Ch. 2

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*I don't own the photo above...*

*8 AM*

I stared at my ceiling, a hidden rage being masked in my failure to actually sleep afterwards as my alarm clock rang absentmindedly. My mind was hyperactive and I couldn't do anything about it. It was truly a fail that would be spoken of for days and days. 'I need to get up now or else I'll be late....' I sighed and sat up, turned off my alarm clock, and began to get ready for the day.

My life was simple enough. I was mostly alone because everyone was everywhere else. My brother drives himself to his college and my mom works. My dad lives farther South so I don't see him often but I do contact him along with my step-brothers (who are my brothers in my heart) and step mom. But because of the separation of time managements, I'm mostly alone. I would make some badass cereal, pouring the cereal in first and then splooshing milk all over the cereal. BOSSNESS ACHIEVED! Then I'd hunker down and watch some Markimoo. What? Of course I'm gonna call him Markimoo, everyone- Oh just forget it!

Afterwards I packed up and headed out to my school.

For now I was attending a regular college, not so fast into getting to university since it scared me with the increase of students there would be. I already wasn't social and that would make my insides swell a bit to big. But it was a good schooling program and was just in my league: math. The glorious wonders of it all. But I won't care to explain it because half of y'all would be legitimately bored and would skip ahead of this already to get to the juiciness...

*Time SKIP to after work*

Work was almost hell. Almost. It happened to be the day after Easter and everyone decided to go and grab their holiday money like it was the apocalypse (A.N. if you are one of these people...please be patient with your tellers as we all know how badly you want to get out of there as well...). I was so ready to just collapse but...something was nagging me. 'Oh yeah, I didn't watch a video during lunch because it was only 30 minutes(A.N. Yes they do that to you, good luck). Oh well, one video shouldn't hurt!' (A.N. Lies....) I grabbed my phone, being sure to connect it to a charger this time, and began to scroll through some videos till I saw a suggested video: "Are Jumpscares Scary?" by Markiplier. 'Hmmm....this could be interesting.'

I got comfortable and began the video. At the beginning of the video he states "This is a jumpscare:" and then has an SCP creature pop up, startling me but then later making me laugh. Then he began to list the different traits to it that likely make it so 'scary' like. Then he portrays it again but I'm not quite as startled and he says he still isn't certain about it. Then he says he's going to show it one more time but...he doesn't. He talks about how we most likely prepared for it (which was true) and how that would change the effects but still the question was if it was scary. But...then something changed.

It was familiar but...I couldn't track it in time. He began to say he didn't care about the answer. The music began to grow spooky and he began to speak much softer and, as he talked of actions his viewers may have taken I began to follow, almost in suite. He began to mention things around me that I truly didn't notice before, his face slowly morphing...Something behind me....His voice began to sound like a recording from another video and I felt more alone...and not alone... I saw those mannequins again..."You see, the argument for what something is and why something is or is not's not important. Because in the end, you'll find there are much worse things waiting for you then a simple jumpscare..." He was grinning at me now. "Happy Halloween...." His face stayed there for a few moments, as if he was simply gazing into me like no big deal really... Then when it turned dark I faded once more from consciousness...but, not for too long....


*Dark's POV*

I sat at my edge, leering into the sky, waiting for it to open once more, to let the light come into the world and enter the same human. I knew she would come again because once we have met, there is no such thing as... The sky had a tiny tear rip open and a woman fell from it. I grinned and began to make haste to gain the body. When I saw her in my reach, her being was no longer glowing. I grinned. 'Excellent. Now there should be nothing to stop me from taking her...'

Just as I was about to approach her, I saw her open her eyes and sit up, gasping for air. 'Huh? What is this?' I decided to watch from a ways away, finding the little event to be...amusing.


*Sarah's POV*

*Gasp!* I took in the frigid cold air like a fish who had been out of water. All around me it was dark, only the red haze in the sky bringing any light at all.

I quickly got up. "Where...where..." 'Where am I????'

Around me there was not the familiar room I was in but simply a bland area, patches of grass surrounding me. There were very few trees but the ones that were there were bare. There were plenty of hills though...and...

Behind me there was a castle. A castle that was both huge and ominous. There wasn't a single place you could look without seeing...'Mannequins....CRAP!' I took off, afraid of what would happen.

'How in the hell??? Out of all the places, why would I be here, at Raspy Hill??? It doesn't make any sense!' Before I knew it, I ran into a tree.

'Ah, fuckernuts...' I held my head and heard a chuckle from behind me. I froze, then turned around...but nothing was there... "Who's there??" I called.

"There's no need to yell... It's only me..." a rather calm voice replied, but still felt very ill ridden which was much to my disliking. I turned around once more. There was a man there, his eyes darkened and leering at me, a grin poised on his face. He was wearing a suit and tie, his broad shoulders portraying that he was strong...maybe a little short though? Still, his gaze was fixated on me and he began to walk around me. "Hmmm...what a lovely face and...body...." His chuckles made me shiver. "It'll be fun controlling you..."

"Wh-who are you???" I asked once more.

And once more, he chuckled. "The name is Darkiplier darling, but you can call me Dark."

"D-Dark?...Why does that sound..." Then, I remembered. 'Oh, oh shit! Just play dumb, that should help...' "What am I doing here?"

He smirked. "I was actually wondering that myself. You see, this isn't the first time you have been here." I looked at him, confused. "You were here only just the other day really but you didn't wake." Suddenly, he grabbed my arm. "Now, nO MorE QuesTioNs. It's time for MY NeW Life to BegiN!" All of a sudden a searing pain penetrated my arm and I wanted to scream but all I could see was darkness. And then..."Wh-what the-?"

Just as sudden as the darkness came, it went. Dark stood there in front of me...scared? 'Why...why is he...'

"You shouldn't be here," he whispered.

"What do you mean?" All of a sudden, it turned dark and I lost consciousness.


*Dark's POV*

I looked around me, looking for whoever had just knocked her out. "Who goes there??"

"Why, it's only me Dark." 'Oh great.' From the shadows appeared that horrendous man, pink mustache and all. "Why Dark, it looks as though you've seen a ghost."

"Wilford..." I disappeared and reappeared in front of him. "Is she your doing?"

He glanced at her. "No, haven't ever met her in my life...Wait, is she the one that did this to you?" He began to laugh outrageously.

I growled and stepped away. "So who's fault is she?"

He looked her over. "I don't know but she is beautiful. Like a" He began to mount her but I felt I should warn him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Hm? And why not?"

"She's not a normal human. When you try to control her, it's like death is laughing right in your face."

He laughed. "Well, at least I should have a taste of this death you speak of." I shook my head as he bent down, caressed her face lightly, and gently kissed her. He began to flow pink, seeming to consume her...but then his eyes burst open, the pinkness shivered, and he flew off of her. He seemed...flustered. "What the...?"

"I told you."

"Throw her back to her world, we'll wait for another one to fall down here."

I nodded. "Shouldn't take that long, her way back is right over..." I looked around. "Where..." I kept looking. "Where did it go?"

"Wait, you mean she's stuck here???" Wilford asked, clearly enraged.

" does seem that way..."

"Then what are we going to do with her???"

"How am I supposed to know?"

Wilford reviewed over the case. "Well..." he formed a pink cloud over himself and took off. "I'll be going now."

"What??? You're just gonna leave me with her?"

"Well, you found her, your problem!" And with that, he flew away.

'Crap.' I sighed. I looked back at her, her body limp...'FINE!'

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