Finish Her

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Did I just post another chapter in a 24 hour span.... Yes I did! Thought of course it is only a little over fifteen hundred words. I am not the best with fighting scenes, but in all honestly I feel rather happy with this one. I feel kinda scared because of this though. Usually if you felt that you did well on a test you didn't so yeah. Anyway this is almost over, like I am posting this chapter up, then the next and finally the epilogue. Anyway happy reading!

Third Person POV

The plan had been gone over several times, Percy had made sure. So when Nyx called her troops to fight everyone knew what to do. Bella threw up her shield, which was a lot better than the last the Volturi and the Olympian Coven met. Jacob and Jasper were to protect her, while Seth protected Nessie and the rest battled in pairs. Unknown to Leah, Percy had wanted to keep her out of the fight, after the last big battle he knew he would not be able to handle it if he lost her. He however refrained from even suggesting it. He knew that it would be too selfish, so as the battle commenced he made sure she was by Sam's side. The Shifters and Vampires would take care of the Volturi, while Percy took care of the Greek monsters and Nyx.

Sensing that their fight was with the other vampires and their allies, the Volturi went to attack them, like Percy knew they would. Grudges make people predictable. Alice and Quil went to take on Jane as Rosalie and Embry took to Alec. Those two, plus Chelsea and Felix were the four main targets to take out right away. Carlisle and Esme had taken Chelsea on while Emmett and Jared took on Felix. The rest of the wolf pairs split up talking on random vampires, many of them having to take on two since they were slightly outnumbered with the three leaders also fighting. It was a trying battle for the group.

Percy changed into his godly form, including his armor and all his weapons. He let his energy flare, in hopes that some of the monsters would flee, but there was no luck. These monsters were from the darkest spaces of the Pit, there was no way that Percy could scare them off. This was not to say that they were not wary of him. The power that rolled off him did put the group of monsters at unease. Since none parted from the battlefield Percy drew his two swords.

"Since none of you have left, I take it you all want to die," he growled at them. Those who had weapons such as the Kampe, that had directly gone against Percy's orders to stay out of the fight, prepared their weapons, as other prepared to back them up. They knew individually that they there was no chance against Percy, even the oldest ones knew. Their only chances at freedom was to fight in a group. Like a swarm, they attacked Percy, who took the heads of two unfortunate monsters right away.

Nyx stood back and watched her plan unfold. She was not a fighter per say, however it was not like she didn't train. She just tended to let others fight for her and step in when her time was needed. She had little doubt that Perseus was going to defeat all the monsters that were set out to kill him. What she wanted was for them to wear him down, so when they had fallen she could swoop in and kill Perseus herself. She looked over to the vampires and shifters. She didn't lie the scene. The powerful siblings had succumbed to the enemy, it looked like without their powers they were nothing and with abomination's mother still in the fight they had no chance to use their powers. Chelsea had also fallen, something was no surprise to Nyx. Felix was still fighting, but now that the fight was over with those three, the six that had been fighting them had moved on to help others. Only one had died on their side, a shifter lay dead on the ground. With their only heavy hitter left, being Felix, it seemed that the group would fall. Nyx had mixed feelings. She had always thought that the week should fall, that is why she made vampires over humans. So of course the weaker vampires should fall to the stronger, however she didn't like that her side was the weaker. Not only because they were on her side, but she had grown semi attached to Aro and despite his conquest for power he seemed to truly care for the vampires in his group, even though the feelings he felt for them were more like possessions. She was not happy at this. She initially hoped that they would hang off long enough that she could kill Perseus and then join their fight. Though Perseus was making quick work against the monsters, well quick as he could with monsters that were far older than the gods, Aro and his group were falling faster than the monsters. So now her dilemma was to step in or not. If she did and Perseus finished before she was done killing all of the monsters, she would be at a disadvantage. She would be distracted and though Perseus would be most likely injured, her being distracted still could cause her death.

Perseus was three fourths done with the monsters that had decided to attack him as Nyx watched him for a moment. That was until a scream was heard in the other fight. She turned to see more of her side dead. Actually there were only four left, Aro Casius, and two others she hadn't bothered to learn the names of. She had had enough and decided to step in. She would get rid of the abomination, and then it's parents. That would put a dent in the fight. She would make it quick enough to be ready for Perseus. A sandy colored shifter stood near the abomination. She flashed over to them and when she reappeared the shifter growled at her.

"Get away mangy animal." She had no idea what Thesis was thinking when he made shifters. With her powers she sent him flying and faced the abomination.

"It's time for you to die," she told it. As she prepared to strike she was run into and knocked over. Furiously she stood to face the sandy colored shifter again growling, though it seemed to be slightly injured. She drew her knife, and went to strike the sandy colored shifter. She would have hit her mark too until a smaller grey shifter pushed the other out of the way, only to get struck. The shifter fell and a roar was heard, that made everyone's blood run cold, including Nyx. The ground started to shake and threatened to knock over everyone in the clearing. Nyx turned to the roar and was terrified at the sight. Perseus was now directly in front of her. His eyes were so dark she was surprised that she was not looking at her husband's eyes, which was the only person she had ever seen with such dark eyes. A dark aura surrounded him and though she was used to the dark aura's of her husband and brother, she had never been as terrified by such aura until now.

"How dare you," Perseus yelled with anguish and fury. Again a person he had cherished had fallen in battle and though he was there, there was nothing he was able to do. He had failed yet another. So swift that none but Nyx, who barely saw it coming, Percy swung his sword. Nyx was barely able to block it as she made her knife grow into a sword to match the strike. Swing after swing came raining down on her as she was barely able to defend herself. Percy swung his sword again, an attack that Nyx knew she was not going to be able to block with her sword, instead she flung out her wing to block the attack. Her wings were made impenetrable to weapons and often saved her from many strikes. Not this time, this time Percy's sword cut through it like butter. Something she had not been expecting and made her cry out in pain. She withdrew her wing as Perseus struck her again, this time in her heart. She fell to her knees as Percy stood before her, sword in her heart. How could she be beaten?

"You will never come back again," Percy stated, his voice emotionless as he glared down at her. She looked at him and then to the sky, to the stars. She then started to fade from her chest out, until only Percy's sword was left in midair. He turned and made way to Leah. Seth and Nessie were at her side and once Percy was near, Nessie moved back so Percy could take her spot. Percy knelt by her. Blood was soaking the ground around her, the wound had started to bleed a lot once Nyx had called her weapon back to her.

"Leah," Percy asked, but she didn't move. She was already unconscious of shock from the blood loss. Percy went to try and heal her, but from hid fight with Nyx and his last attack on the monster to try and get to Leah by sending out his energy, he was not able to heal her. Again he was about to be unsuccessful in keeping someone close to him alive. 

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