Ch. 20

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Fan art: 

*Sarah's POV*

Right in the middle of the giant grove of trees was this huge fountain. It was stacked up to where it had three levels of itself. On the first, there were five small bowls around it and each were catching a spout of water from the second level. The second level had five cute frog statues spewing out water from a valve inside their mouth and beneath them were intricate sculptures of flowers with vines. On the final level there was an orb that had different colors radiating from it: from red to blue to purple to green, making it seem 'magical.' Or, at least, that was the influence it was having along with the smell of lavender and the fireflies that were out and about. There was a ton of them so they had to have brought them together or something cause that's the most I've seen together like that.

I glanced around only to find the last thing I wanted to see. Couples were all over each other, some being more subtle than others, taking full advantage of the benches provided.

Dark must've sensed my uncomfortableness and whispered, "You can close your eyes and I'll guide you around. We just need to find Google and Wilford and we can then get out of here." I nodded and closed my eyes as he took my hand in his.

It was kind of a weird feeling, having to trust that he wouldn't make me trip or fall on something or do something off. Usually I would have Cineos take over but I knew he was like a last option sort of deal since he really didn't enjoy that stuff either. Freaks him out haha.

"Dark! There you-"

"Let's go," Dark commanded.

"But we just got here, love is in the air and there could be so many inter-"

"Now Wilford."

I felt Dark shift and heard a shout from Wilford. "AH Dark! Let go of my ear! We'll go, we'll go!!!"

We kept moving and as we exited the smell, I had a feeling that we were safe. And as if right on cue, I heard Dark say, "Alright, we're out of that area. It's safe to open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes to find a very annoyed Wilford, a confused Google, (A.N. and a partridge in a pear tree. No? ok), and a very flushed Dark. 'Those couples must have freaked him out a bit too...' We kind of both smiled at each other and shared a laugh.

"S-Sarah, are y-you tired?" Google asked worriedly.

"Oh no, I'm good, I meant for that laugh don't worry. But we should be heading back, how about we grab some McDonalds?" They all nodded and we headed out of the death zone.

We got one of the larger orders of McDonald's that had multiple burgers and chicken nuggets inside it before heading home.

We began to watch Rush Hour but eventually, as the night dragged on, I found myself nodding off till I finally landed on Dark's shoulder and fell asleep.


*Dark's POV*

Wilford and Google hadn't noticed she had fallen asleep so I took this time to look over her. I hadn't really ever seen her sleep for a long period, usually she wasn't in an appropriate situation or just simply not at home. But here she was, resting calmly on my shoulder, entrusting me with her sleeping figure. I felt...warm on the inside. It was a nice feeling just being here, with her next to me. It made me want to forget my primary objective...but I can't do that. We must take over...but...

I shook away my thoughts and when I did this she landed on my lap, thus alerting the other two of her falling asleep. I picked her up. "Time for sleep..."


*Time skip to after the finals!*

*Sarah's POV*

"Hey Sarah!" I looked over my shoulder to see that guy...what was his name again? Oh, Dan, right.

"Hello," I replied coolly to him.

"Um, do you have any plans for right now?"

"No, not really, I was just gonna eat a light lunch at home and go to work earlier to get more hours."

"Oh....Well is there any chance we could have lunch together instead? I promise it won't be too long."

'...I kind of wanted to visit with the guys...but it couldn't hurt. They have their emergency lunches anyway in case I did take too long.' "Sure."

He smiled. "Excellent. I promise you won't regret it."

As I followed him to the lunch area, I tried to reflect over that sentence. Where...have I heard it before? I tried to see a face, anything to link them but nothing was coming up...I must be blocking it or something.

Before I could ponder it any longer, we made it to the food court and grabbed some Chick-fil-A.

"So, Sarah," he began as we sat down at a table, "I know we haven't really been able to talk that much because, well, we've been studying." He chuckled to himself. "So I wanted to know a few things about you and maybe seek a friendship with you."

I laughed. "I don't think I've ever heard such a formal way of asking to be friends."

"Well, I'm a little awkward like that," he commented shyly, scratching the back of his head.

"That's alright," I responded, smiling. "And of course I'd love to 'pursue' a friendship with you. The more friends I have the better!"

"Heh heh great." He smiled warmly.

