Unexpected Outcomes

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"What the hell, what the actual hell."

Jack turned to Danny "you just saw that, right?!"

Danny didn't say anything, but now he had an idea on what those kids felt like when he first met Jack.

"Danny, put on your shoes. I wanna try something." Jack said.

Danny gave Jack a curious glance and started putting on his red sneakers "... alright, where are we going?"

Jack had a bit of a crazed look to him "Everywhere."

Danny raised both brows as Jack grabbed his hand and used the other to grab his staff. "Jack, I haven't even tied my shoelaces yet! Jack!"

Jack wasn't listening as he ran and practically dragged Danny out the door.

. . . 

"Hey, Jamie, quick question. Is your mom home?"

Jamie gave Danny a confused look "Well, no. Not yet. But she should be in a few minutes. Why?'

Danny glanced at Jack, then back at Jamie "Just, trying something out."

Jamie open the door and invited them in "... Ok. By the way Danny, I think I figured out who you were! And why you came here!"

Danny withheld an amused look "Oh?"

Jamie suddenly had on a professional expression. "Me and my co-theorists has theorized that you're from what I like to call planet X. You were a super hero but then had to have your memories cleared to keep your identity. And you're here for a super-secret-mission."

Suddenly the serious look evaporated and Jamie gave a toothy smile "It all makes sense! Why you got these muscles," Jamie flexed his arms as an example "got mad reflexes and can see Jack! Because you're not from here! You don't need to follow our rules! Kinda like why superman flies! He doesn't follow Earth's rules of gravity!"

Danny and Jack gave each other a blank look. Danny had to admit, some of the stuff, as wild as it was, made some sense. Danny, however, very much doubted it. "As nice as that sounds, I don't think that I was ever a super hero, Jamie."

Jamie frowned then shrugged "suit yourself." He then turned to Jack "Where were you?! I hadn't seen you, since like, forever!"

Before Jack could answer everyone turned when they heard the door open "Hey Jamie, is Sophie still asleep? Anyways, I'm back from work-" Jossey then paused and looked at all of the occupants in the room "Oh, hello Danny. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" She stared right at Jack "who's your new friend?"

Danny had to literally shake himself out of it "He- um. This is Jack."

Jamie was less subtle. His eyeballs were practically bulging out of there sockets. "You can see Jack?!"

Jossey nodded absentmindedly, used to Jamie's antics. Then she stopped. She then took a closer look at Jack "Wait... are you Jack Frost? Jamie talks about you all the time. I thought that you were a imagery friend-"

"MOM." Jamie crossed his arms, displeased.

Danny turned suspicious as Jack once again had his mischievous smirk. This could only go one out of two ways-

"What made you think that I was imaginary?" Jack said with a sly and smug smile.

Suddenly Danny knew exactly how this was going to go down. But as he saw Jamie's hopeful face, Danny wasn't so sure if he wanted to stop it.

Jossey make a mental list. "Well, for one. It was the name. Your name isn't really Jack Frost, is it?"

Jack gave a nod "No, it is."

Jossey faltered "oh..." She gave Jack a look that she didn't quite believe him, but let it pass. "Also it was how Jamie always described you on your staff. I mean no one-"

Jack gave her all of his attention as he hopped on and balanced on the crook at the very top of his staff. He rested his cheek on his hand. "Go on,"

Jamie was beaming in joy and his face had a 'I told you so' look to it.

Jossey blinked, and for a couple of seconds, couldn't say anything. However, Jossey was not one to quit. "Jamie also said that you could ride the wind-"

Jamie broke into a impish chuckle that Jack would be proud of. Danny face-palmed.

Jack's chester-like grin widened ear to ear. He gave Jossey a quick salute as he jumped down from his staff.

Danny, deciding that they were too far in, with a neutral look opened the door allowing the wind to come in and grabbed Jack's staff.

Jack hugged Danny close much to Jossey's confusion and winked at Jamie. Jack turned to Jossey and said simply "see you later" as he literally flew out the door.

Despite the wind screaming in their ears Danny turned to Jack and yelled over the wind "If the government comes for us in the morning, I'm gonna blame you."

Jack raised a brow "you read way too many Sci-fi novels,"

"My life is a Sci-fi, Jack."

