Ch. 19

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*Wilford's POV*

I watched my brother as he was now being really jumpy around Sarah. It was sort of amusing as she could just be asking him to pass the salt and then he'd knock out of whatever daze he was in and would nearly fall out of his chair. Something had to be wrong here but Sarah seemed perfectly fine.

Sarah took off to go meet Gabby for a girl's day out so that gave me some time to actually try talking to Dark, who has grown more...unstable it seemed.

I walked into the book room to find he had more books stacked up next to him and looked a little disheveled. He didn't even seem to notice that I walked in. I coughed to get his attention.

He quickly looked up. "Oh, hello Wilford," he tried saying in his usual casual voice.

But even he must've known that I wouldn't let this go that easily. "Dark, what happened?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" I continued to stare him down. Then he sighed. "Ok, ok. These thoughts are invading my mind. Just mine and mine alone, I know it. It's like everytime I am around her or see her or just think of her name I suddenly get more and more obsessed." He looked up at me with confused eyes. "Am I sick?!"

I chuckled and pushed the thought aside. "Pfft, you, sick? No no, I don't think that is the case."

"Then what is wrong with me???" He pulled his hair and fell on his side in defeat. "...Am I dying?"

I laughed out, thankful Google was in the middle of his next upgrade to not hear me. "Dark I'm sure you're fine. It's normal for men to have these...feelings towards someone that is not of their own person. It feels confusing but at the same time it's like you could be in heaven with this gap filled!"

"But I feel like I'm being consumed...Look!" He took my hand and laid it on the place that didn't have a heart-...Wait, what the-

I retracted my hand. "Um...we don't h-have hearts...That isn't normal I'll admit-"

"SEE?? I must be dying! My end is nigh!"

I shook my head. "Maybe it's our body trying to adjust and to the human side of this? We haven't really had our own bodies..." I checked my side to see if there was a beat...there was none. '...' I debated on whether or not telling Dark he may be the only one with a heart here or not...but I felt he'd likely lose his mind.

So I went with the alternative. "Yep. Just adjusting." He seemed hesitant to believe me but just nodded. "Oh, I know!"


"What you need to do-" I picked him up and dusted him off "-is to finally pop a certain question."


"Why yes. Ask her on a da-"

He pushed me up against a wall and I saw his aura darken slightly, his hand in the process of choking me.

I chuckled and remarked, "Listen, I'm not the one you're supposed to be swooning."

"Don't you dare suggest that we go on a date."

I shrugged. "You said it, not me!" His grip got tighter. "Ah, listen, just invite her to an-ah! Outing!" I wrestled further with his grip.

"What do you expect we do on an 'outing'? Make a blundering fool of myself-"

"N-no, of course, geezus Dark, let me go!" He let go of my neck and I felt the skin moving back to where it belonged. "Gah Dark, just listen! If you go out with her once, you'll just see what the hype is about and whether or not it is a bad thing. And it would help to know where she stands-"

"I already know where she stands." I raised an eyebrow and gestured for him to continue. He sighed. "L-look, you can't tell anyone this, ok?"

"Of course." '...Maybe Google.'

He sighed. "She...when I was with her this morning, don't ask why I was there, she thought I was...adorable." He looked down in shame.

I wanted to laugh but I kept my cool. "You still haven't told her that you-why?? That's probably causing a few problems right there."

"Because...sometimes her thoughts are a little nice..."


"Cute, ok? Wonderful, beautiful, not generic! You don't understand it, once I tell her then I will need to give that up..."

"And you don't want to...sanity vs wants." I shrugged. "Quite a burden."


I sighed. "Just go on a d-outing" I corrected as he glared at me. "When you figure out what's going on maybe we'll have a better chance at addressing these feelings. Have you told her anything?" He shook his head. "And, just as an added bonus, Google and I will tag along and kind of, disappear from sight so you have more of a chance to talk with her."

"But I-..." he hesitated. He shook his head. "Fine."

"Yay! Now, let's go get Google."

"What?? Why? Don't you think-"

"We need to use Google Hangouts, calm your tits."

"Tits? Really?"

"One of the co workers said it over the phone to someone. I pick up on things to attempt to use them later."


*???'s POV*

I sat in my chair scrolling through twitter, seeing many people were still hyped up about 'Markiplier TV' and the return of some favorite characters...well, characters to them but that's a different story. I smiled lightly as they were exclaiming their excitement.

As I scrolled through though, I found an odd picture. Not to say that it was distorted but rather the contents of the picture.

