Get Ready To Rumble

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First off....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it is here! Doesn't feel like it. Anyway, I just thought I would post this up. Yes, I know that it is rather short, but it is where I want it to end and once you read it I am sure you will understand why I ended it where I did. Well happy reading everyone! Be careful in your travels and have a fun day!


It took me a whole week like I had predicted to get Tartarus to agree and then find monsters that would help me fight. It was hard finding monsters to help, but the ones had had gotten were ones almost as old as me. They were the ones deemed too dangerous to roam the Earth. In trade for them helping me, I promised them freedom. When I returned Aro had his guard ready to move. All I had now to do was attack and what a battle it would be.

Percy POV

The past week as been going better for me. After almost hurting Leah and then having a trust moment we were much closer. I now trusted her hole heartedly and had starting her more details about my life. Also because of her I stayed in school. After missing almost a week I wanted to just stop, but Leah had convinced me to continue, along with Mom. I manipulated my teacher's memories to think I was there the whole time and continued with my classes. When I wasn't at school I was with Leah. We spent some of our time in La Push, where I met Sam and his pack. When I had first met Sam it had been really tense. I hated how he hurt Leah. He on the other hand thought of me as a threat. It took both Leah and Emily to stop us from fighting, which unknown to him, I would have won in less than half a minute. Emily and Leah on the other hand had a great time with one another. To be honest by the end of our visit I agreed that the wolves in La Push were not that bad, even if their leader was a dick. We went over the Cullen's for a while each day to eat and then the rest of the time we kept to ourselves. Whether it was hanging out by the ocean or me talking her places to have fun. Being a god and being able to teleport gave no limits. We even visited Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. After the war the camps were now adjoined by a portal provided by Hecate. The visits were not as bad as I thought. It was still depressing to see the place that reminded me of Annabeth every turn I made, but Leah stayed by my side. After explaining who she was everyone at camp welcomed her with open arms. Reyna and her hit it off rather well actually.

"What are you thinking about," Leah's voice was next to my head. Anyone else could not sneak up on me and even if they could they would be dead in a second. For Leah though, I smiled at her voice.

"I was just thinking how great this past week was, even with its ups and downs." She sat beside me on the beach, the wind wiping through her long black hair.

"It was a pretty good week wasn't it?" She leaned into me and I wrapped my arm against her.

"I am happy that you came into my life Leah. You have helped me in so many ways in just one week alone."

"I am happy that I am able to be by your side Percy and help you." She had gotten me used to her touch and was now able to freely do so, though upon waking was still touch and she never touched me to wake me up. She had even started to help me with my reflection problem. It had come up yesterday when we were shopping for clothes with the Cullen family. I accidently saw myself in one of those mirror pillars causing me to flinch at the sight. I thought no one noticed, because it was such a small movement, but of course Leah had noticed. When we were by ourselves that night she confronted me about it. I told her about the blood, so today we began working on it. It was slow progress and I was only able to look at myself for a minute before looking away. Suddenly I felt like I had been through whiplash. I was instantly nauseous. I doubled over, holding my stomach.

"What is wrong," Leah grew immediately concerned.

"Monsters are here. Strong ones. I have never felt this strongly about monsters' presents before. It has to be Nyx. She is here to kill the Cullen's family." She paled. I grabbed her and flashed to the Cullen's house. Everyone jumped, and two yelped (Jacob and Emmett) as we appeared.

"Nyx is on her way," I told them before they could utter a word. "Get ready." Jacob ran out of the house, no doubt shifting and warning La Push.

"If there is a spot that you wish to face them instead of here I suggest we go," I told the family. They looked at each other with a nod.

"The clearing then," Carlisle said as he turned to me.

"Then let's go." All of us, including Nessie whom Seth would guard, ran to the clearing. After a moment I heard Jacob catching up. I looked to Leah, who had shifted like Seth when we had decided to run to where ever we were going. Soon we came into a clearing and stopped.

"So this is it," I asked Leah.

Yeah. This is where we confronted the Volturi last time since it is farther away from town. The feeling of the monsters was getting stronger.

"They are close," I announced. "Another five minutes and they will be here."

Another three and Sam's pack will be here. Jacob told me. Minutes passed and like Jacob has said the rest of the wolves appeared. We stood in a clump together, preparing. Two minutes later the first of the monsters appeared, none of them I recognized, but they felt old. Many were huge in stature and deadly looking. Where had Nyx gotten these guys? Speaking of the witch, she appeared with a clump of other vampires, I presumed were the Volturi.

"Well, well, well we are all together again," Nyx said with a grin. "I promised the next we meet you would all be dead. I have come to fulfill that promise." I heard many growls around me. I stepped forward, Leah coming with me, but staying at my back.

"Nyx I thought I instructed all the monster to not aid you." Her grin grew wider.

"Not all you didn't even though you went to Tartarus. You see my brother owed me a favor. He let me go to the monsters that have been locked up in his depths since almost the dawn of this Earth. A promise of freedom if the help kill you all. They have been instructed by Tartarus himself to help. Not even you, god of monsters, can stop his order since he is a primordial. You will all die here today and when I kill you, dear Perseus, I have made sure my brother will keep you down there for a long time. He misses you after all." Anger bubble within me and I was about to jump at her then, when I felt my shoulder get bumped and a whine. I turned to see Leah, my anchor. I smiled at her and turned back to Nyx.

"You have one chance, leave and forget this idiocy or I will make you fade."

"No chance hero. It is time to die."


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