The rest of the lunch time we just tried to learn a bit about each other and I found out he was going into journalism and was just taking Texas government since it was part of his core. He claimed to be a bit of a gamer but enjoyed reading mostly and was just looking forward to whatever the future came with. When we parted ways, he wanted to make sure we did this again sometime and, although this was my last final thus meaning I was out till Fall, I told him I'd think about it. Which I knew to myself was a definite maybe. I didn't know what I had going on during the summer but I'd be sure if I had time to invite him out.

By the time I had reached work, the lines were starting to pick up so I ran in and got set up. "Perfect timing girly!" Melissa rang as I loaded my computer.



*Google's POV*

"Wow Google you've picked all of this up quite quickly!" my advisor, Carrie, commented. "Maybe by next week you'll have your own drawer!"

I smiled to her. "I appreciate your confidence in me. I will be sure not to fail you." She just nodded at the statement I made.

Ever since I had a hold of the system's operational data, I've been able to work keenly on the way that I operate the website. I've been trying to show Wilford and Dark at home too but the system only works here efficiently. But through me they've gotten the basics. Plus it's helped put him at ease as well giving him something to look through in his spare time but I knew it would buy more time. It's interesting that there is still more that can keep one occupied on the internet but, then again, things are always changing in the human world.

But I knew also with this waiting...we were getting farther and farther from our primary objective and we couldn't have that. I could tell that something was going to happen as well. I don't know why but Mark has on recent videos. Only slightly but enough to tell you he has been doing videos in sequence, as though planning a trip...but the big trip isn't happening till June...It was something to be slightly worried about but who knows, maybe he's just planning to visit some friends...but even if he were to come now, I feel that we are more than prepared to take him over. We are certainly not going back there at this rate and as long as everyone keeps their cool we'll be fine...What, we are fine, right?



*Wilford's POV*

I washed my face in the restroom. 'Wilford...'

"I told you not at work!"

'Yes but I'm really bored...and it's been so long since we've shot our gun. I've missed our baby.'

I felt a rumble in my head. "Ah...please, we can't be having this!"

'But we can. It's quite simple. Just let ME ROAM-'

"Wilford, are you alright?" Dark asked, having followed me to the restroom.

"He's trying to take over," I replied, holding my aching head.

"Just keep strong brother, we can see if we can-"


We paused as we heard the disturbance. "Now what was that?"

"Sounds like trouble..." he went towards the door.

'Sounds like a robbery is taking place...Let's go and see!' I shook my head, turned out the lights, and we opened up the door slightly. Sure enough, out there were people laying on the ground while a few scoundrels were in black masks and pointing a Sarah's head. 'Fuck.' I closed the door and knew we had to devise a plan.

"They have Sarah!" Dark whispered/yelled.

"I know. We have to do something...." 'But what???'


"Not now."

'But you know what I can do Wilford...I can easily get them taken down for you and then I'll be satisfied!'

I glanced back outside again and they were getting the others to give them the money in the drawers. 'Fuck.' I kept thinking. 'Look, even if I were to let you out, you'd be really out of place, I can't explain that!'

'Then make it dark for me will you? It shouldn't be that hard~'

'Shouldn't be that-' I groaned. Then I heard more of a disturbance out there and sighed. "Dark, I have a plan, but you're not going to like it."

"What is it?"

"Well...I'll have to let him out but I'll need you to turn out the lights and make sure no one can see anything or hear."

"But that means-"

"I know what it means but we don't have time! And unless you have any other ideas rather than murdering the sons of bitches than we don't have much of a choice!"

He growled to himself. "Fine. But you need to remember not to hurt anyone else, especially not Sarah."

"Of course. I'll...try to hold on for that." He nodded and we opened the door and slipped through the crack, getting ready to proceed with the plan.

I sighed and got ready. "If you hurt her..."

'I won't Wilford. I promise.'

'I doubt that...' I let go and let the darkness consume me. Then, I felt alive. Even though I wasn't in control of my body anymore, I felt exhilarated!

"Hahahaha, oh how I do miss this!" I felt myself grab out my microphone and just as we stepped out, the power went out.

"What the-"

We had a spotlight pop out of nowhere and follow us to the main part of the building. I tapped on the mic and cleared my throat. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all other forms of configuration!" I referred to myself as the men in front of me watched me warily, Sarah still being wide eyed. I probably surprised her since in this form, my pink hair returns and I gain a way to control the stage. "My name is Wilford Warfstache and tonight, I interview the men who have blatantly decided to intrude at our bank." There were whoops and cheers that popped out of nowhere and I drank it up. 'Oh it's been so long!'

