Ch. 3

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Fanart I made is shown above...

*Sarah's POV*

I sat up, scared, all a bed? I looked around me. 'This...isn't my room...'

I removed myself from the red satin bed, inspecting the room further. There was a vanity located on one side, a bedside table accompanying it. There was a note there.

I opened it up.


Please come join me down stairs when you are ready. If you require a bath then go to the door near the vanity.


I was about to smell myself when I realized: I'm not at a good place to shower. 'Have I been kidnapped? Or is it abducted, wait, that doesn't matter!'

Without hesitating any longer, I went out the doors...only to be met by a mannequin, who swiftly flew past me towards the bed. "Oh- Golly!" I took off.

I reached the bottom of the lace stairs, looking around. "Morning." I turned to see Dark rubbing his eyes, much like a child who had been woken up a little too early.


"Come on." He began to walk groggily down a long hallway and I followed. I wanted an explanation but he didn't seem to be in the mood.

We reached what seemed to be a dining room, a long, black table cloth with red diamonds scattering it. Dark sat at one end and I took my place at the other. A couple of mannequins appeared with a plate of eggs and really burnt toast, along with some coffee that I lightly turned down. Dark drank about a good three cups, after each one glaring at me, as though I was the cause of his bad mood.

After his fourth cup, he stared at me once more. "So," he started, "do you have a name?"

I looked around to make sure he was addressing me. "My name is Sarah."

He nodded. Then he began to eat in which I followed suite. He kind of reminded me of a child, not like a demon-like creature who I had met just yesterday. "So, Sarah, you're probably wondering why you're still here." I nodded. "Well, we would've sent you back but it seems like something wants to keep you here. Admittedly, I did try to control you but as you could tell," he gestured to himself, "I'm still very much me."

"Does that usually-"

"NO!" He yelled. I kept my tongue but...he was sort of amusing. "What are you looking at??"

"'s not like there is much to stare at in general here, I'm kind of stuck with either you or the mannequins," I commented.

"Oh...right." He breathed and requested another cup of coffee.

Breakfast ended soon after and he sent me to the room, saying he has to do a few things before answering anymore questions but to feel free to look around the place. And of course, having nothing better to do, I decided to do so.

I exited my room to explore the large place. Mannequins zoomed left and right, not really jarring me as much as they did in the beginning. Besides, they were mostly focused on whatever task Dark had assigned them.

I first walked around the floor I was on, seeing that that itself was pretty large in itself. Looking up, I noticed there were a good two other floors above me and... That can be saved for another day.

Anywho, I walked around on this floor, seeing there were so many doors, most of which seemed...odd. Odd in Darkiplier's castle, at least. There was a giant pink mustache on the door with some minor strikings of pink and...scratches as well? As if someone was trying to force open the doo... I passed over to the next door. There was a Chrome sign on the door, digitalized and there was a loading bar over it... 'Huh, who would've thought.' Then I came to a final door that was just black. There were no designs, nothing, it was black. It was so black you would probably not even notice there was even a door. I was about to touch it to make sure there was a door when I was suddenly blocked by a mannequin. I moved around it but it made an effort to be in front of me, blocking my way to the door. "May I please get by?" It shook its head. "Why?" No response. '...He doesn't have a mouth Sarah!' I sighed and turned around to go look at the other parts. There was a long hallway leading down to another place.

Before I could go through it however, I heard a loud "BANG!" and some things crashing down along with a few yelps and yelling. I ran to the source and once again found the mannequin blocking the door. "Mannequin, please let me through." No response. "Look, can't you hear anything happening on the other side of that door?" No response. "Ugh! Forget this!" I ran to go and grab a chair from my room and I was about to ram myself through when the door burst open and two people came flying out on clouds, one pink and the other black.

"Wilford! You need to help me with this!"

"No! She's not my problem! I just live here!"
"But you know more about the other world and I've seen you open the portal before!!!"

"That was in order to get Mark away from that Slender fellow! You know we only are able to get out if a human falls in here or he's in extreme trouble!"

A door opened and I heard a voice mumble out. "What are you fools up to? I'm trying t-t-to upgrade and your f-f-f-fuss is making it dif-f-f-ficult." I looked to the voice that was standing in front of the chrome door, a blue shirt with a white G on it being his clothing along with some jeans and a pair of glasses.

"It's not my fault he isn't helping me with her!" Dark called, still chasing after the man known as Wilford. He had a pink mustache with a pale yellow shirt with a pink bowtie and even pink suspenders attached to some light brown jeans.

The man who actually looked similar to Dark and Wilford looked over to me. "He-He-Hello there, human. Pleas-s-s-sure to meet y-you."

I smiled. "Well, at least you gave a good welcome, I appreciate it." He tried to share the smile back (A.N. the snack that smiles back, Goldfish. No? ok) but then he was knocked over by Wilford ramming into him, trying to still run from the ever-raging Darkiplier. I helped him up and he let out a soft "Thanks" and began to form a blue cloud around him, his white G glowing ever brighter. "Upgrade complete." He took off after the two and the three of them started to fight.

I sighed and looked over to the mannequin who seemed to be watching the three. "Does this happen often?" Surprisingly, he nodded. "And this is why I should've looked the other way?" He nodded again...or she. It? I couldn't tell.