Jack chuckled and slowed down. "More like a modern fantasy."

Danny huffed. "Whatever. Where are we going next?"

Jack stopped in mid-air and paused to think about it. "To... the park! Its a Saturday evening. Almost everyone will be there."

Danny held on to Jack tight "To the park then."

The town below them became a blur, after a sudden stop Danny turned to Jack "We should probably land where no one can see us."

Jack gave a Danny a blank stare "... ya' know? I've never thought that would be a necessity."

Danny blinked "wow," a beat "this must be really weird for you,"

Jack nodded as he found a empty clearing that was clustered with trees "Definitely."

As soon as Jack landed Danny handed him back his staff. Danny turned to Jack "you ready?"

"Ready? Are you kidding?! I was made for this moment!" And with that, Jack charged into the park.

. . .

Everyone knew that Jack was there. The old, the young, the deaf, the blind. Everyone and anyone in one form or another, knew that Jack was there. Jack was as real to them as any other mortal person.

Yet, strange enough, almost none of them were familiar with the name Jack Frost. And the few who did when asked (or in some cases, signed to, for the ones who were deaf) would squint their eyes in confusion of such a random question of "did you believe in him" and reply along the lines of "uh, no?"

Some time later, Danny pinched the bridge of his nose and then rubbed his hands on his eyes as turned to Jack, who was sitting down next to him on the bench "Ok, so... everyone can see you. Do think it's because of that cult thing or whatever found out a way to get people to see spirits?"

Jack raised a brow "If that's the reason, then how become they would want mortals to see me?"

Danny ran his fingers through his hair and flung the other hand in the air. "I dunno! ... Maybe because they made it where everyone can see all spirits now?"

Jack huffed "I can't think of anything else that would remotely make sense." he turned to Danny "I vote that we bring other spirits here and see what happened."

Danny paused "Who are you thinking of for that? The guys in North's workshop?"

Jack considered it "Yeah, that'll work,"

"Alright, who are we going to go to first?" Danny said

Jack stood up "... Bunny, we're going to Bunny. He's the closest and lives in the most human-friendly environment. I'm still not sure how you survived the north pole. It was dumb luck that you're still alive with all of your limbs."

Danny shrugged, and stood up as well with hands in his red jacket pockets.

Jack looked at his feet. "Should've came more prepared last time, I'm not really used to the idea on how mortals work," He rubbed the back of his neck "Just um, just tell me if... if somethings wrong or- something. Ok? Please?"

Danny waved him off "I was fine last time. You got me there and back in one piece," he spread his arms "See?" Danny gave a soft smile as he let his arms rest at his sides "And don't worry, I will. Alright? I'll start telling you more." a beat "are you ready to go now?"

Jack paused then nodded "yeah, I'm ready."

. . . 

Danny looked around in complete awe. It was a tad too warm to what felt comfortable and despite the scars, Danny was seriously considering on taking of the Jacket and the overbearing smell of pure chocolate almost enough to put him on the edge (plus, Jack's snowflakes and frost was waaaaay more detailed and beautiful. Not that Danny was going to tell Jack Frost to inflame his ego or Bunny, who might not take it too well) But in its own way, the warren was magical that Danny before couldn't imagine.

Grass that was a bright green grew everywhere and had it's own shine to it, little eggs walked to their own according and giant stone eggs with rugged carvings guarded the entrance.

Danny craned his neck up "... I've never been so intimidated by eggs,"

Jack looked up as well "Yeah, they've been like this since Pitch broke in here over a year ago year with his nightmares."

Danny turned his head so quickly that his neck almost snapped, then he slowly turned back to the giant eggs "That's... a pretty good reason."

Jack hummed in agreement.

Both turned to a voice on the other side "Oy, what'a ya twos doing here?"

Jack smiled "ah, Bunny! Just the polka I wanted to see!"

Bunny gave them both weary glances "Now what did the two of you's do,"

Jack and Danny glanced at each other "It's... not what we did, but more on something that we need to try out." Danny said with some hesitation.

Bunny took a deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose "And what exactly do you need to try out?"

Jack gave a nervous chuckle "we kind need to see if people can see you..."

Bunny lowered his hand and raised a brow "And, why do you need to test that out? We both know very well who can and can't see me. Unless..." Bunny's eyes narrowed "what the hell did the two of ya's do."

