Death and forgetfulness

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"You drowned? I- you died?!"

Jack Frost gave him a conundrumed look from where the both of them where sitting, "Danny, I don't think you out of all people can be surprised about this, I mean- you were buried. You literally met fate, no one meets fate! Spirits or mortals!"

Jack rubbed the back of his neck, "especially when she's doing business."

Danny raised a brow in doubt "Ok, if no one had met Fate, then how come you know of her?"

Jack paused "To spirits she's like... she like the celebrity of the spirit world. Not really anyone has met her but everyone knows of her," Jack weighed his hands "And to be fair, spirits had met her. Just, never because she needed to do her job."

Both stood there at the park, once more at the tree by the lake.

"Was this where you buried?" Jack asked.

Danny drew the staff closer, "... yes." Danny turned to Jack Frost "Was this where you drowned?"

Jack looked away and stared at the lake, "... yes."

Danny looked away as well at looked at the lake "... did it hurt?"

Jack gripped at his chest "Yes. It had hurt very much." Jack swallowed "Sometimes, it still hurts."

Danny wrapped his arms tightly around himself, and flashbacks of nearly being suffocated alone under the dark earth hunted him once more. He didn't need to ask what Jack meant by how something so long ago can still hurt.

Jack turned to Danny, eyes glassy "I know that you don't remember your family, but..." Jack Frost licked his lips "but do you miss them?"

Danny froze, then took a shuddered breath. Not for dramatic effect, but because something in his chest made it hard to breathe, and almost harder to speak "Yes." he wheezed out "Yes I miss them."

Danny shook his head and gave a dry laugh "I don't know how. I really don't. But I know that something is missing. And that someone was there." Danny ran his hand through his hair "do you still miss your family? After all this time?"

Jack voice broke, "yes," He took a deep breath and stood up. "Let's... let's take you home."

 . . .

Jerry flipped to the next page of his newspaper as the front door opened "sup kid," Jerry eyed Jack "and kid two."

Danny and Jack Frost gave each other a glance then back at Jerry.

Danny blinked "I... yeah. Still not used to that. Anyway, Jerry?"

Jerry put down his newspaper.

Danny gestured to Jack. "This is Jack Frost."

Jerry folded his newspaper, "Isn't this the part where you tell him who I am?"

Jack Frost shook his head "No, we've met before."

Jerry raised a brow "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, I knew you since you were a kid. You had an obsession with firetrucks, you would draw them in the snow and frost when you were like," Jack paused "five? I think? Anyway, you ruined my art work. Like so many other people."

Danny and Jerry gave Jack Frost a bewildered look.

"The hell." Jerry whispered.

Danny jerked his thumb at Jerry, "Yeah, I'm with Jerry on this one."

"Hey!" Jack spread his arms "It wasn't like it was too long ago for me. Besides, I only really remember because I happened to be walking by when you were drawing out a plan with your friends in the town square on getting a actual firetruck to your house."

Jack Frost dropped his hands to his side. "But you guys ended up on having an argument on who's house would get the firetruck, and then I lost interest. Which was a shame really because I would've invested my whole day on that."

Jerry shot up and walked to Jack "how- how old are you?!"

"317." Jack Frost said automatically.

Jerry gave Jack Frost a pointed look, "Right. Yeah, no, seriously, how old are you and what kind of skin cream care do you use?"

"I don't have money to buy skin cream, and I really am 317. My only skin care is in my magic immortality." Jack made in snow in the entryway "See? Foosh. Magic."

Jerry looked up at the snow with his mouth ajar and eyes nearly popping out of his sockets.

Danny looked over to Jerry "So... can Jack stay over?"

Jerry didn't say anything.

"Common Jerry, think of it as a sleep over. Plus, Jack doesn't have a bed. Or money."

Jack Frost continued looking up at the small snow storm that he made, amused "Or a house."

"Or a house Jerry. Not even a house." Danny continued.

Jerry slowly turned around, his eyes blank "sure... sure, yeah, sure." Jerry sat down on the armchair "Suuuuuure. Sure. Yeah."