The tweet read: "I got to meet Markiplier's crew before this feature! I loved it, thanks Wilford!" In the tweet had what I assumed was the child tweeting and three men cosplayed as Dark, Wilford, and Google. But they looked very authentic...and almost like me...'No...they couldn't have possibly been out in their own skins, they can't do that.' As I looked through the thread of tweets underneath it, I saw more images of them working. People were commenting about seeing them down in Texas somewhere...'Either these people are really great cosplayers's them.' I decided I would make a trip over once I made enough videos for the trip. If they have been out, then that means that they are planning something and I need to send them back before they have a chance!


*Sarah's POV*

I looked myself over in the mirror. I had my shorts on and a t-shirt that was part of the Dan and Phil merch, each with a different hat on them: Dan with the alpaca and Phil with a purple one with a blue strip. It was still one of my favorites because of how it was a surprise by my mom. I looked for my smaller purse that had enough room for my wallet, phone, and pepper spray. I also decided to place in some headphones just in case anyone wanted to listen to tunes.

Dark called me today while I was hanging out with Gabby to go for a walk once we came back and I agreed. It had been a while since I've strolled around at night but it's usually fun. Especially when others are there too.

I tied up my hair and walked out of my room and into the living room. "Alright are we ready to-" I looked at them and noticed they were still in their clothes they originally came in. Then I facepalmed. "You don't have any shorts. Or comfortable t-shirts."

"We'll be fine. We-we work better i-in these clothes," Google lamented.

"Alright...Did y'all have a place in mind or should I take y'all to my old running stop?"

"Well, I found quite a lovely spot to go around that actually is more like a trail with multiple paths to go down, it seemed quite fun," Wilford drawled, quite pleased his findings.

"Alright, let's go."

We all got into the car, Google riding in front with me as he had the directions to get over, along with a cool system that let you see the layout in front of you for better direction. He said it came with his latest update so he wanted to try it out. It was actually pretty nifty and looked pretty cool.

By the time we reached the location...I noticed that the trees surrounding it were actually filled with lights, like the string lights that are supposed to give off the effect of stars...and then I realized that a majority of people here were wearing something formal. Dresses and men in suites and in general nice clothing...

"Wilford...did you know that this was a, how should I say, 'fancy trail?'" I felt I stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Well...not exactly...I just saw it was high on the ratings," Wilford mentioned, chuckling lightly and scratching the back of his head, slightly embarrassed. I looked at the trail again and debated on yelling 'ESCAPÉ!' and running away. Before I had a chance to do so though I was pushed forward by none other than Wilford, who commented, "Come on! It'll be fun!"

'Yeah says the one that actually looks like he dressed for the occasion.' As we entered the trails, I heard Dark whisper in my ear, "Trust me, this doesn't comfort me at all either." I chuckled lightly at this but it would be a cruel place for someone of his stature. I just can't believe one of these places actually exist in Texas, the nights can be so warm that you'd be melting in anything more than shorts and a muscle shirt. But thankfully tonight there was a breeze which I was thankful for for the others' sake. Speaking of the others- Wait wait wait.

I looked around me but found Wilford and Google had disappeared. "What the?" I couldn't have been that lost in thought about the weather! "Dark, do you know where they went?"

", they kind of just ran off. I think Wilford mentioned something about multiple paths leading to the same location but I guess failed to mention for us to follow..."

"And Google probably followed him in case he got lost?" He nodded. "Well, we're kind of lost without him...I knew I should've grabbed a pamphlet."

"Google said that as long as we kept going straight we'd eventually hit it," he mentioned.

"Oh, alright..." 'Well, as long as we don't get lost...'

We continued our walk in a shallow silence. There was literally no one around us except for the ever chirping crickets and cicadas. (A.N. if you don't know what Cicadas are, I'll put in a picture above but basically they make these loud ringing noises for long periods of time. Very common down here.)

Just as the silence was getting dreadful, I remembered the pair of headphones I had in my purse. I pulled them out, plugged them into my phone, put on Pandora, and gave an earbud to Dark. He looked at it curiously as he placed it in his left ear, I placing mine in my right ear.

"What do you want to listen to?"

He shrugged. "I don't currently have a preference. Mark can't stop listening to Ed Sheeran and he's slowly going on the verge of Harry Styles." He shivered. "So anything other than that."

'So you still connect like that...haha.' I felt a small smile pop up on my face as I looked on to Pandora and put it on an oldie but a goodie: Firework Radio. I used to rock out to this whenever I was younger and still find it to be amusing every once in awhile. The first song I quickly skipped, realizing it happened to be by Ed Sheeran. Whoops.

"What's taking so long?" Dark asked calmly, glancing over to my fumbling fingers.

