosh. It's a wonderful idea!"

"We're entit-titled to our own opini-ions."

He rolled his eyes and gazed back over to me. "But you really enjoyed it?"

I nodded. "I think I would always watch the show."

"Well it was meant to be a 24 hour show~"

"What?? That's insanity! You'd probably have people never leave the house!" He just chuckled at my comment. "I don't know but that was great. Gah I could watch it over and over again..." I felt myself yawn. "Awe, crap..." I shook my head. "I guess it's now I 'would' watch it over and over again..." I got up and headed over to my room. "Goodnight guys!"


I walked into my room and fell asleep.


*Time Skip! Midnight!*

*Dark's POV*

I stared at the ceiling, thinking of the recent events that seemed to have passed by in a blur. The longer we stayed here with her, the more of a connection I felt...and the more he wanted to meet her. I mean, admittedly, she did want to meet him as well but, what if he hurts her?? I couldn't live with that...but these emotions...happiness...and then a little overprotectiveness when she's with someone else...what is wrong with me???

I had to hash some of these emotions out with her. Now.

I rose from the couch and went over to her room to find the door unlocked. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Sarah." No response. "Sarah, wake up." She rolled over and I saw her wonderful-'STOP IT!' "Sarah, please wake up, it's important."

Her eyes opened slightly. When they readjusted to the darkness, she groaned, "Dark? What are you doing in here...what time is it?" She stretched slightly.

"I-It doesn't matter, I really need to talk to you. Can I turn on the lights?"

"Y-yeah..." She yawned as I flicked the lights on, rubbing her eyes cutely-cutely? Really Dark??? "What's up?"

I didn't know how to start. She tilted her head at me as I fought my mind to spit out something comprehensible. "Listen. I've...been thinking about things lately."


"Just let me talk." She stayed mute. "I-I don't know what's going on with me...but I think it has something with...him wanting to meet you. And yes, the other part of me," I answered to the question that seemed to want to pounce from her lips. "But I don't know, I really don't want you to be hurt...but he's been really hard to fight off...I don't know-"

"Dark." I looked back up to her caring eyes. "Whatever happens, I'll be fine. Besides, I think that he would've taken his chance to hurt me long ago if he wanted to." She smiled lightly and I sighed.

I held my head, trying to think of a decision. "Alright."


*Sarah's POV*

"Alright." He sighed once more before looking to me. "I won't be able to do anything against him. I-I can't protect you if he...does something. It would take time and he makes quick work-"

"Stop worrying! You're here to do this right?" He hesitated before nodding, sitting on the floor.

" careful. He can be...erratic at points."

I nodded. He looked down to the ground and released his breath. Then, his figure started shaking and glitching out, his aura a lot darker and adding another shade to his skin seen from his hands. "Heh heH Heh..." He looked up at me, his darkened eyes startling me temporarily before I reverted back to a calm state. He got up and bowed. "Good EvenIng m'lady..." He took my hand and kissed it.

"Um...hi." I pulled my hand away and he grinned at me.

"Very TaUt, I like it." He sat next to me on my bed and I scooted away from him. "But I Know someone liKe you isn't that innocenT." I tilted my head in confusion. He just chuckled, shrugging it off. "We'll get to ThaT later...for now...I kind of want to get to know you besides whatever thoughts go running through Dark's mind half the time."

"Well...what do you want to know?"

Suddenly he laid his head down onto my legs and I felt myself flinch back. He grinned. "I wanted to Know what made you tIck but I can SeE that that in itsELf is effortless." I turned away with heated cheeks. 'It's been a while since anyone's done that ok???' He chuckled. "I can't believe Dark still hasn't told you."

"Told me what?"

He chuckled again. "No no no, that'll be FOR another DAy. Tell me...wHat did you think of us BeforE?"