Jack Frost gave Jerry a concerned look "I think we broke him,"

Danny nodded "Definitely."

Both walked up the stairs.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Jack asked

"He'll be fine by the morning." Danny said.

Danny walked into his room and frowned as soon as he looked at his bed "Ah damn it." Danny lifted the sheets that was wet from melted snow and frost "Damn it," Danny gave Jack a angry glair, "You're killing me Jack Frost. You're killing me."

Jack snickered.

Danny tossed Jack the sheets "You're washing this."

Jack Frost's smile ran away from his face.

. . .

"What kind of fabric softener did you use?" Danny asked as he nudged Jack Frost and stretched on the bed.

There was a pause. "... I was supposed to use fabric softener?"

Danny sighed "whatever, It's too late now. Also, I thought you didn't need to sleep? You blacked out the minuet you hit your head on the pillow."

"I never needed sleep before. I'm just as weirded out as you are right now, I guess we just gotta add this to everything else." Jack Frost said with a drowsy tone.

Jack Frost rubbed his eyes, "Know what? I still want to sleep, I'm tired and it's too warm to get up."

Danny's eyes were alit with amusement "It's December."

Jack nuzzled his face against the blanket "Too warm,"

Danny laid down next to him "I'll give you a surprise."

Jack Frost peeked up in curiosity "a surprise?"

"Really. In fact, here it is," Danny cupped Jack Frost's face and gave him a soft kiss.

Jack Frost slowly got up "I'm not tired anymore."

Danny smirked "I thought so." Danny also got up "Ready to face Jerry and the other Guardians?"

Jack shrugged "eh, sure. Why not?"

As if on cue, Jerry kicked open the door, still in last night cloths "I have so many questions." a beat "And demands. I also got some demands." He jabbed a finger in Jack Frost's direction "You. You. What are you? Answer," Jerry snapped his fingers "now."

Jack's eyes were wide in surprise "I'm... a spirit,"

Jerry motion him to go on, asking for more details. "so, you're dead?"

"A- a little bit?" Jack Frost hesitated.

Jerry gave him a blank look "The shit is that supposed to mean?"

"I died but... I was brought back? To life? By the moon? Sorta? Maybe?" Jack shrugged.

"... close enough to be a answer. Next question," Jerry pointed to Danny "You, yes you. How long did you know about..." Jerry paused and waved at Jack's direction "this."

Danny gave a nervous chuckle "Like... three months?"

"And why..." Jerry pinched the bridge of his nose "And why on earth, didn't you tell me?"

"In his defense, you couldn't see me at the time," Jack Frost piped up

Jerry narrowed his eyes "What."

"Before only kids could see Jack Frost. Even then, it was only if they believed him." Danny said.

Jerry paused, "That's good... to know. I guess," He cut them both a sharp look "Demands."

Danny and Jack Frost groaned in sync.

"No complaints! It's what happens when one happened to have a secret date."

Jack Frost and Danny's eyebrows flew up.

Jerry waved them off "Oh please, I'm a cop, kids. I'm not blind. Besides, I only have a few Demands, you'll live." He glanced at Jack Frost "Sorry, no pun intended."

Danny gave a relaxed shrug "It's cool." He said with a smirk. "Do you get it? He's Jack Frost? Cool-"

Jack Frost rolled his eyes "Yes Danny, I got it."

"Whatever, as I was saying." Jerry said "Demand one! Jack Frost, I need to get to know you. I mean common' man, you're Danny's best friend. And, only close friend now that I think of it." Jerry put two fingers up "Number two! Danny, you still need to come back at curfew, If you sneak out I'll ground you. Spirit voodoo on your side or not."

Jack Frost looked back at Danny, "This is going better than I thought,"

Danny nodded "Agreed."

"Demand three!"

Danny and Jack frost turned right back at Jerry.

Jerry sighed "Alright, no funny business, understand."

Both Danny and Jack turned to each other and made a face.

"I'm pretty sure that we're both asexual,"

Danny pointed at Jack Frost "What he said."