"N-nothing, um, bad internet. Oh, alright, here comes a song!" The song 'New Soul' by Yael Naim began to play in the background as we kept walking on through the trail. It had a nice little ring to it and Dark didn't seem to mind.

He spoke up a tad. "This, er, doesn't sound like the music you listen to in your car..."

"Ah, yeah, this was music I used to listen to when I was younger. I had a liking for music that could tell a story or even just brighten your day.

"Like in this one, she describes herself being a new soul, almost like a newborn you know, new life, new track, a new face to offer this world. She wanted to learn about giving and taking, what is true and fake, just trying to pursue a life that is always advertised: a perfect, happy life. But what they find is not only joy, but fear, hate, and find that there's not a way to live a perfect life. If it was truly that easy, then we'd all be living in this peaceful world...but we still find that we reach a happy end with these faults in this life.

"So although I don't really listen to these songs anymore, I do find myself referring back to them to jam out when another station isn't exactly providing me songs I can sing to." I facepalmed inwardly. 'You didn't have to ramble Sarah!'

He just chuckled lightly and I glanced his way, seeing his calm expression. I haven't really heard that sound often have I? Not from him at least...It was a nice change of pace.

Before another song could really start, he took out the earbud and started, "Sarah..."

"Hm?" He looked over to me and I took the hint to put away the headphones. He was strangely calm...I mean, why wouldn't he be? But...still, it was also obvious it was forced. "What's up?"


*Dark's POV*

I was feeling slightly bad at not knowing the kind of trail this was for her to dress nicely but we were making the most out of the awkwardness. I chuckled at her long and ongoing statement. She was being cute again...I enjoyed it. We just enjoyed the rest of the song and I had a light smile on my face. 'I could do this all night...'

I felt something hit my face and I glanced in the direction to see Wilford waving his arms and mouthing, 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING???' He directed to himself and then to us, asking if he needed to interfere. I shook my head. He then made his fingers resemble us and had them hop around, which was them talking, and then had them hug intensely. I wanted to facepalm but I knew Sarah would notice. I shook my head once more I motioned for him to go away. Then he motioned for me to actually talk to her. Then he was pulled away by Google and they continued on whatever path they were originally on.

I sighed and as the song was about to end, I pulled out the earbud. "Sarah..."

"Hm?" I looked down to her and she put away the headphones. I didn't really want to do this...but I should follow my brother's guidance...He wouldn't lead me astray, right? "What's up?"

I kept staring at her...but I couldn't figure out what to talk about. There was nothing I could really talk about myself and...'This shouldn't be that hard.' I looked away. "Nothing..."

I felt her eyes still staring at me for a little while before they left. "...Dark. I know you formed from a darkness that came from Mark, correct?"


"...what was happening exactly? He doesn't talk about it much...especially his earlier life..."

I paused. Then, I looked up at the sky. "It's an odd story but...I was just a thought really whenever his family was breaking apart, you know, with the divorce. He was sad but...he still had a loving family with him, especially his father whom you likely know had gotten him into gaming with his...our brother Tom. I was just a thought that would come by for each sad or endearing thought as they would enter his world...but then...I entered more into his life...around the time his father died. He was in shock and...couldn't focus. His...our father was everything to us and to have him taken away at such a point in our to us. He was being off with everything and couldn't even work all that well, having to ask for the day off from his he went to go to our mother's house and then just laid down in her driveway...staring up at the blankness of the sky." I looked back down to her. "But instead of being afraid or consumed by comforted him really, preventing me from coming into full form but I still stood by just in case of false alarm. This is kind of where his love for space comes from since he just stared up at that big emptiness in the sky, admiring it. He was enjoying being in that...solitude. Most would've rang out and yelled in pain, daring to ask why death pulled one away instead of another...but it was a needed action in his opinion. Then he thought about "Homeworld," an old game that the old man had bought for him when he was younger and he set out to our step-mother's house to play it. It was funny almost looking around in basement because you could easily find it since his father stored everything he ever had in a certain way. It was nearly eye boggling of the organization since not even Mark has that much going for him...but there was the game along with all of the other games he had bought him over the years. Looking back at it all, from the useless grills to the books on the shelf, we had really missed him. Mark started crying and I thought I would have the chance to form but he was just crying out of grief, which was understandable. So he sat down to play the game and sure enough, we were able to play it. We stayed down there for 16 hours, 16 long hours of crying and enjoying it...well, he was enjoying it, I was just watching on the sidelines. And then he just had this new appreciation for space and didn't find it to be empty. It was vast and huge to him with so much out there and reminded him of how small he truly was compared to it all. Instead of hating the world that took away something he loved...he had to let his father go and realize it was beyond him...

