Ch. 8

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*Sarah's POV*

I shot up. "Wilford don't do that, you're gonna-..." I looked around to find myself not in outer space but in my room, by myself. "Thank god..."

See, I had just got out of a dream where Wilford was about to open the hatch to go outside of the spaceship but the other door wasn't closed yet and we needed to wait so we could go out there smoother.

But thankfully that was just a dream. I looked over to my phone. It was once again 6. '....MARKIMOO!' I grabbed my phone and plugged in my headphones and began to engage in Hello Neighbor.

He was finally able to find the crowbar (last time I was like, "IT'S IN THAT ROOM! LOOK UP!" But of course, he didn't hear me.) And then he unlocked the end.

When he was finished, I was about to go into another one when I heard there was a knock on the door.

''s not 8 yet...' So, in my best groggy voice I could muster, I muttered, "Whaaat?"

"Are y-you awake yet?"


"We n-need to go print some papers at the library."

"...What?" I got up and went to my door, once again finding it to be locked. 'Strange...I don't do that...' I unlocked it and found Google there. "We are, um, applying to jobs."


"Well, it'd help to have extra food money right?"

"..." 'Why are they concerned with food money?' "Where exactly are you applying to?"

"Well...w-we noticed that your-r work had 3 open spaces for par-art timers..."

"My work?" He nodded. "Wait, you're applying to MY WORK???"

"It's fairly close to you and if y-you don't want to ri-risk the house falling apart, I would really suggest that you let-t-t us..."

"..........." I mean, eventually this was going to come right? "Ok, y'all can apply but...ugh, I need to talk to y'all. Go get ready and I'll get ready on my end." He nodded and took off and I closed the door. Then I went to go shower, trying to wash away any and all immediate bad thoughts about this plan.

By the time I got out, I opened my door and walked into the living room to see them all there. "Good morning." They all nodded back. "Ok, so here's the thing." I sat down criss-crossed on the floor. "So, you all have powers and a very very subtle personality attached with y'all. Dark's is to be cruel and to try and take control. Google's is to be seen above the human race. And Wilford's is try and shoot something, ranging from items to people. Also to interview everyone." Wilford stopped cleaning his golden gun and looked up to me, then shrugged it off. "See, you will be interacting different people on a daily basis and will need to be on your best behavior and to have patience with them. It's not that easy sometimes and you will need to be subtle but stern in your efforts. And you can't kill anyone there."

"But what if there is a burglary?" Wilford asked quietly.

"There's a list of procedures to follow, you're not supposed to pursue them. But they'll explain it more over there. Also, you will need other clothes."

"But, we have on clothes." Wilford commented.

"Yes but, I mean, Dark's clothes are just fine but you either need suits or a nice shirt with some dress pants."

"But, I love this outfit," Wilford whined.

"I'm sorry but the suspenders have to go."

He began to grumble to himself. "There's a s-sale going on at JC Penny's where things ar-re ranging from ha-half price to 75% off," Google commented, checking online.

I nodded. "Ok, let's first go get the...wait." I sighed and stared over at Google and Dark. "Alright, Google, you have to work on your glitchiness as well. If members can't understand you then it'll be bad business."

"I can adjust it like I did the other day, I just can't do it for long periods."

"Well, we shouldn't be that busy, we just got passed the holiday. And there anyway you could possibly, um, cancel out the grey?"

"Well...I can mask myself with Mark's skin."

"Really??" He nodded. "I thought that was just...Nevermind, that'll do. You might want to do that anytime we are out and about. The other night people aren't gonna care at a carnival."

He nodded and proceeded to get up. Then, starting at his eyes, he began to have a new skin form over him that was more human colored. With that, the style of his hair changed over to Mark's usual side and his eyes seemed like a lighter, more gentle brown. His facial features were softer and eventually, the new skin took hold and he was an exact image of Mark. It was actually really creepy how similar they looked. So much so I caught myself staring. " apologies but that's really awesome but creepy at the same time."

He cracked his neck. "Yeah, not the best form." His voice even sounded like him.

" there any chance you can use your usual voice?"

"Thankfully, yes," he replied in his normal voice.

"Ok good, because that was going a bit far." I breathed out my inner conflict and began to go towards the door. "Alright, to the library and then we can go to JC Penny's." They nodded and we walked over to my truck.

By the time we got to the library, it was already 8 o'clock and the doors were open. We went in and I punched in my library card. Right when we began to go over to the computer, I heard a small voice ask, "Mark?"

We all spun around and saw a child, no more than 9 or 10 referring to Dark. "Yes?" Dark answered using Mark's voice. 'Wait, why...'

The boy began to jump up and down. "Whoa! What, what are you doing in Texas? I thought you lived in L.A.??"

This kid knows his stuff. "Ah, well, I'm visiting some friends right now."

"Friends-WHOA! It's, it's Googleplier and Wilford Warfstache!" Google and Wilford stared at one another and then back at the boy.

"Hello~" Wilford greeted in his usual slur and the boy was excited.

"I knew they had to be actual people...Wait..." He looked around. "Is Darkiplier here?"

I was tempted to hold my heart but I held strong as Dark stared at the kid. "Well, he's here somewhere...Let me go grab him." He took off in a random direction and then in the next moment, came back as himself, more calm and subtly terrifying. "HeLlo..." Dark muttered in his other voice.