Jerry raised hands in surrender "I'm just saying, it needed to cleared."

Danny shifted "Are- are we good now?"

Jerry crossed his arms "For now? Yes."

The front door downstairs was busted open and all three flinched.


Jerry took another deep breath, "Why..." He looked back at Jack Frost and Danny, "what the hell did the two of you's do to Jossey?"

Danny cut Jack Frost a glair and Jack gave a nervous chuckle.

. . .

Danny rubbed his nose, "Welp, this morning was awkward,"

Jack looked around at the park, as if looking for something "Oh, without a doubt. Jossey was pretty cool about the whole thing too..." Jack Frost trailed off.

Danny gave him a grin. "Cool, you say?"

Jack Frost gave Danny a pointed look "You're the literal worst."

Danny gave Jack a smug look, "admit it, you walked right into that one,"

Jack Frost groaned.

Danny chuckled, "I mean, I didn't even need to prompt you, you did it all on your own."

Jack Frost rolled his eyes "Whatever,"

Danny then looked around "Wait, are we meeting the Guardians here?"

Jack hummed in agreement. "Bunny is definitely going to be the one to get them all here."

Danny raised a brow, "Dude, you alright? You seem distracted."

Jack Frost turned to Danny. "Well... a little bit. I just kinda realized something,"

Danny blinked "What?"

Jack Frost suddenly grinned "I can do this," He grabbed Danny and with one arm around his waist the other his fingers entangled tightly with Danny's hand, Jack Frost lowered Danny to a low dip.

Danny's eyes were alit with amusement "Couldn't you do this before?"

Danny could've imagined it, but Jack Frost's eyes were a bit glassy.

Jack Frost licked his lips "Yes, but they can see me do it." and with that, he pulled Danny to an into a kiss hard.

Danny slowly pulled away in a bit of a daze "wow."

Jack Frost pulled Danny back up "I gotta be honest, I saw the whole dip-thing in a move I snuck into,"

Danny didn't respond.

Jack Frost waved his hand over Danny's face. "Danny, you ok?"

That seemed to snap Danny out of it, "... can we do it again?"

Jack Frost beamed, "Definitely."

"Oh, hello Jack!"

Jack Frost waved back "hey Tooth, did you double check to see if you had Danny's memories?"

Tooth's warm smile turned to one of puzzlement "Yes, I did. But..." She turned to Danny and gave him a sad look "I'm so sorry Danny, I checked and double checked. I never had your teeth."

Danny looked down to his red shoes, "It's alright Tooth... I figured such." 

Bunny hopped over, "if it makes ya feel better mate, we all checked whatever records we have-"

North nodded "We even checked over with Psyche, and she said she'z got nothing,"

"Um, yeah. And, no new news about really anything about you." Bunny said.

Tooth furrowed her brows "It's the strangest thing. We checked with multiple spirits and they had no clue about you."

Jack Frost gave Danny a concerned look then turned to the guardians and rolled his eyes "Yeah, didn't we already know about this?"

Sandy made a series of symbols over his head.

Tooth translated "Well, yes. But it's one thing for us to not have any information about Danny, it's another for just about every spirit we've encountered to not know absolutely anything about Danny."

Sandy nodded.

Jack's eyes flickered to Danny then back to the Guardians "Wait, weren't we here to see if mortals could see any of you?"

The rest of the Guardians glanced at each other.

North rubbed his hands together, "Ja! We did! Let'z get started!"

. . .

"This iz... wrong. On too many levels," North said slowly as all the guardians walked down the park with Danny and Jack in tow.

"How do ya' think I felt yesterday?!" Bunny said, eyes wide. As adults greeted Jack, and walked through the Guardians.

Danny gave Bunny a quick glance "Well, at least we know for sure it's just Jack they see now,"

Jack gave a stiff wave to a pass-by jogger. "Honestly? I would feel much more comfortable If they could see all of us."

Danny gave Jack a bewildered look "Why?"

Jack swallowed, and didn't answer.

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