"What the fuck is going on???" one of the men asked who I was guessing their boss.

"I don't know!" He referred back to us. "Listen here, we are not doing no stinking interview!"

"Oh but the chairs already have been set!" They looked so confused as most of the crew was placed in chairs by unknown figures. The one that was left alone was the one still having the gun pointed at Sarah but a chair was still set down for him to sit at.

"What the hell???"

"Now now, let's get onto the fun shall we?" I pretended to be thinking about questions but I already had many in my grasp. "Tell me, why are we deciding to rob a bank today?"

Without much of an option, one replied, "We wanted to try our luck at the stocks but needed money to start with." His eyes were wide and he covered his mouth in disbelief.

I merely felt myself chuckle. "And tell me, how much were you boys planning on snatching out this evening?"

"About a good 50 grand if we can," a gruff voice responded immediately.

I grinned. "Just 50 grand? Dear oh dear you have such small minds don't you. If you're in this to get rich you might as well take more! Gah you are all so plain!" There was a round of booing for them and it seemed to annoy them.

"Shut it!" the boss rang out and the crowd paused. "Listen here, Wilfred, we have had enough of your show and I would really suggest you stop now before we blow your friend's pretty brain out!"

I felt him crack. 'Oh no.' "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly." Although there was a huge smile plastered on my face, I knew he was in for it.

"I said we've had enough of your fucking interview WILFRED!"

There was silence as we stared at him. 'I'm sorry Wilford but you know I can't allow that...' Without another second I felt myself pull out my weapon and tilt my head at them. "You have made a mistake my dear man." I felt him take a step towards him. "You see, I should've probably warned you but Wilford Warfstache don't take $h!* from nobody..." Another step.

The guy held the gun nearer to Sarah's head and was shaking. "Wh-what do you think you're doing with that?! I have a hostage here!"

"You think I don't realize that? Do you think that I care?" He burst out in laughter. "The only thing I care about is PuttinG a buLleT thrOugh thAt hEAd of YOURS~!"

"Wha-" I felt myself immediately run at him and there was a "BOOM!" before I had the chance to do anything about it and something fell to the ground.

We tackled him onto the ground. "Oh how my baby will feel SO satisfied with a big hole in your head. Come on, let me see your face!"

"Get off of me!" We pulled off his mask and as we were about to shoot, we were pulled off of him and held down.

"Wilford! Take back control! Now!" Dark ordered.

I willed myself to takeover and, although he struggled with me, I regained back myself just as the lights came on and the sirens reached the outside. Then, I remembered. "Sarah!"

We got up and looked over the counter just to find Google holding a very frightened Sarah in his arms. "I-I got her-r." I breathed just as the officers came inside. The men were on the floor, dazed and confused at what just happened along with the other members and workers. Sarah had to have been the only one not affected by any of the magic casted by Dark and so all of that was in rather plain view just for her to see.

We sat down next to her as the police began to grab the robbers. "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you right?" She shook her head but still didn't speak. Dark massaged her hand lightly as he tried to calm her down but I knew it would take time.

If she had reacted like she had when she was originally robbed with no one there, then it would be off. I stretched my legs out. "Um, sorry if I scared you at all. See, I knew you wouldn't want them to be killed and so I went to my alternative but as you could tell...he could get out of hand."

She smiled weakly. "I-I understand. He call-alled you Wilfred...such an ugly way to get your name wrong, ha...ha..."

I smiled at her. "But at least they were taken care of as well."

" looked fabulous with your pink hair."

I smirked. "You think so? I've been trying to get Mark to re dye his hair to pink but he hasn't picked up on the idea~"

"Oh god no, I can't go back to having pink hair!" Dark responded, protecting his hair. This made Sarah laugh ever so slightly.

It took me a while to notice until the police came to question her that Google was still holding onto her as we were talking. He must've been concerned too, even if he didn't show it off as we did. As she walked away, I looked over to Google who was watching them. "How did you know to come out?"

"Well, I gue-uessed something would go wro-ong with your 'pla-an' so instead of chancing i-it, I took initiative to grab her ju-ust in case," he responded coolly as they took her into the room.

"Ah well, I'm glad you did. Good job."

He just nodded. "I'm ju-ust glad she's alright...I d-don't know..." He shook his head. "Nevermind." He looked up to my grinning face. "Wha-at?"

"You care about her too don't you?"

He looked away but I could see a tinge of pink on his cheek. "Sh-shut up you mo-oron."

I grinned but left him at that.

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