The boy was so excited and ran up to Dark and gave him a hug. "I have always enjoyed your parts, the way that you portray yourself is just amazing and...oh my gosh you have your own aura!!!"

Eventually, the boy asked for a picture with them and they consented and he just thanked them all for what they contribute to the channel. And then, Wilford mentioned something, "Well, we'll be doing a sketch soon so be looking out for it." The boy was wide eyed and then ran off to go see his parents. By the time I turned back around, Dark was already reforming Mark's skin around him again, with a curious face on him.

"You ok Dark?"

"...Yes..." But the curious face still held as we made our way to the computers and Google pulled up the papers which happened to be their résumés and their IDs. Then, I noticed... "Wait, those say that you live at my house..."

"Well, we are technically living there."

"............" I cared not to respond to the chilling fact and began to just go with it, not caring at this point. I mean, it's true, but...putting it on paper kind of makes it more official.

When they were done we took off and headed back to the car. Then Wilford commented, "So, more people know about us than we think..."

"Well, yeah, you guys are part of Mark after all. You are his three main characters."

They nodded and kind of stared out of the window.

Then, a question popped up in my mind. "Wilford, what did you mean a sketch would be coming soon?"

Wilford grinned and replied, "Well, let's just say that 'Warfstache Tonight' is gonna make a comeback."

"Warfstache...WAIT." I stopped the car before we exited and glanced back at him. "Does that mean..."

Wilford grinned and I wanted to squeal excitedly but I held it in.

"That's gonna be soooooo cool!"

I kept driving on till we got to JC Penny's. Once we were there, we began to go through and look through the clothing. "Only three days worth of clothes! They give you two free work shirts and I only have so much in my account that is supposed to last me for two weeks!" They went on their way and I decided just to walk around. I wasn't all that much of a shopper really, just more of a, get what you need sort of deal. Then I decided I should probably watch them to make sure their outfits are...reasonable for work.

I went over to the men section and found they were looking for clothing depending on their likes and dislikes. Dark was looking through the darker pieces of clothing along with the suits, which I hope he realized if he wanted another suit it would only be one because...those things are expensive.

Wilford on the other hand was glancing around the lighter item colors, till he found..."AH! There's a pink dress shirt!" And of course proceeded to pull one out and pranced around some more.

And then Google...where did he- "I'm done."

Startled, I jumped and stared over at him. "Whoa, how did you, when did you-"

"I j-just finished."

"Oh...alright." I side-stepped away cautiously and looked over what he bought. He bought a few dress shirts and a couple of dress pants. One of the shirts was a pretty blue color, much like his current shirt, another was plain white, and the last was grey. "You tried them on to make sure they fit?"

"Yes. I was fairly quick because I knew what was here...not like my brothers."

"Ah cool...Hey, you didn't glitch out!"

He nodded. "Just practicing for the job. I have also scheduled for us to have our interview today so after this, if we can go home and make a sandwich and then head over for the interviews, I'd appreciate it."

"Oh yeah! No worries." Then a thought occured and my face went red. "Um...hey, y'all need undergarments..."

Google nodded. "We can go to Walmart real quick. Our interview is at 1."

"Oh, good."

Soon after Dark and Wilford joined us once more and we headed over to the check out. "That'll be three hundred and-"

"Don't say the rest," I interrupted, just handing him the card. He rang it through and felt a bit of my soul faded away with it. Then he handed it back and we took off.

There was some silence in the car so I turned up the volume on the radio and lightly tapped to the music.

When we made it to Walmart, we ran in and grabbed what we needed, paid, and then headed out once more. "Alright, so when we get home y'all can get ready to go to the interview and I'll get lunch ready, ok?" They nodded and still, the silence seemed to remain.

'...This is so awkward....' I flipped through the channels in my radio till I came across the station with the Toadies singing 'Tyler.'

This song was always interesting to me as it basically talked about a guy in Tyler, Texas who was known for stalking, or folklore at least. He is stalking one lady in particular and is eventually able to go into her house and it's like his whole fantasy is coming true at that moment. The lady is of course scared as he is about to go and do...the things to her. It's actually pretty scary what it talks about but it's pulled from the mind of a stalker so much so that it doesn't seem as bad. And that's what makes it fantastic!

But as I rang out the beat and sang "I will be with her tonight! I will be with her tonight!" the guys just stared at me being a little bit...horrified? Well, mostly Wilford, Dark and Google were mostly curious and...Dark's eyes-

I shook off the thought and pulled into the driveway of the house and got down to prepare the sandwiches.


*Dark's POV*

I fast paced into the house after we stopped and went to the restroom. I held my head as the pain began to etch itself in. "No...Not NoW..."

'I am coming Dark...she seems...interesting. And I want to play with her so so badly...'

I seethed as I tried to bring back control, sitting in a corner and holding it in, breathing in and out till the pain subsided. I relaxed and got up, looking in the mirror. Although I was in Mark's skin, I couldn't hide my being from myself and so, in the mirror I saw myself. '....This is all going to be temporary. We just need to wait till we can go after Mark...'

I breathed in once more and changed into the other clothing.

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