Danny raised his hands into the air "Look, I swear, we didn't do anything! We don't know why, but everyone can see Jack now. And we need to know if people can see anyone else-"

Bunny, with a blank expression, promptly turned around and walked the other direction.

"I- Bunny!" Jack shouted "Come back!"

Bunny kept walking. "Hell no mate. Just- hell no." he mumbled a bit to himself in low tones that Danny and Jack couldn't hear then said, "That- this it. I'm done. I'm done. The world is ending, life as we know it is over, this is it."

"Bunny!" Jack gave Danny his staff and ran his hands threw his hair "We don't even know if they can see you-"

Finally, Bunny, now at quite some distance, turned around. "And we SHOULDENT NEED TO ASK THAT QUESTON now, SHOULD WE?!"

"Comon' Bunny, you have to admit. This is a good question! And what kind of Guardians would we be to not to try and TEST IT OUT, YA BIG CHICKEN,"

Danny gave Jack a curious look "Can we even us that insult? I mean, he's already a giant Bunny-"

Suddenly, Bunny disappeared under the earth. Danny's eyes widen and stumbled a few steps back as Bunny suddenly appeared next to them livid. "... They better not see me frosty, cause if they do, I'm gonna blow a fuse."

Jack shrugged "fair enough,"

Bunny tapped his foot, Danny yelped as the earth disappeared under them and clinged to Jack and his staff. Jack seemed completely calm as Danny was trying to slow his heart rate.

Danny's head felt like it was stuffed in cotton as he repeated the same words to himself over and over 'You're not being buried you're not being buried you're not being buried...'

Danny winced at the sunlight hit his eyes one more as they were back at the park, this time with Bunny in tow.

Bunny took a deep breath in and widen his stance as if he was preparing for a battle instead of simply meeting new people "alright, lets do this."

Jack crossed his arms "did you seriously bring your boomerangs for this?"

Bunny paused "you never know,"

Jack Frost scoffed. But stopped as he saw Danny's face and how he was clinging to his staff tightly as if it was as vital as the air itself.

Jack decided he was going to ask Danny about this later when they were alone and turned to Bunny "you ready?"

Bunny swallowed "... never been more prepared."

. . .

No one saw Bunny. Well, no one that wasn't suppose to. Children yanked on their parents sleeves and pointed to what the adults saw as thin air when both Jack and Danny knew very well was Bunny. And other children called out his name, despite not being introduced properly. They seemed to know that it was the 'Easter Bunny' just by a spare glance. Of course, Danny figured that it was kind obvious since Bunny was a literal giant bunny.

Bunny seemed to relax at this, but was still tense. Especially when someone acknowledge Jack Frost, or even looked at his direction.

Bunny stared when yet another person greeted Jack with a quick 'hello' "... that's as creepy as hell mate."

Both Danny and Jack nodded silently in agreement as they watched the man with a tight boney frame and a grey jacket walk away after his quick hello.

All three stood there in silence as they processed this new information.

Danny looked at the rapidly darkening sky was the first to speak "I'm... going to go home now."

"We need to tell others tomorrow then" Bunny said, "I just- I'm gonna deal with this... later. I just can't right now." He then turned to Jack in alarming speed and jabbed a finger in his direction "and we also need to figure out why people can see you out of any one of us spirts, and you alone"

"whoa, hold on a second, we still don't know if people can see-" Danny stopped as a young woman with shorts and a purple jacket gave him a weird look from talking to an empty space and walked away a little faster. Danny lowered his voice "- if people can see the others..."

Jack nodded "Danny has a point. I mean, what if they just can't see you but they can see some of the others? Like they can see me and Sandy now, or me and Tooth?"

Bunny paused "... we'll look at this tomorrow. Some of us need time and sleep,"

Danny gave Bunny a weird look as he mention the word sleep "You can sleep?"

Bunny scoffed "Anything alive has to sleep. It's the laws of nature." He gave Danny a cautious glance "... you do sleep, right?"

Danny looked at Jack then quickly back at Bunny "What? Oh, yeah. Totally."

Bunny grunted "Alright then. I'm going home now."

And with two taps of his foot, Bunny was gone.

Danny and Jack looked at each other.

Both were now ready to explain some things.

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