"So, I stayed away and kept trying to find an entrance and I found one. Right as he was going through with youtube, his life was falling apart slowly but surely. He was going through a bad break up, he felt that he didn't know where he wanted his life to go, youtube was kind of just trying to get something out there. And of course, that drew me into his life. He created me and made me be part of his fears and whatever didn't describe him as him and...eventually I formed fully. You've seen the videos I was in so you know that I was sparse in his journey but that is how I came to be. Now he's filled with so much hope and life that it's difficult to be even near the guy and not feel his giddiness for life itself. It just makes it that much harder to take control...but it's kind of like, yin and yang. We both live in this world together and we have to coincide to keep our sanity...and so every once in awhile I find my way in and make a general appearance before he takes me back to where you found me..." I looked over to her again. "And so that's how I came about...the others have their own story too but that's mine."

She nodded and smiled at me before looking forward again. She chuckled lightly and remarked, "It's funny how an ego is developed...I remember when Cineos came." She placed a smile on her face as she remembered. "It was a rather...odd introduction. He wanted to take me down and to take my life, extreme, right?" She laughed about this but I simply kept staring for her to continue. "He was in his 'true form' I guess, making it seem as though he was a demon. He was scary...but I couldn't really feel much fear at that point. Well, what he didn't expect was that I was already in this state where I couldn't really- no, not couldn't, wouldn't-fight anymore. It had seemed at the time that there wasn't all that much to be fighting for anyway...and it made me numb to life itself. I wanted him to take it. I had already contributed very little to the world and if he wasn't going to do it...then I was."


"I practically forced him to end me but he wouldn't do it even when I begged him and I asked him, no, yelled at him, trying to ask him why he wouldn't do it. Why he wouldn't take it. You'd think my family would've heard the commotion but they were out doing something on this fateful night." She laughed weakly. "He changed form to something like a human. But all I could see was darkness and didn't accept what was happening. I made a grab for my scissors that I had taken the time to sharpen for a long time and right when I was going to end it, he grabbed it out of my hands and took away the one thing I requested from this world..." She looked over to me with a faint tear on the other side of her cheek. I wanted to wipe it away but she just smiled. "Imagine if I had actually gone through it huh?" She shook her head. "Cineos...did something. Something that I didn't realize I really needed. He...placed a hand to my heart...and he pressed heat against it. I...couldn't tell what was happening to me but...with that, I I don't know how but I did...and it was so powerful that I didn't even know what to do with it. I could feel the love of...everything around me and it made me feel...calm. I fell and then, he hugged me... He reintroduced himself to me and instead of being someone that was about to take everything away, he wanted to give me something to strive for and would help me reach it. He would be my guide to help me keep faith in this world...and to have the want to keep going. He strives to have something bound me here...and I still believe he can do that...he hasn't failed me once..." I saw her stare at the ground, just a smile on her lips. She sighed. "There's a lot more to this world now that I've let myself open up a little more...hopefully one day I'll be able to actually be...someone I can be proud of..." She breathed in once more and looked up to me. "Heh, maybe we should discuss something on a ligh-" I wrapped my arms around her instinctively and felt her pause in my reach. "D-Dark-" I just held her to me and we both stood there in silence. I...I don't know why...but this felt like the right thing to do...slowly but surely she laxed a bit and wrapped her arms around me, patting my back. "I'm ok Dark, trust me..."

We stayed like that for who knows how long just enjoying the company really. But as all good things do, this had to end as well. She tapped my back asking for release and although I was reluctant, I pulled away from her. When I looked into her eyes, I saw Cineos was staring at me through her eyes, as if warning me of what I was trying to get into. Then her eyes returned back to her soft brown ones and I just smiled softly at her. She smiled back and then looked forward. "I uh, I think we should get back on the trail. Google and Wilford are probably back to wherever they are supposed to be." I nodded and we headed down the trail, this time just talking casually about things that came up.

As we kept going, I decided to look into her thoughts again. She was simply calm in her mind and enjoying herself, which made me smile. "What?" she asked, giggling slightly.

I dashed my eyes away from her. "Nothing...just enjoying the walk is all."

I heard her thoughts say, 'It's almost as though he has a crush on me or something haha.' Oh you wouldn't know it if I told you Sarah. 'Why didn't you kiss her?'

I replied to my thoughts, 'I'm not going to do that! That didn't call for that.'

'Hmmm...fine. You're no fun.' I felt him leave my thoughts and we eventually made it to the final destination: a fountain.


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