"Like before I met you all personally?" He nodded, slightly glitching before returning to his normal stature. I tilted my head to the ceiling. "Well, I could only really go off of what Markiplier had posted and whatever the fanbase thought of y'all. Wilford was more egotistical I felt and was always striving to go after the next big thing, along with jumping onto any hype to feed his amusement. Googleplier has only really had three videos and two were almost the same, different endings though so it's kind of hard to really determine him. He portrayed himself as a droid that was filled with knowledge but has his limits but still strives for his secondary objective to 'destroy mankind.' But writers like to write him as though he was still a child in the world and have him just grow with the character. And with Dark...His first few videos were just of Mark's darker side and kind of him changing into a completely different person and then it was joked about. Then when he returned for 'A Date with Markiplier,' it kind of showed the manipulative side of him and really brought out what he kind of goes after. Like he's really someone you shouldn't trust...or let lay his head on your legs." He shrugged. "But...his character still did make me wonder about it though. I mean, he's really unstable and can't hold a firm's odd but I kind of felt a little hurt for the guy. It's like all of Mark's faults or insecurities were placed into this one character, making him both a boss-looking character but also one that is bound to failure because of the contract brought about by being Mark's polar opposite..." I blinked at my statement. 'Geez, midnight me sounds so much more intellectual than any other time.'

Right when I was about to excuse my long thought, he suddenly disappeared from my legs and I suddenly found him to be gripping my chin casually, his eyes gazing into mine. "...Your thoughts are SO innocent...Tell Me, have you eveR thOughT of us in DifFernt ways?"

"Different ways?"

He grinned. "oh I think You KNow what WayS I'm referencing..." He pushed me down onto my bed and mounted me.

"D-Dark, what are you-"

"Fulfilling an...imbedded DreaM of Yours." He leaned forward and before I could react he placed his cold lips on mine, sparking my senses. My eyes were wide open and I was freaking out so much I didn't know how to react.

When I got a hold of my emotions again, I tried to push him away but he pinned my hands above me. I turned my head away. "Wh-what are you doing?!?"

"Don't ResIst your TempTationS my dEAr." He went after my lips once more and at this point I was freaking out.

'Nonononononononono-' He pinned my hands now in one hand and was about to wrap the other around my waist.

"Just Let gO...and let ME takE oveR..." he whispered against my lips, refusing to let me get away.

I shook away again and shouted, "No!" Then my vision faded with another shout of "No!"


*Dark's POV*

Sarah threw me off of her suddenly and sent me off of the bed onto the ground. I felt the darker side of me grin at this and by the time we looked back up to Sarah, she had completely changed. In fact, whether or not she was a she anymore was questionable. Before us stood a man around the same age as Sarah with short cropped jet black hair and a simple dark green t-shirt and a pair of jeans, his eyes darkened like my own. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO HER YOU SICK FREAK!"

I felt the other part of me grin lightly. "Well HeLLo there to YoU too." The other part of me stood up and extended his hand. "Dark, much obliged."

The other figure just shook in disgust. "Stay the hell away from her."

"You knOw, it's UsuallY formal to iNtRoduce who you ArE." The hand was retracted.

"It doesn't really matter. I'm just here to make sure you don't go any further with...whatever you were trying to do with Sarah. All she wanted to do was meet you, not...THAT."

I felt myself chuckle. "My BaD. I juSt didn't KNow hoW else to sumMon you."

"...Wait, you wanted to summon me?" I nodded. "Why?"

"...You're NoT like MoSt other PeRsonaliTies with wanting to take over thEir human. IN faCt, this is rEalLy the only TiMe I'vE seen you. Why is that?"

He glanced away. "Trust me, that was my main objective at first...but I don't know what happened. Something switched because I was no longer that far from Sarah herself and I think that it messed up the system. But I don't really think ill of it. I'm now a roaming voice in her head and a protector of sorts from people like you." I felt myself shrug. 'This is really a great first impression.' "But there have been a few...odd events." He closed his eyes. "Recently, before you came, Sarah had a couple of black outs...but they weren't by me...and then a couple of weeks later I find that there are other strange things happening, like you guys popping out of your world randomly."


"You don't think it's weird that you were all ported out?? I mean from what I have been observing, this isn't exactly normal. I'm trying to figure it out but...I think there is something that is being hidden in her...another ego that hasn't showed its face...pulling the strings. Have you noticed anything strange?"

"BesidEs the bright LiGht blocKing me fRom controlLing her? No," I felt myself comment lightly.

He shrugged. "I'm looking into it. The faster I can figure it out the faster we can get you out of here. I just need more time to look into it." Suddenly he glitched. "Crap. Sarah is getting tired. I can't stay here much longer. Look, don't touch her and I will try to find out what brought you here."