As they kept flying around, I decided to go down the hallway I had wanted to go down. All it led to was a balcony that showed the horizon of the world. It was dark all around, the same red hue there watching over the works of...whoever created this world. It was odd but the mannequins really didn't seem to mind, nor did Mark's other alterations...'speaking of which...I haven't even been able to watch a single video since I've been here! Who knows how many videos I've missed by now-' "CRASHCRASHCRASHCRASHCRASH!"




'...' I walked back inside and found them still flying around in their clouds. I looked around me till I found another chair. I got up to a point that I could aim for them easily and as Wilford was about to pass me, I threw the chair at him, knocking him upside the head and pausing his flight, letting Dark and the chrome guy run into him and all of their clouds shifting and disappearing from right under them, sending them zooming down onto the mattresses that were brought out by the mannequins, from their separate rooms of course. After they recovered, they all looked up at me. "Hey what was that for?" Wilford demanded.

I slid down the railing of the stairs and faced them, holding another chair in my grasp because they were so useful. "Listen up: My name is Sarah. This isn't my world and I really don't intend to be here very long. So you are going to help me get out of here."

Dark disappeared and reappeared in front of me, his eyes especially dark. "And whaT makes you THInk we WilL do such a thing?"

I grinned, catching him off guard, and threw the chair at a wall, nearly putting a hole in it. "Or I will make your life a living hell. You don't take a female away from her video watching."

He scowled. "H-Hey Sarah."


"I-If you l-let me access your a-account, I could-"

"No...what do I call you?"


"I would rather not." 'Considering there are other things on that account that include personal fanfiction, I would really rather not...'

He sighed and went a little ways away. "Well, it's not like we know what to do little lady," Wilford drawled, beginning to twirl his mustache casually. "We only wait for humans to come down here."

"And how long does that take?"

"It really only depends. Maybe a week, maybe a month, even a good year sometimes before we-"

I went up to him and grabbed him by his collar. "You mean that I will be deprived of seeing Markimoo for a long time???"

"I-I mean I can't control that-" he pulled out a gun "All I can do is pull out weapons on command!"

"Well you better be pulling out something that makes the portal open up for me so I could go back home because I'm feeling a bit of an itch to possibly burn off that pink little mustache of yours." I didn't know what caused the sudden flare but he was quite scared. I let him go and began to retreat to my room. "I'll leave finding it out up to y'all, buh-bye!"

By the time I reached my room and closed the door, I felt a pain enter through my bottom regions and my face retracted. "Oof..." 'Oh no...' I ran to the restroom and barely made it to the toilet before my lower regions began to flow out the old blood. 'Great. Just great.' I ended up cleaning the mess as best as I could but I knew the first couple of days were going to be a drastic flow and some...hormonal reactions.

I went to the bedroom after washing my hands and sat on the bed, holding my lower tummy. 'Ugh...if they see me like this, I know I'd be in trouble...I think...I think I'm just going to sleep for a little while...' As the pain kept flowing around in my system like ripples of waves, I tried to calm my head and get some rest.


*Dark's POV*

'WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS???' Although I didn't understand this, I saw that Wilford was already trying to use Google's web as a source of information, much to Google's dislike.

"Google, find any links about the connection of alter egos to their owner."

"I have found a few links that include: Dark x Readers, Markiplier's other sides, and more and more fanfiction- Hey! Quit using me like a tool!"

"Too bad, I have a mustache on the line here! Google-"

"Wilford stop this! Don't you realise even Google's database only runs on information known by the humans or guessed by them and has no real link to us!"

"Well it's worth a shot! Google-"

"Wilford she can't even hurt us. You know we can't die unless Mark gets his butt whooped."

"I know but that doesn't mean there aren't other things like us here, such as your precious plates or your chairs in which you have your mannequins grab, if they are even able to remember what it is you asked for, and MY MUSTACHE!" I scowled and looked up to her room in which she had retreated into just 20 minutes ago.

"I don't care who she thinks she is or what kind of power she feels she has over us, I am not going to let this slide!" I teleported in front of her room and opened the door. "Sarah! I want to have a word with y-" I paused when I saw she was on the bed, her face slightly twitching in...pain?

She partially opened her eyes which were partially glossy and mumbled about something before wincing in pain and holding her lower part of her stomach. Something inside me felt pain and I approached her warily, unsure of what to do. Her face twitched in pain again as I got closer and soon, I was right next to her bed. I felt her head and found it to not be hot so it wasn't a fever. I kept observing her hands which were formed protectively around her regions but I found the situation wasn't helpful. So instead of letting her continue, I removed her hands and pressed my hand against the region, seeing her face have no change. Then I began to heat up my hand and although she only flinched a little, her face was calming down a bit. She began to mumble some things but before I could investigate, she pulled me down next to her and I found myself lying fairly close to her. On any other day I would find this amusing and would try to conquer her but...I don't think it would be wise to deal with a creature in this state...

I ended up laying with her for about an hour or so, maybe more but eventually she had let me go, much to my liking but also... I shook off the thought and headed out of her room, closing the door behind me. "So, did you have your 'word' with her?"

I turned around to see Wilford and Google standing there, arms crossed looking at me expectantly. "Um...yes, of course I did."

"Then what t-t-took you s-s-so long?"

"He was probably having his 'way' with her as well, if you know what I mean," Wilford commented lowly, but still having a grin plastered on his face.

I didn't comment and went past them, wanting to ask Google a few questions about what may be happening to her but wary of their reactions to my concerns. 'It's not that I like her or anything...she is just under my care till we get her to her world...' I kept this thought going through my mind as I ordered some of my mannequins to go and find a heating pad.

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