8. The Start Of Something New: Part-2

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Aditi's P.O.V.

               Birds were chirping loudly in from the tree next to my window. That was was disturbing me. The chirping woke me up. Groaning I woke up but I couldn't. My whole body was paining. My eyelids were feeling heavy. I couldn't even open my eyes fully. Anyhow I opened my eyes. The whole room was spinning around me. My vision became blurry. I tried to woke up from the bed but it was being difficult for me. Just then I remembered it was the hangover. Yes, how can I forget! My mind had stopped working. Yesterday's nights incidents came to my mind. My body was paining due to the running of mine to my home. I had drank the whole bottle of red wine.

              I felt softness around me. Feeling around I saw I was sitting on bed. I slept the whole night on the bed! But how? The only incident I remember from yesterday night that I slept on the sofa in my living room. But how I came inside? My head was paining so much that I couldn't even think properly. Mentally slapping myself I thought that I would have only come in to my room at night. No prince would have come and put me on to the bed at half midnight!

               The first thing that only came to my mind right now was to take some medicine. How can I be so lethargic and drink all the contents of wine in one shot!? I was so frustrated with myself. I stood up from the bed. Tripping around I somehow carried myself to the kitchen. I opened the first drawer next to the cabinet and took out the medicine box. I found out some advil and popped them into my mouth with some water. I hope it will help me through my hangover.

               I was still in my yesterday's night clothes. My whole body smelled of alcohol and sweat together. The only thing I could think of was a shower right now. A hot shower was the best to remove the stress from my mind. I headed straight to my room, took out some clothes and went to the bathroom. I was stripping out my clothes just then I remembered I didn't lock the main door yesterday after coming home. I put on the t-shirt again and ran towards the living room. I saw that the door was open or close. But it was locked to my relief. But as much I remember I didn't lock. Ughhh! This hangover is making me mad. I thought even it would have been open Sharma aunty would have closed it. I didn't bother to even ask her. I only wanted one thing right now, which was a shower.

              I quickly ran towards the bathroom. Stripping my clothes again I saw my face in the mirror along with the process. My face wasn't less horrible. Big black bags were under my eyes, eyes all puffy and red following. My whole face was stained with dry tears. The tip of my nose was red along with my cheekbones. I was only frightened seeing myself in the mirror. Groaning, I started the shower forgetting all the things right now. Nothing was important to me except my brain's health. I didn't have to take stress anymore. And this was only possible when I would keep the whole world behind me, forgetting what would others think.

               After the long half an hour shower I dried myself and wore some comfortable track pants and a t-shirt. It seemed that the advil didn't do any justice to my body. I went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and ate thinking it would do some justice to my hunger. I really felt good after eating the apple. I was really very hungry so I also decided to eat some cornflakes. In the process I grabbed some milk and cornflakes from the cabinet. I poured the milk and cornflakes into a bowl. I took my phone from the sofa and and went to the table where I put my bowl. I sat on the chair checking my phone.

               I wanted to throw my phone into the dustbin. 18 missed calls from yesterday night followed by 11 texts from Mr. Arrogant. I groaned loudly. I threw my phone on the sofa again without even bothering what it read. I focused on my meal now. I was so hungry that my stomach was even started growling.

               I finished my breakfast and sat into the sofa. Just then I remembered tomorrow was Monday and I had to go to shoot! Darn! I forgot all the things. I had to read my script. The word script made me think of yesterday's events. How I was going to go to meet him and discuss the script! All went down. Forcing myself not to think anymore about yesterday I went to my room to grab my script from my purse.

              I took me an hour to finish reading my script. It was so refreshing. I never had heard about such a strong character. I was thankful to Mahesh Sir for giving me such a fresh character and believing in me. The script made my mind clear from yesterday's incidents.

               My whole day passed in a blink. I didn't do anything after reading just relaxed with a sour mood. Setting my alarm for tomorrow, I went in to the world of fairies.

               Tomorrow was the start of something new. The start with the person I hated the most right now.

I hope you liked the chapter. Thank you for reading.❤



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