"I would aPpreciate a NaMe."

He glared at us. "Cineos. But something tells me you already knew that...if you hurt Sarah like he did a few years ago...I swear I will hurt you. It's taken me awhile to have her put those things in the back of her mind and if you break her...your head will be mine." He glitched out again and he closed his eyes, beginning to revert back to Sarah, who slid back down onto the bed, legs over the edge of the bed. I felt the other me staring before he blocked my vision. 'HEY! WHAT ARE YOU UP TO!'

'kEEP Quiet.' Suddenly sleep overcame me and I knocked out.


*Time skip brought to you by TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YOU LADDIES!* (rip headphone users)

*Sarah's POV*

I laid in my bed groggily. I couldn't really remember much of what happened last night...I think Dark came into my room or something...I didn't really feel like getting up to find out though.

I shifted and felt a light wind blowing on my face...'Wait...wind? I'm not outside am I??' I opened my eyes to find myself facing a chest that had a suite on, the tie sort of loosened. 'Oh no, is it-' I answered my own question and looked up to see Dark's sleeping face in front of me. 'No! Not again! Why is there someone always sleeping near me and being perfectly fine with it?!' I noticed that I was closed in on the side that was against the wall. I slowly but surely got up, listening as the bed began to creak under the new pressure. I paused but Dark didn't seem to wake. 'He's usually a light sleeper...What the heck happened last night?!' I wanted to call out to Cineos and demand my memory back but I still had to get away. I moved to the other side of the bed and began to think about the 360 move I could do to get over Dark's feet. 'It shouldn't be all that hard. Just have to step back a bit and then we just-whoa!' I don't know how I did it but I fell back and landed on my butt. I have literally done this particular movement a hundred thousand times for no reason at all and today, TODAY I SLIP!

And by slipping I woke up the sleeping dark lord. "What was that...?"

"Me falling over a bedside." I got up. "Anyway, may you please explain why you're on my bed??"

I saw his figure pause. I guess he hadn't even noticed. Startled, he pushed himself off the bed and crashed to the floor.

"Are you ok?"

"...Maybe. I don't remember how I ended up there." He sat up. "He didn't touch you after I fell asleep did he???"

"He? What-...oh." Then I remembered bits and pieces. Dark came into my room with something on his mind which eventually led to what I guess can be considered a darker side of him. I answered a few questions and then he acted...weird. I think he actually kissed me now that I think about it. A flash of his dark and rather earnest eyes flashed before me and I felt the chill of his lips on mine again. My face flushed and then...I couldn't remember anything after that. "Um...I don't quite remember anything a-after that first kiss."

"Oh, I see." He turned his head away and then recovered. "Um...I g-guess that is when Cineos came out-"

"You met Cineos?"

He paused. "Yes."

"And he actually told you his name?"

"Although reluctant, yes."

I paused. "Geez you must've done some number to summon-"

"It wasn't me! It was the other side of me, remember? I would never invade your space like that." He shivered.

I simply laughed at this. "Cineos probably thought you were an asshole! What did he tell you?"

"Wh-what did-h-he was furious that I was even close to you like that!"

I nodded. "Sounds like him. I'll hopefully be able to explain what happened...later though." I looked over to him again and saw some of his 'floof' was out of place. I giggled and brushed it back to its original stature. He was still adorable. His face had a little bit of a red tint and he looked away. "What? What did I do?"

"N-nothing. Absolutely nothing." He coughed and got up. "Um, I just noticed that it is still early and that you are, um, unfit to be seen right now and that I should exit. Um, sorry for the entry, uh, bye!" He ran out and I was left to my thoughts again. '...Dark has been acting stranger and stranger...'


*Dark's POV*


I ran into the couch and shouted my impurities onto the couch sleeve.


*??? POV*

I watched with interest as the scene slowly assembled together. I grinned. 'Perfect. That little bug inside of Dark is sparking up more and more. And it looks like his other side is catching on too, adding to the greatness of the scene! Ooooo I can't wait to see the fight scene and then have them finally end with being a perfect couple!!! A happy ending we will have!! Now I must have patience...heh heh heh...'

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